Why Does Socializing Dertermine How My Day Was

Why do I feel anxious about socializing?

Did some thing happen whilst you were at somewhere as a child, or when someone came over? Think hard for a few minutes about your childhood. Did you get embarrassed? Did you have a fall-out with one of your friends? If nothing comes to mind, that's okay.

To reduce some of the anxiety, maybe you can tell your family members about it, because it helps when another soul knows this and they may be able to give you their ideas. Or you can do something you like doing before you go to your destination, or before someone comes over, (mine would be drawing, reading, riding horses - makes me relaxed) to calm you down.

You can just try to socialize as much as possible. Think of the things you're really interested in, like a favourite movie or hobby, and ask them what they think of it. That might be a good pick up line. Whenever I socialize with people and ask them a question, it usually leads to making great friends and what seem like endless amounts of talking and just having fun.

If you think it's getting out of hand, possibly see a therapist, and of course tell them your problems about anxiety.

I'm not really sure what else I can do for you. Hope I helped. Good luck. :)

What is the point of socializing?

why would anyone want to waste their time with someone they consider inferior or superior or at the same level? i really really dont understand. why would anyone want to look weak or strong?

depending on someone stronger is just a waste of their time. and depending on someone weaker is a waste of your time. having friends who are like you is a total waste of time.

why would anyone want to recall the day he/she gave someone a good advice?
why would anyone want to remember the day he/she declasse his/herself in front of someone?

plz no hateful comment. i'm just super curious. have been homeschooling for sometime. i really miss my school friends. but even in school i dont have that many friends.

How to stop my employees from talking and socializing too much during work hours?

Employee's are more productive when they are happy. Did you know that?

Employees have been proven to be more productive when they're happy, when they are allowed to take a 15-20 minute cat nap on their breaks, and when they are treated well.

If you want to operate your workplace like the KGB, go for it, but your turnover rate will rise, and your productivity will drop.

Increase productivity by offering incentives, ask yourself if the socializing is actually hindering their work flow or not. Most jobs today people can socialize and work at the same time. If they are wasting time around the water-cooler then gently remind them that you have no problem with the socializing as long as they are getting their work done too.

If you HAVE to say something about it, don't say anything, just give them added responsibilities. If they protest at the new responsibilities remind them of their unproductive socializing.

And honestly man, if you've got a really good employee who busts ***, but shows up 10 minutes late every day and maybe sneaks an extra bit for lunch now and then, Let him. Chances are he or she is one of your top producers and deserves the little extra. I was one of those employees at one time, and my boss took the exact opposite track with me and a good friend of mine (he was always a few minutes late, I took an extra break now and then.) Within 2 months of losing us, she was fired and the new manager asked us to come back.

If you have to be an *** and say something, do it when you see it happening, put a smile on your face, and try to bring it up like a joke. This let's them know you see them not working, without reprimanding them outright and spreading negative feelings through the office.

Finally, it's also been proven that people with office jobs need to spend 15 minutes away from the computer for every hour that they work to avoid health related issues like carpel tunnel syndrome, etc. They need to stand up, stretch, and find another work duty to keep them occupied for a little bit so they do not have trouble later on.

Why do some people not like talking and socializing?

I don't understand why some people like to be alone all the time. I really want to understand though. I have only had a handful of experiences in my life where i haven't wanted to socialize. I don't see how anyone could be introverted by choice. My guess is they're shy or too misrible from something or another. I just don't get it when people hate me because i never want to stop socializing or why it annoys teachers so much if we are done with everything in that class and everyone is just sitting around waiting for the bell to ring and start talking. Whenever i get homework and have time to do it at school i rarerly do because i would rather talk with people at school and wait to do it when i get home. Then i see people who just sit by themselves, rarely talk to anyone, just sit and listen to music, and i don't get how they can be happy with that. I'm not anyware close to well liked or popular and i used to have quite bad attention seeking problems(still do but not quite as extreme). Almost anyone i walk up to in my school has an "oh crap he's here" attitude whenever i get near them. I really enjoy listening to other people's problems (if you guessed i really enjoy browsing yahoo answers). It's like i can almost get it but then not really when it comes to understanding anti-social people. I really want to know why some people are anti-social in general.

Why do some people enjoy socializing? Why do you enjoy it?

I’m an introvert. I have autism. I hate smalltalk; I hate talking to strangers in elevators; and, if I’m at a party for more than an hour, I panic.Yet I love socializing. For me, that means spending time with one or two close friends, and it’s just as vital to me as partying is to many extroverts.There have been times in my life when I’ve been alone, friendless, for long periods, and they were awful—the darkest days I’ve known. Whenever that’s happened to me, I’ve tailspun into deep depressions. You wouldn’t guess that, if you saw me fleeing from a party. You’d think I’d be good at being on my own. But if more than a week goes by without a chance to socialize, I suffer.If I lost my eyesight, I’d survive. If my house burned down and I was homeless, I’d survive. If many people hated me, I’d survive. But I can’t imagine surviving without any friends—with no hope of ever having friends, again. Life wouldn’t be worth living.It’s hard to answer this question, because socializing, for me, is a basic need. Going without other people is, to me, like going without food. Or it’s like being locked in dark room without windows, with no access to fresh air or sunlight. So part of what’s good about socializing is simply not being in that horrible, lonely state.Plus, I need collaboration. There many experiences I can’t author on my own. There are many others that, while I can do them weakly, only bloom when I’m with friends. Jokes are more funny when I tell them to friends; Food tastes better when I share it; Great books and movies are much more thrilling when I can talk to others who have seen and read them.And if all I have are my own thoughts and feelings, I get in this really boring echo chamber. There’s no one to challenge me. There’s no one to come out of left field with totally unexpected ideas. There’s no one to build on my foundations and there are no foundations for me to build on.Finally, there are people I simply miss, if I go too often without seeing them. If I go a year without seeing John or Erin or Ian, it’s like going a year without seeing a tree—or without visiting the ocean. Seeing them is like gulping down a cool glass of water, after being parched for a long time.When I’m social with people I like, I look forward to hearing their stories and jokes—and to tell them my own. I get warmth from the comfort they give me, and I try to make them feel warm, too. I get excited about working with them on projects that I couldn’t complete on my own.

Why do people think that homeschoolers don't get socialization?

Well from experience, I was home schooled for most of my "school years" and no, I really had no social life, which has made it hard on me to this day. BUT the reason for this was my mother never felt like putting any effort into my schooling or social life for that matter...Now as an adult, I still plan on homeschooling my children for personal reasons and beliefs that are not important to this question...I plan on incorporating as much social, interactive programs with my children as possible...Homeschooling can be a great choice if you take into aspect all the important details, such as GOOD education, social interaction, and have an open mind...You don't want to raise a clone of yourself, the child NEEDS to think for his/herself....Also you need to be apart of the child's learning experience, my mother just sat me down at 8 years old and told me to watch a video and learn, I graded my own papers, I did my own progress reports, we lived near a post office, so I went and mailed the tapes back, I did basically everything....SO, if you are thinking of taking this approach, and you are a lazy ***** (excuse my stars) like my mother, than NO, I don't think homeschooling is the way to go, but of you care at all for your children and get them involved with as many educational activities as possible, than YES, by all means...GO FOR IT! Hope this helps and God bless!

Do you think your pet needs to socialize with other pets?

It depends on the pet. Dogs often like to socialize with other dogs, but they don’t need to. They’ll look to you for their primary companionship rather than other dogs.That said they usually have a lot of fun with other dogs and it’s great exercise when they play. Also, if you have to leave your dog alone a lot another dog can help them be less lonely, though it’s no substitute for your companionship (and then you’d have 2 dogs). Dogs are not wild animals. Humans are their pack, not other dogs.Cats do socialize with other cats, but they don’t seem to need to do so. Most seem equally comfortable either way, though some cats just don’t get along with some other cats. This is especially true if you’ve had a cat a long time and bring a new one home. Expect jealousy. This goes for dogs to though less so. But having 2 dogs who dislike each other in the same house can be a big problem.Other pets, I don’t know. Hope this was helpful.