Why Is Breathing In During Inspiration Not Affected By Bronchoconstriction Asthma/copd

Can Albuterol be injected/pushed in IV? or only through nebulizer?

Albuterol can definitely be given IV, but it is not done normally. In this formulation it is called terbutaline. It is a beta-2 agonist. However, this is not done, because the side effects (hypotension, tachycardia) far outweigh the benefits.

Albuterol is given to a person with hyperkalemia, but it is not designed to immediately stabilize the cardiac arrythmia. You give IV calcium to stabilize the cardiac membrane. (This takes the person out of immediate danger) You also give insulin+ glucose (pulls K into cells), albuterol inhaled (also pulls in glucose), and finally kaexolate (lose K in feces)

I'm not sure what you are asking about h's and t's, if you post an edit I will help answer.

The causes of vtach and vfib are not the same as the causes for cardiac arrest, however they are related. It is cardiac damage that causes vtach/vfib, resulting from ectopic beats from damaged ventricular cells. Since the causes of arrest cause the damage, they indirectly cause the arrythmia, however they do not do it directly.