Why Is More Government A Good Idea

Is A Global Government A Good Idea Or A Nazi Idea?

At first, I thought it was a good idea until I looked into it alttle further. The leaders of this New World Order plan to turn us into a slave race for the enjoyment of the vastly wealthy. Because there are too many people in the world for them to manage, they plan to depopulate us. Connect this thought to the belief that AIDS was invented in a laboratory and given to poor people in Africa with their free innoculations. Don't believe it? A British pharmaceutical company has all ready been caught doing this very thing. Biological warfare can be used on any us, by our own government at any time.

What is your idea of what a good government is?

Thanks for the A2A...A good government is one that serves its people. Plain and simple. Citizens United is the worst Supreme Court decision of my adult life. That being said, the best government is one that is pragmatic and admits when they have made a mistake.The War on Drugs is a good example of bad policy that had enormous unintended consequences, so why are we still fighting it? -$$$Government should foster the well-being of its citizens and its economy. This can be done without gross free-market intrusion. It should ensure its people are fed, that they are educated, healthy and that business is done in a respectable manner. It should ensure that all of its citizens have a voice. It should let the free market decide instead of just pretending to. It should nurture small business instead of stifling it. It should ensure that citizens don't go bankrupt because they get sick. It should present the facts from experts instead of nurturing lies. It should ensure equality. It should ensure that everyone has the same opportunity regardless of their wealth. It should protect our natural resources. Freedom. Opportunity. General welfare. Defense.

Is it a good idea for governments to try to encourage women to have more babies?

There are so many layers to this issue that a simple yes/no answer will eventually contradict itself.  From a macro (governmental) point of view, there are various reasons why a given state would encourage or discourage more babies.  China has about 21% of the world's population and less than 8% of the world's arable farmland.  Restraining population growth was in its best interests 30 years ago (one-child policy), but now these single children normally have 2 parents nearing retirement age and 4 grandparents well past their working primes.Industrialized countries are finding that their educated women choose to start families later and have fewer children.  Educating our daughters is one of the surest ways to put a brake on the country's population growth- no judgment should be inferred here; this is a simple statement of fact in all countries where girls' and women's education demonstrably increased in the last 3 or 4 generations.I live in a quickly graying society.  We need 21 live births per 10,000 people per year to maintain the current national population.  The last time we had this birth rate was the late 1960s; it has recently fallen below 15 babies/10,000 people/year; fully 1/4 of the country is too old to be gainfully employed.  The national pension scheme has real challenges staying solvent as a result.On the other side of the coin, there are countries in the world that see high population growth as desirable, and others that choose not to discourage growth.  Many of the old Warsaw Pact countries encouraged growth before 1989 and the end of that Second World System.  Pakistan and India seem to feel that larger populations are one way to achieve state security against each other.  Something like 30% of Iran is under 25 years old.  A number of countries with Muslims in less than overwhelming majorities are seeing surges in Muslim birth rates: Indonesia, the Phillipines and NW China are prime examples.  And Nigeria will probably pass the US in population before a generation passes.

Would you support the idea of a world government?

No, it's a terrible idea. What if that government got corrupt, had bad intentions, etc. Which other government is going to oppose those actions of the world government? Which other government is going to question it? None, because there are none.To make this question more concrete: what if there was no opposition to the Nazi government? Which countries would have fought them? Where would refugees flee to? None, because there are none.There's a concept in diplomacy called the balance of powers. The different powers keep each other in check. The U.S. watches Russia and vice versa. They keep each other in check, and also compete, which keeps the world vibrant. What if there was no opposition to the communist Soviet Union? We could have gone back to the stone age, metaphorically speaking.

Is more government regulation of business a good idea?

In general I think the answer is "yes". It seems that the rich in this country have convinced a lot of the poor that less regulation and taxes is "good for them". Which is totally insane if you think about it.

A large part of what caused the 2008 financial collapse and recession is lack of government regulation over banks. That's not to say it's 100% "the banks fault either". There's a lot of fingers to be pointed around at this last recession. People got loans that had no right to be getting them. Then were house flippers and other clowns we could point our fingers at.

The long and the short of it though is BANKS played a huge role in the collapse. Why/how you might be asking? It was a lovely system based on greed as far as the banks were concerned. Banks would loan out money to people with little to no money (sometimes people that they knew couldn't pay it back just with their income alone).

Why did they do this? For years the real estate market was going up, so people would simply sell the house for 20, 30, 40 50 thousand plus more than they bought it for a couple years later. The person that bought it would pocket a nice 20 thousand and the bank would pocket money too all on the expectation that the real estate market would "never go down".

The banks and everyone involved in housing were all getting rich off a bubble that would someday collapse.

Of course regulations needs to be placed on banks so this kind of thing won't happen again.

Of course the housing market debacle is just one example of businesses getting away with way too much. Food as you point out is another issue. Companies seem to be able to do all kinds of sick things with our food and then without very much accountability.

I joined Youth and Government today, any good ideas for debate topics and bill proposals?

I am new to this club. I'm a 11th grade high school. I joined for two reasons. I need more clubs based on government and my girlfriend joined it. I live in NY and I need debate topics on anything locally, statewide, nationally and internationally. Please, my gf is really into this and I wanna show her I like her, that I'm also interested and know more about government and the world issues overall. Thank you