Why Does Sam Feel The Need To Fight Lobsters In The Dead Of Night And Keep It A Secret

Why does sam feel the need to fight lobsters in the dead of night and keep it a secret?

He's 15 and he lies to me all the time like he says that he's going to the cinema when i try and make plans but he actually goes to beat up the lobsters again. I think the lobsters do get harmed because he's pretty strong. He sometimes talks to himself and whispers 'tonight. tonight I'll do it' and it's really creepy.

What dead or fictional famous person would be a great Quora contributor? Whether it be a president or character from film/literature, who could contribute great content? Why would that person be awesome on Quora?

Most definitely BATMAN .He knows about everything and to him every life matters .When he will be asked by Quora authorities to conform his ID and to create his official account  by taking a selfie, he won't. Instead one night when Adam D'Angelo is working in his office and feels a bit windy and goes to close the window and turns around, Woah! What's that? Oh yeah! BATMAN, and he says to him in his voice, "I am here" and without delay we will see his official profile on Quora.His bio would read: It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me. "I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman"Within five minutes he will have, like 100 million followers(on the other hand people on Facebook would have no idea of these events, because they don't know anything about Quora). Then we will see a deluge of question ranging from Who is Batman?, How much money does he make?, Is he gay?, Does he support Donald Trump for president? etc.. But he won't be answering them, none of them. So what's the point of him being on Quora? Well, when we come across those questions like How do I get out of an abusive relationship?, What should I do when I go home late from work and some men harass me?, and that is when the Caped Crusader steps in, with all his technology and knowledge he will trace the OP and take care of business for them without anyone knowing, to make sure they're safe. And  sometimes he would answer questions but only topics under Inspiration, determination, overcoming your fears.He won't be on Quora for fun or for upvotes or appreciation of any kind. He would be here for the sole purpose, the same reason he is there outside for. "To keep people safe"   Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.

What t.v show or movie was based on the fairmont hotel??

The 1983 TV show named "Hotel", which starred James Brolin.

If you were forced to watch the same movie every day for the rest of your life, which movie would you choose?

We are only forced to do some chores every day to survive and grow, like breathing, eating and drinking.If we have to add watching a movie to the list of our daily chores, it has to be a movie that reminds us who we are, why we are here, and what is the true meaning of life.There is a movie that I watch regularly. Not every day though. I recommended to friends. I talked about it and quoted from it. And sometimes I lend my DVD copy to others.I believe it is the perfect blend of everything. Story, characters, Message delivered, Actors and Actress performances.The actors who played the main roles in this movie are the legendary Jack Nicolson and Morgan freeman. This was their first and only movie together. Their acting was fascinating. Every word is a gem beautifully wrapped and delivered. The chemistry between the duos is unbelievable. Many relatable scenes and comments touched spots in my heart.Enough clues. The movie called:The Bucket List.It is about two people Edward Cole ( Nicklson), a Billionaire who stepped over many people on his way to achieve his goals and wealth and Carter Chambers ( Freeman) a car mechanic who gave away his personal dreams to support his family.They met at hospital room where they were treated for terminal cancer with few weeks to live.They both have opposite traits and values but they have two things in common: they both will die soon , and they have common bucket list.They decided to stop the treatment and pursue their common bucket list below:1. Witness something truly majestic2. Help a complete stranger3. Laugh until I cry4. Drive a Shelby Mustang5. Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world6. Get a tattoo7. Skydiving8. Visit Stonehenge9. Drive a motorcycle on the Great Wall of China10. Go on a Safari11. Visit the Taj Mahal12. Sit on the Great Egyptian Pyramids13. Find the Joy in your lifeOn their journey to cross out every item of the list, we learn how they spend their lives, their success and regrets , and the lessons they learned along the way.My favorite quote:When they sat next to the pyramids and talked about the two questions asked of the dead by the Egyptian gods at the entrance to heaven:“Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?”