Why Is My Dog Mean And Bi-polar

Help my dog is acting bipolar?!?

So my dog is a pug/chihuahua mix she is 3 years old and recently she's been acting out aggressively. For example especially with her lamb-chop bone whenever she has it near her and I approach her she eyeballs me and goes for it even though she wasn't interested in it. She thinks I will take but I don't ever do that. And it gets bad sometimes I will approach her all sweet and cuddly and she snaps and nips me on the lip or hands but the funny thing is after she snaps at me she comes over and has her head bowed trying to cuddle with me as if she feels sorry. I try to scold her when she starts growling at me but she become more aggressive. What's wrong with my dog? She's never behaved this way.

My dog is bipolar? Whats wrong with my puppy?

Dogs do not have bipolar disorder. He has little dog syndrome. He thinks he's King Poop on top of Turd Mountain and letting everyone know it. Biting your brother when you are petting him is aggressive and territorial. He also sounds like he's fear aggressive. Your dog isn't having "mood swings", he is unbalanced and severely lacking in discipline and boundaries, probably exercise as well, with an overabundance of affection.

1. Step one, have him neutered ASAP if he isn't already
2. Go to obedience class
3. Be the pack leader. Treat him like you would treat a 200 pound dog
4. Take him for walks. Long ones. This is a disciplined pack activity that he needs daily.

Why have I been so mean lately?

Sometimes the littlest things piss me off. Even my own girlfriend can piss me off. When I get mad, I'm a big asswhole and most of the time , I end up saying sorry later. But why? I feel like I may have some bipolar issues but how am I sure ? I can be super nice , then change my mood in a minute. Are there ways to handle this? I feel mean, I'm 17, I shouldn't be acting this way. And people tell me I'm mean, and I just tell them to deal with it. But no one will like me if I'm mean. How can I change to make myself a better person

Can dogs "sense" a bipolar person going through mania?

This is sort of a two-fold issue.

Dogs are definitely sensitive to human behavior and especially if the dog knows you I would expect it to react to a definitive change in behavior. There is some weak evidence that they can detect changes in body chemistry though smell but I'd be wary of putting too much credence into that since behavior is likely enough to account for much of it.

On the other side, when you're experiencing mania you're more likely to see the world a little differently, maybe placing more emphasis on the dogs behaviour than you normally would or being overly paranoid that you are the cause of the animals behaviour.

So watch out for that too.

Can diabetes or bipolar disorder be the reason I’m mean, or is it because terrible things happened to me as a kid?

YOU decide what you do. Neither diabete nor past traumatism can remove you this ability. Bipolar is more serious, though, as it can hijack your brain. So:first, always take the meds which were prescribed to you. Because if you forget them… you lose control on yourself. Use tricks to remind you, like alarm clock, post it, app in your cellphone, etc. so as never to forget them. If they have unwanted effects, ask your psychiatrist if he can do something. If not… accept the challenge. I give this advice from experience: I knew a bipolar lady. She was fine under med, and you won’t remark anything odd. But one day she decided that she did not needed meds… only some days after she had to be forced into an institution. She messed her life and lost her friends.if you feel a desire to harm others, meditate to correct this. Drugs cannot do that for you. And people are not reponsible of what was done to you as a child.Alway abstain on commenting on what others do or are, their actions, names, etc. You may think it is true or smart, but it is most often useless. Don’t even try to outsmart them in the definition of what is mean. I know a bipolar (another one), she is always saying bad things, that only her thinks are true. So not saying anything is the only solution. You can also meditate that you are respectful of others.

Can you trust a person with bipolar?

It depends what you mean when you say, "trust." If you mean that a person will do what they say they do, then perhaps not so much. Bipolar people, especially when manic, are more likely to think that they should follow their own rules, and those rules may not include telling the truth all the time. Normal people are like this, as well, but I would guess that bipolar people are slightly less honest.On the other hand, if by "trust," you mean predictable, then bipolar folk are not really different from anyone else. That is, their behavior is predictable, no matter what they say. You can predict what a person will be like when depressed or manic, and in that sense, you can trust them to behave as a bipolar person would. You can trust them insofar as you understand the patterns of behavior of a bipolar person.I want to say more about the dishonesty of bipolar folk. The thing is that there is a stigma in society against people with mental illness. This means if a mentally ill person doesn't trust you, they will probably be more likely to lie to protect themselves. This is especially true if they have been behaving in ways that society does not approve of, such as spending more money than they have, or stealing things, or any of the other improper things that mania might make them do.Since bipolar people have done more to be ashamed of, they will lie more often than normal people do to protect themselves. If lying makes you not trust a person, and bipolar people are more likely to lie, then you would be more likely to mistrust someone who is bipolar.Depending on your concept of trust, bipolar people are either less trustworthy or as trustworthy as normal people. If you think trust means predictability, then bipolar folk are equally predictable, assuming you know things about their patterns of behavior. However, if you think trust means that they don't lie or cheat or do you wrong, then bipolar people are less trustworthy, but they have a good reason to be that way. In general, they are stigmatized for being mentally ill, and they need to deny their illness if they are not to be discriminated against.

My dog is like bipolar! help and advice pleasee!!?

Sorry but sarahsnow is completely wrong. if hes a year he's almost grown out of the puppy stage and silliness. This behavior is extremely dominant and aggressive especially for a younger dog. If he's biting your bf when you kiss then he is being possessive of you. He will not grow out of that, it will only get worse if not treated. I'm sure he's not attacking your other dog for no reason, dogs use there own body language to communicate and if you, as a human, don't understand it a lot of small but important behaviors will be overlooked.
But don't think he will grow out of it. He will not! It will get worse. You need a professional. Call a dog trainer near you and get to work!
As for him being afraid of loud noises, perhaps he was abused at one point. Or not socialized well. You can help him get over this with proper training.

How can I certify my dog as a service dog for bipolar disorder?

The previous answer glosses over some things I believe need clarification.An emotional support animal (ESA) is not the same thing as a service dog (SD). ESAs provide support simply by being present. But, making you feel better is NOT considered a task to mitigate a disability. As such, ESA handlers do NOT have public access rights. That means ESAs cannot go into areas where pet animals are not allowed. ESAs do not have to be task trained or obedience trained. Taking an untrained dog into public places puts a huge amount of stress on them and may cause them to behave inappropriately. This puts them and trained SDs at risk.If you live in the US or Canada, there is no such thing as certification or registration for service dogs. In order to be a service dog, the handler must have a disability, the dog must be task trained in tasks that mitigate the disability and must also be housebroken, under good control and not cause undue disruption to the business (by barking, seeking attention or otherwise misbehaving). The sites who claim you need paperwork or registration are a scam, pure and simple.The tasks the dog does must actually mitigate the disability in meaningful ways that can't be more practically done in other ways.I've done similar explanations in other answers and I feel like a bit of a broken record but I'll keep saying it until people don't confuse the two and until they stop falling for the scams

Is my pitbull puppy bipolar?

No, your dog is not bipolar. I agree with catwings. Your dog was seperated at too young an age and did not learn any social skills. You have what could eventually become a level 10 dog. You should consult with an animal behaviorist abou how to handle him. In the meantime look for these signals and leave him alone if he shows any. They are generally in a sequence.
Lookin away: when you walk towards, talk to, or look at your dog and he turns his head he is telling you be doesn't wan to be bothered.
Tap out: this is very similar to rolling for a belly rub, but I is still different. If he rolls to the ground slower than normal (rather than just plopping down, he seems to go one vertebra at a time) when you Ty to pet him he doesn't want to be touched.
Freeze: these can be hard to see for people who don't know what to look for. The dog will stop moving for just a split second and hen start again. This is a warning and this dog can and will bite if you don't stop what you are doing. If the dog is panting, often his mouth will close. This is he easiest way to tell.
Whale eye: if your dog is stressed and suddenly you can see the whites of his eyes GET AWAY. This dog is about to bite, especially if this is accompanied with a freeze.

Agian, talk to a professional about his behavior. Look into Sarah kalnajs' the language of dogs, and good luck

Also it sounds as if he suffers from separation anxiety.