Why Is Liberal Logic So Hilariously Stupid

Why do Conservatives call Liberals Stupid?

Cons can say Liberals are wrong but saying that they are stupid or illogical etc. is pushing ti a little. one must be aware, the average Liberal has more education and a higher IQ than the average Conservative. why is this?

Why do liberals politicize everything?

I hope that you take this answer as sincerely as I mean it. I am what many conservatives would immediately label as a liberal, even though I do not consider myself one, this is due to the fact that I am a Democrat. The reason that many of these people speak to you in such a manner is not due to their political leanings but rather due to the fact that they are human beings just like yourself. I too have experienced how rude and idiotic certain conservatives can be, and I too am tempted to believe that it is due to their ideology and mentality, but the more logical answer is that they are just over passionate about their stance. To liberals, the Republican, conservative agenda is destroying the fabric of their nation and their home, I have noticed that many conservatives feel the same way about the liberal agenda, that it goes against their values and their way of life. This is merely a side effect of the love we both share for this great nation, and the sad and dangerous thing that people seldom realise is that this type of bickering between the same sides that love this country the same amount, does'nt lead to good or healing of the country, it just leads to the slow division and death of this country. I also have felt the same way that you do, as if there was something inherrently different about "the other side" but that type of thinking is really just self defeating. Sure there really are probably statistical and social differences in both camps, but what brings us all together is the fact that if we care enough to argue or even insult each other over this country, the fact still remains that we both care. So there are always going to be people that are not civil and not polite, but it really is true that for one of those people, there are ten others that just want to hear the other side of the arguement.

Liberals are absolutely insane. When did it get like this ? I used to be a Liberal, but give me a reason to remain Liberal ?

Left wing logic nowadays

Person : "I support LGBT rights"

Left wing radical : This is so prejudice. Why only include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ? Do you not acknowledge pansexual, skoliosxual, a-sexual, questioning, genderqueer, genderfluid, gender non-binary, a-gender, bi-gender. You bigot!!

Person : I understand that many Christians are bigoted and there are a lot of extremists and fundamentalists.. but we spend a lot of time criticizing them. What about fundamentalist Muslims ?

Left wing radical : Oh my God.. this is so Islamophobic. You know not every Muslim is a terrorist. How dare you even suggest we start acknowledging the threat of Islamic extremism.. bigot!!

Person : I think all lives matter. Regardless of skin colour. We're all people

Left wing radical : No, only black lives matter. White people are not allowed to be proud of their race.. only black people. If you dare question this.. you're a racist

Person : I dislike Obama

Left wing radical : It is indisputably because he is black. This makes you a racist. How dare you question Obama ?

This is quite literally what Liberalism is becoming. It's sad because I used to actually be quite staunchly Liberal.. but I can't deny, it's getting ridiculous.

How come no Liberal debates their ideas but instead use ad homenims to attack their opposition?

Yellow, just look at the answer from I Drink for your proof.

Basically this person says they use logic, then proceeds to insult Conservatives. Read this persons answers to other questions and you'll see more evidence.

I would submit that many liberals who lack the abililty to put the passion of their position aside and reasonably debate a position on it's merits turn to personal attacks. Of course that's a generalization but liberals are generally more likely to resort to a personal attack when their attempt to be logical falters.

EDIT: You asked for evidence, I showed you that you don't have to go very far to find evidence. Of course the questioner is being too wide sweeping in their claims but the point is not invalid.

EDIT2: You're in fact being very logical. I choose to overlook the fact that the questioner is wrong in their wording and look at their intent. It happens here all the time and from every quarter. Otherwise we'd spend all day correcting grammar and spelling.
Besides, you asked for evidence, not proof.
I really didn't intend to even answer this ridiculous question until I saw the other replies.