Why Does This Happen To Me At Jobs And New Group Settings

Two crews were assigned the job of setting 900 fence posts. By the time the job was completed?

Two crews were assigned the job of setting 900 fence posts. By the time the job was completed, one crew had set only 7/8 as many fence posts as the other crew. How many fence posts were set by the faster group?

A. fewer than 425
B. between 425 and 449
C. between 450 and 475
D. more then 475

cus i do this 7/8=0.875 then i times 0.875x900= 787.5 so i got the fast crew doing 787.5 witch was ask for then if i take 787.5 - 900= 112.5 so then the slow crew did 112.5 but overrall answer is i got was 787.5

if you can give me a break dowe on how you would do this and solve for the faster group

I often freeze up in group settings, and rarely know how to start/sustain conversations with people I'm just meeting for the first time. How do I get better at this?

I always believed in working from inside out. Our outer actions reflect our inner worldview. If you have an overheated car engine, you don’t find something to cover the smoke that’s coming out. You get the engine fixed. We need to work on the source.When you freeze up in group conversations or talking with new people, the most common reason is probably not wanting to be rejected by people. Humiliation is one of the things that people dread to face. I’m going to assume that this is the reason and I’ll get into how to fill the awkward silence….First is dealing with rejection. Whether you like it or not, it’s going to happen. The more you are comfortable with the results, the less fear you will have. It doesn’t matter if this is in a social situation or not, you will get rejected in your lifetime, so might as well face it right now.It can be rejection from a job interview, someone you like, or party invitations. It doesn’t really matter. Learn to manage the outcome of your rejection, so you won’t be afraid of it in the future.Steps -- Experience your rejection.- Feel through and embrace the emotions until it naturally disappears.- Separate your value as a person from the rejection, because your self-worth isn’t dependent on being accepted.- Learn why the rejection happened and improve.As you work through this more, you will find yourself feeling more freedom to speak in front of others without thinking about how they will judge you.You have to work on the fear first, because when you freeze up, you literally can’t do anything.For sustaining conversations, if you have nothing to talk about, you will have to do homework! And you thought after you graduate, you’re done with homework forever. lol.In order to sustain conversations with complete strangers, you will have to research common topics that people within your group normally talk about. Read, learn, and constantly update on the topics so you can have a conversation starter. Good ones may be sports, current news, music, etc.To sustain the conversation you will have to make connections with the other person. Listen, connect, and respond to the other person. Make it your goal to understand the other person and express who you are.Visit me at augustus-self.comIf you are just beginning to develop socially, you might want to check out my social beginner’s course [Free trial videos!] or my newsletter [Top 3 Mistakes Made by Social Beginners]All changes begin with just a thought.

What is the saddest thing that happened to you in the last week?

Thx Matthew Laibe for the A2A.I'm currently in New Zealand. It's a great place to be.I pride myself on being very friendly and can meet a friend in a grocery line. However put me in a group and I feel like crawling in a corner, rocking back and forth, and inwardly crying. ESPECIALLY if those people in the group speak a different language and they go back and forth speaking their language and English. I feel like an outcast. Feeling like an outcast mostly when they are talking about stuff they did together, where they went, or inside jokes. Haha can't even laugh at that stuff cuz it's forced and not me just not me being phony.It's hard for me to loosen up in a group setting when I know damn well I'm initially not part of the group.Why is that? I've tried to give myself a pep talk prior BUT just can't.When I have someone over to my house I make a point to include everyone in the conversation. I refuse to talk about things that everyone can't join in. Because I know how they feel (ya think!)I'm meeting a bunch of new people in a few weeks, hopefully, yup that was me saying that. I've got to do something so I don't look like a jackass or someone wanting to stick myself in the corner and rock.That was as sad as it got for me. Might not seem much to some but when you're in that situation it's pretty sad for someone that feels left out.We'll see how it goes. I can't avoid this. One on one is great. One on ten is terrifying.

Why does setting artificial deadlines not motivate me to get my work done?

Artificial deadlines are exactly what they are. Held by no measure of punishment if they are not completed. Remember this. Your mind is inherently lazy. It does not want to do any work that it doesn’t have to. It does not want to do any work that it can push to another day.I have believed this more and more with studying motivation, but motivation is usually not a single person effort. Self-motivation is a great skill that you should work on, but it will never supersede the strong motivation that is built in a group setting. Groups are like the difference (sorry for the Chemistry terms) between a hydrogen bond (self motivation) and an ionic bond (group motivation). Almost all people have an inherent want for socialization.Your deadlines that you set must be set by something that you cannot control, cannot just get rid of the punishment, and cannot just accept. The fact that there will be negative attacks on you usually can motivate you to work harder.It is hard to find a group, but once you do, it will provide you strength for a very long time. Just pick people who are supporting the group motivation, not going against it.

Is it OK to stay on COBRA and decline group health insurance after getting a new job?

Actually, legally speaking you are ineligible for COBRA if you have access to another group health insurance plan with the only exception being that if the group health insurance plan available to you does not cover some item that your COBRA plan covers. Some common examples are infertility, coverage for autism, coverage for acupuncture/chiropractic, or limits on some type of coverage, etc.In practice no one really enforces this (as it's practically impossible) but there are companies that perform "eligibility audits" to try to kick pick off insurance that are not eligible and this is an area that they look at. So likelihood of actually getting caught is ~1-2%.

A good at answer to 'What can you bring to this company?' During a job interview regarding marketing.?

For your first interview, here is what you do.

Write down a list of your strengths on an index car and memorize them. This index card holds the message that you want to convey.

When asked a question, use your strengths from the card, as a foundation for your answer.

Answer in a 1)Feature 2)Example 3)Benefit format. IE:

Q:What Can you bring to this company
A: My ability to communicate and multitask many projects, while still doing a good job. An example of this is when I worked at the school paper and was able to work in a group setting while also completing the editing process. This will benefit the company, by allowing me to work on multiple projects and still do a great job.

Get it?
Feature (Multitasking)
Example (Newspaper),
Benefit (Multiple Projects).

Use this for almost all questions and remember, when they ask "tell me a little bit about yourself", they want to know about you with regards to the job, not about your personal life.

Keep your answers sussinct and ask good questions , have 3 ready for them.

My boss told me that when he interviewed for a job, he told them (as the interview closed) "I'm the best person for this job and if you do not hire me, you are making a mistake". HA! Can you imagine!?

When a scorpio man observes and analyzes you?

Sometimes he is hot and cold. Friendly and snippy one minute. Hes always analyzing me and telling me things about myself. I use to notice him starring at me from afar. We dont get see each other very often and when we do it is in a group setting bc of our job. Is he being friendly or is he attracted. Me being a cancer I feel he is attracted but I dont want to read to much into it. I just dont get people trying to analyze me so Im a little confused?

I have social anxiety and sweat profusely at job interviews, should I just be honest with them?

Well, did the sweating appear to offend the interviewer? If you think it went okay, maybe you will get the job, and after a while it will not be so intense once you get used to the enviornment. I do not have the sweating problem, but I did have a real problem with social anxiety at one time. I was the lead singer in a band, and a mortgage broker, and I was mortified of being on stage and meeting new clients or agents. It just took me time to get used to it all, and over the years it went away completely.

Best of luck to you.

Is sports medicine a hard job?

A Sports Medicine Physican career path is pretty difficult. They do 4 years undergrad with PreMed, 4 years Med School, and I think a 4 year residency (I wouldn't bet money on that number, but it sounds right).

"Is it easy to get a player to sign u as like ur doctor?" Physicians don't communicate in txtspk and they tend to be pretty forward and clear about things. Your sentence doesn't make much sense. I think you are asking about how to get professional athletes as patients, right?

Sports Medicine physicians don't just work with professional athletes. Most work in a multi-specialty group or orthopedic group setting. If your goal is to work with professional athletes, you would need to work with a group that treats athletes - usually they are team physicians for the ballclub or organization.

Edit: Yes, Sports Medicine is 4 years total. It's a 3 year residency in IM, Peds, or Emergency Medicine and then a 1 year Sports Medicine fellowship.