Why Does None Of This Matter When All Is Said And Done

What does it matter whether or not homosexuality is a choice?

I think that what ever two consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. I do agree with you though, I personally think it's morally wrong. However, there will be a lot of people that will call you homophobic for voicing your opinion on this subject. No worries though, they are the ones who will eventually pay for their actions in the end. So I wouldn't worry about what they are doing. I would just try to stay on the path your on. Judging by the question you asked you have morals, congratulations thats a rarity in todays time.

Does religion matter in love? I'm a Christian. Will it be okay to marry a Hindu guy?

Will it be 'okay' is a very vague question.Will you manage to remain married/in love? Well I know exactly two Christian-Hindu couples. One couple failed to and divorced in a year, in spite of both families supporting their marriage. The other stayed together in spite of both families being opposed to their marriage, and are happily raising kids. So go figure! I guess there is no answer, other than 'depends on the individuals'.Will the marriage be be socially accepted? In India, most likely no. If you are in an urban area, you have a pretty good chance of being left to your own devices, but expect heavy frowning from people around you.Will the marriage be legally acceptable? Absolutely.Will it be okay from a religious perspective? Well I don't know of anything either in Hindu scriptures or in the Bible which specifically forbids marrying a person with a different religion, but expect to be heavily rebuked for your choice none the less.All said and done, if you can figure out ways to reconcile your religious differences and satisfactorily answer questions likeMarriage rituals? Both? Hindu? Christian? None?Kid's religion? None? Alternate weekends in temple and church? Hindu only? Christian only ?Food? Beef allowed in house? Only for the Christian? Religious observances? Do Hindu idols coexist with the Cross? No religious paraphernalia in the house? Both observe lent? Christian observes Lent? Neither are particularly religious? Each to his/her own?I think you have as good a shot at happiness as with a person from your own religion.

When your girlfriend says "I'm done" or "I don't want this anymore" does she really mean it? And is it best to give it time?

As a person with fairly great amount of experience in relationships, I can say the best thing in a relationship is calm, and stillness. The “rollercoaster” of emotions it’s exciting, but depending on how high you can be, that’s how low you can get too. With this in mind, maybe you’ve had great times with her, but every word counts at the end, counsciously or not. If she says that, she felt like that, were it only a second or not. If you didn’t end things right there it’s because you thing you can fix the relationship, so you go analyze that. But if I were you, I’d consider a cold-blooded “let’s finish this then”. You will get back if you really miss each other’s pressence, joy, conversation, feelings (not just sex/passion), but if you find yourself getting over it and feeling better with yourself when you’re without her, giving yourself enough time to do the things you love, then you were not in a good relationship either.

What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?

A couple of weeks before Christmas at 4am, my husband died of a heart attack, in my arms (they found out later he had a congenital heart defect) I had 2 toddlers, I was utterly distraught, he was, at that point the only man I had ever kissed, we were together from school days. Anyway Xmas eve I summoned up what little strength I had and caught a taxi to the bank to get some money for a couple of Xmas presents for my daughters and some food. A long story short, our account was frozen because his death was unexpected. I got back into the waiting taxi and broke down for the first time, it all poured out to a stranger.
Xmas morning at 7am we heard hand bells and looked out of the bedroom window (we were all sleeping together for comfort), There in the garden stood the taxi driver in a Santa suit, he had two small sacks of toys for my little girls, food, and some money. He gave them to us and left us dumbfounded, I'll never forget my daughters eye's, they were convinced he was 'The real Santa'.
I'll never forget his kindness and it colours how I see my fellow man.
What's the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?

My step daughter is always distant no matter how hard I've tried?

Her father and I have been married for eight years(she's 11). Her mother and him don't have a good relationship and her mother has worked very diligintly to make sure they have a minimal relationship. Any other father would of probably given up years ago but my husband is a good man and was persistant about seeing his child. I know her mother is to blame for the parent alientation but I had hoped that by the time my step daughter was this age she would be old enough to realize that Im not the wicked step mother her mother would like her to believe. I have always tried to include her in family trips, functions, etc. Whatever I buy my daughters, I always remember to buy her. I never introduce her as my "step" daughter just my daughter. Yet, she will barely speak to me, when she comes over she doesn't acknowledge me and even though my husband has made it clear that Im here to stay she refuses to try. Im at the point that Im ready to give up. Is that bad?

How do you forgive someone when you can't forget what they did or said?

Forgetting is an aspect of biology, forgiveness arises out of will. The two are not as inseparable as we'd like at times, but the first deals with memory and the second with the construction of a story. The strength of memory is in no small part determined by the depth of the emotional connection or saliency that the event in question possesses. Greater emotional weight, greater number of ways in which the situation touches upon our lives, the more the memory will last, built up again and again with every recall. Forgiveness is about a story though, the story of yourself. Forgiveness is not about the other person, it's about how you have taken in the false story embedded in that other person's behavior. In every hurt, every heartache, every betrayal, there is a story being written in our hears/minds that we should identify with the lack that any such suffering has given to us. We take in the false story of having deserved the pain due to some inequity in ourselves. None of it is true. No matter the number of times having gone down a similar road, the truth of our lives is not bound in any lack. A person's betrayal is not about our stupidity or foolishness, but what that says about how they look at us. We do not need to accept it. I've written before on this at: Forgiveness: A Virtue in Defiance of Common Sense and The Inner Projection of Forgiveness . I'll repeat a point I wrote there:We do not have to reside within the false notion of ourselves that broken promises are promoting. We can with time, practice and the love of those who see us as worthy of not being treated as such come to that same re-cognition of our worthiness and in so doing find forgiveness.

Why is Eminem the only successful white rapper?

Plenty of white rappers are successful...well depending on what you consider "successful"...

But Eminem probably has the best marketing team in's not too difficult to sell albums when your label puts in millions of dollars of marketing for the album.

Anyone know anything about the Chevy Volt.?

It is my understanding there will not be any volts made in 2013, or for that matter any more in 2012, I also was informed that almost all of the volts still on the road belong to the Federal government and are never to be parked indoors. My question is then if they are so safe and none have been recalled, why do all of them belong to the government except those the factory picked up after paying to have peoples house rebuilt from the fires.