Why God Creat Planet For Us

Why did God create planets?

God didn’t create planets. God doesn’t exist.Planets formed from gas clouds, which got pulled together over millions and billions of years, until some of them solidified (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) while some other planets remained as gas giants; even gas giants feature a solid core (such as a huge diamond at the center of Jupiter); we just call them gas giants because their surface does not feature solid, unchanging areas.When asking “WHY”, people are usually looking for PURPOSE; however, that is not what is at play in our universe. Stars and planets, galaxies and wormholes - they are not here because of a PURPOSE; they exist because of fundamental (basic) properties of matter and energy - the forces and interactions between particles, the principles which we’ve uncovered and which we now call “The Laws of Nature” (such as the 1st Thermodynamic Law etc.). It is entirely possible that there are other universes with different laws, or that this is not the first universe ever. It’s OK to say “We don’t know”. It is NOT OK to lie to little children, scare them with horrible tales of eternal damnation in “hell”.Unless god demonstrates him/her/it-self, the correct position is “god doesn’t exist”. You do not believe in a teapot orbiting our Sun, so you shouldn’t believe in a white-bearded boogeyman punishing masturbation.

Why did god create other planets ? There must be a purpose for those planets out there. ?


Why did God create planets that are uninhabitable?

We don't really have proof that a god did all of this. The reason why many are so uninhabitable is because we evolved to live on this planet only along with many other organisms. There are some very hardy archaebacteria that could possibly live in some areas of the planets in our solar system,but the majority of organisms on this planet can't because they are suited for such an environment. If an organism evolved to live on the dunes of mars,they would die when being taken to the grasslands of earth. But the same can also be said for organisms on earth being transported to other environments on earth. Sure they have a better chance then a hypothetical extraterrestrial organism,but there are environments that these organisms will just not survive in,because they aren't suited.Another important note is that the universe just doesn't care about us. It doesn't give a shit. The universe doesn't even know we are here,it isn't conscious,and it doesn't work to our advantage. We better be lucky that in the previous extinction events on earth that some things still survived or we wouldn't be here. If a huge asteroid came and wiped Earth out,we would simply be gone with the wind,without a trace of us ever existing. If any life is out there,they wouldn't even know if they came across our solar system unless Earth manages to survive so some fossils or artifacts would survive. One thing to realize is that any moment,a star could have a gamma ray burst,and if it was angled just right,it would hit us many years later and completely sterilize this planet. We might end up having a couple seconds to live once we were hit but that would be it. The universe has many planets,and because of gravity the nature of these planets and how they form can be quite random. It's a one billion sided dice roll really. If we were gone the universe would keep going,time wouldn't stop,neither one of them are convenient for us,when they do end up being convenient for us it's just pure chance.

If God exists, then why did he create so many planets in our universe?

A simple google search will give you 300 billion stars in our milky way galaxy alone. Each of these have multiple planets orbiting, in most cases. This is evidence of life in outside our planet through sheer numbers and chance.

Why doesn't the bible speak of alien species? What is the bibles explanation of alien species?

Christians: Why would God creat all these unreachable planets and galaxies so far from the Earth?

You should have asked how there would be stars in our sky if it takes millions of years to reach Earth as well. Just to add to your stack or a question that will be torn to shreds in 3,2,1...

If God created the other planets in our Solar System, why didn't he create life there too?

How do you explain it? Do you know how, or better yet, why, it is that all matter in the universe began to spread out? How or why matter exists at all? And if we some day find out that some presently unknown subatomic particle(s) are responsible for the formation of all matter, then what? Where did they come from? People will have their own beliefs about this, but in the end, that's all they are: beliefs. Nobody was there, except the one that created it.As far as many galaxies, who knows? God doesn't bother mentioning the reason because, let's be honest here, it doesn't matter. So what if we find out the reason why there are billions of galaxies instead of just one? Is it going to effect the way you or I live our lives? Unless the reason gives solid and undeniable evidence for or against the existance of a creator, then it probably won't have much effect.Same goes for aliens. If God decided to make other races on other planets, why should he tell us? The Bible is the story of God's relationship with humans, not aliens.

Why did Earth have life but the other planet don't?

It is because Earth is really rare. God wanted Earth to be a very special planet. That is why God made Earth and us humans to exist and live on Earth.
Here are ways Earth is very rare:
-God created Earth
-God made us humans and animals
-Earth has the right temperature, not too hot or not too cold
-Earth has the right rotation period
-Earth has the right place in the solar system to support life
-We have oxygen,water, and other elements
That is why Earth is very special because God created the Universe and Earth and us humans and animals
Amen :)
Please answer mine ok