Why Is It Hard To Look At The Sunlight Right After Waking Up

Do you look ugly in sunlight?

when i wake up at 5am and the sun is not out yet i look great, but when i wake up at 6:40 and the sun is shinning bright through one of my bathroom windows, i look hideous is it just me?????

Poll: Do you hate sunlight?

Yes I hate it!! I get angry when I wake up & see sunshine. It pisses me off. I like dark & gloomy days & I love when my house is dark. The sun makes me want to vomit.

When you wake up in the morning and the sunlight hurts your eyes?

Not necessarily..only when its the weekend and I can relax and not have to rush to get ready.

How can I make a habit of waking up early in the morning?

For me, waking up early in the morning comes down to 3 things.Having good sleep hygiene.You can’t wake up early if you aren’t well-rested. So step one is get your sleep hygiene in order. To do so, follow these simple rules.Schedule Sleep – Don’t get up and go to bed at wildly different times each day. That messes with your body’s natural sleep cycles and makes it harder for you to fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.Don’t Sabotage Your Sleep – Avoid late-in-the-day caffeine from coffee, tea, energy drinks or sodas. Don’t take stimulants such as tobacco. Avoid heavy, greasy, or spicy meals near bedtime as well.Make a Sleep Sanctuary – Keep your bedroom dark, neat, and between 60 – 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t bring work, bills, or other stress-causers into your bedroom. Make sure your pillows, sheets, blankets and mattresses are comfortable.Work Hard, Play Hard. During the day, get physical exercise and sunlight. Both will set you up for a more restful sleep at night. Don’t take naps either, as they’ll have the opposite effect.Ease Into Bedtime – Have a glass of warm milk or read a book. Avoid the blue light emitted from electronic devices such as phones and tablets.Having a habitual morning routine.Have a nice morning routine that you enjoy and look forward to. Here’s my advice, but feel free to create your own.You can read more about my morning routine here: How to Have a Great Morning: 4 Steps to the Perfect Morning RoutineHaving a purpose in your life.You can’t be eager to get up early if there is no purpose in your life. I read a great quote last week that said something along the lines of “Successful people feel about Mondays like regular people feel about Fridays.” You should have something in your life that you damn well can’t live without. That you are hungry for. That you are excited about. Then you won’t have to drag yourself out of bed - you’ll be pulled out every morning by your passion.For more life tips, check out Improve My Life This Year

Is it normal for my cat to be afraid of the sunlight?

I'm sure your cat isn't "afraid" of the sunlight; all cats need the sun to shine on them to get their Vitamin D (that's why indoor cats like to lay around in sunny spots). Like the others have said, he probably sleeps all day and then goes out at night to hunt and explore. All my cats live indoors 24/7, but we like to let them out in the backyard for a few minutes to eat grass and run around a little. In the daytime they pretty much stay near the house and are easy to get back in, but when it starts getting dark, they sort of get "crazy" and want to stay out there and be chased. Needless to say, that's why we let them out in the daytime...don't want one of them to run away. So what your cat is doing is perfectly normal, although I would try to break him of his need to be outside as it is very dangerous for any pet to be out unsupervised.