Why Does Peacekeeper Hate Me

Am i an attention seeker?

I hate to say this, but you need to find some other friends to spend time with. I'm not saying you should lose these friends - you can/should remain friends with them if you truly care about them. However, only hanging around this group is not healthy for you. To your list of problems, you have added a form of mutual co-dependency. You have become co-dependent both upon them needing you, as well as needing them to show you attention.
As the old saying goes, a sick person doesn't get well around other sick people. I would suggest you find one or two new friends that possess a fairly healthy and well-adjusted mental state. If you enjoy being around other folks who take pride in their intelligence, then seek out other smarties to spend time with. Having healthy intellectual banter with those who can match wits with you feels good. However, if being the smarty of the group makes you feel good, you may find yourself more comfortable with some folks of average intelligence. There's no pressure to "show off" or compete with them like you would other smarties. With an average group, just knowing that you're the smart one of the group can make you feel good. Also, being able to help them with their more difficult homework can make you feel good about your own intelligence, as well as making you feel good about helping others.
In high school, my IQ tested at 148, so I know exactly what it feels like for others to have high expectations of you, and to be distressed about knowing you may never achieve those expectations. Thanks to both social and general anxiety problems, underachievement is my forté. I had excellent grades in school, but had no desire to go to college, where the pressure would be even worse. But enough about me, I just wanted you to know that I understood where you were coming from.
So, bottom line - don't abandon your old friends entirely, but do find some new friends to begin spending time with. And don't limit your source of possible friends - you may have to look outside your school to find people - local coffee shops, bookstores, clubs, etc.
Hope this was at least somewhat helpful. Best wishes.

Disadvantages of peacekeeping?


Why do I hate Capricorns so much?

Personally, I think it's the Libra. Not so much the Leo, Leos have a rep for hating on Capricorns but I also know a lot of Leos and Capricorns who are friends and sometimes dating. And I know 2 married.

But Libras and Capricorns just don't get each other I find... maybe that's it. And Mars signs for women is who they'll be attracted to, and yours is Libra there too.

And I'm a Leo and there are Sagittarius people that I hate and friendship should be natural there too so meh. You can't rely on astrology for everything.

Why is Canada always seen as the peacekeeping country?

We fought in both world wars longer than US did. We also fought in the Gulf War and Afghan War and supported US in the Vietnam War. We even helped in the 2011 military intervention i Libya. Why are we seen as the peacekeepers?

Are soldiers peacemakers?


The US Military provides support and humanitarian aid, security, and protection of critical shipping channels. They provide fresh water, medical and logistic support to areas of national disaster. They build schools, improve infrastructure. Their presence allows oppressed nations to experience democracy for the first time in their existence.

Don't let the media fool you--damn right their peacemakers.

Why has the three finger salute in The Hunger Games become the icon of resistance even though it means showing thanks, admiration, and good-bye to a loved one?

Symbols seldom retain their original meaning, and in the context of the events of the trilogy, the three-fingered salute is identified with acts of defiance against the Capitol, much like the bird mockingjay.The salute is an old District 12 tradition, recently revived at the Reaping of the 74th Hunger Games when Katniss volunteered for Prim. Instead of applauding the event, as they always had, the people of District 12 raised their fingers in defiance. Even more important is the time when Katniss made the salute after the death of Rue - again it was an act of defiance against the Capitol, because one tribute is showing love and respect to another, in a game where they were supposed to kill each other for entertainment.The three-fingered salute is now tied with Katniss - the Mockingjay herself - and the rebellion revolves around her because she was the spark that set the things in motion. During the Victory Tour after the 74th, the people of District 11 give her the salute, showing solidarity.See Also: What is the three finger sign that the Katniss and the people in the districts use? What's its origin?

Why did gale from hunger games get whipped?

because the new peacekeeper didnt allow jumping over the fence to hunt and he left the district to hunt just finished the series its sooooooooooooo awesome!!!!