Why Is My Housetrained Dog Peeing In The House All The Sudden

Why is my housetrained dog all of a sudden pooping in the house?

He is 3 years old, house trained for most of that. Until Recently: we were asked to watch a 6 week old puppy and it turns out the owner changed her mind and didn't want him after 6 months. And we couldn't keep him. the dogs didn't really get along..puppy wanted to play, and my dog wanted to sleep..So we found him a home. And my dog has been pooping in the home when everyone is asleep.. He only eats once in the morning. If i feed him more he wont eat it. I thought maybe he missed the lil guy but they didn't always get along.

Why is my housetrained dog peeing in the house?

First, if the dog is peeing THAT much in the house., he isn't housebroken.

If you can't keep him under direct supervision, then I suggest you put a belly band on him when he is not crated. If you do not have access to a pet store that has these in stock, you can make one with a hand towel, lined with a feminine napkin. You just pin it around his tuck, covering his penis. If he urinates while it is on, it will be contained in the pad.

You need to make sure all traces of urine are cleaned up with an odor neutralizer cleaner. If a dog can smell pee ... they will return to mark in the same spot over and over again.

You really need to supervise the dog closely, and if you catch him in the act - then you have to CLAP your hands LOUD and say NO (in the voice of God) to stop him from peeing, and take him out immediately and have him finish outdoors. When he does, you praise him and give him a treat and tell him what a wonderful dog he is!

You need to keep a collar on this dog all the time, so you can catch him and take him outdoors if he starts urinating inside the house. But I would keep a belly band on him when he is not being supervised until he understands that he is not to mark and urinate inside your home. Of course, you have to take it off of him when it is time to take him outdoors to potty.

Also it is very helpful to have the dog on a strict schedule of feeding times and turn out / walks to eliminate. He should never have to tell you he has to "go out" ... he should know that he will have the opportunity to empty at set times each day. Dogs thrive on schedules.

If the dog is Thunderphobic, then speak to your vet about medications to ease his fears if you do not have the time to work through this with your dog.

Housetrained dog suddenly peeing all over house?

Sounds to me like she's mad and has her feelings hurt about the bedroom situation. Especially when you said that she did it right in front of you.
She probably is feeling neglected now, even though you probably haven't changed the amount of petting that she gets. Sometimes dogs can be very sensitive and you may need to give her a whole lot more love and petting, especially right before bedtime.

Our dog got mad at us because we had a friend come over and house sit for us while we went on a weekend trip. She knew the person who was there and loves her to death, but when we got home, we got the cold shoulder treatment for about two days. She would let us pet her if we went over to her, but she wouldn't come to us and lay in our lap like she always did before. After awhile though, she got over it and went back to her same "love sponge" self.
We also had the problem of breaking her from sleeping in the bed with us. It wasn't a problem for her to be there, but she got so big that she was literally pushing us out of the bed off both sides - major bedhog! It was just like training a child to stay in their own bed and out of yours, she did not like it at first and we went through some major fits with her before she finally got the message. Now she only gets to sleep with us when it's really cold, but since we live in Florida, that's only a couple of weeks out of the whole year.

Good Luck!!!

Why is my dog peeing in the house all of a sudden?

She's 4 and is house trained, but she's been peeing in the house a lot lately. 4 times we've known about in the past couple of days.

My boyfriend and I found a stray pup 2 weeks ago, and he's about 8 weeks old now. We're working on potty training him, but of course he's had his share of accidents around the basement. We don't just leave him there alone, to be clear. We live in a basement :b

Anyway, could the pup's scent have something to do with why she's been peeing in the house a lot? We (well, I) try to clean the urine as well as possible, but I'm sure I've missed spots before.

Housetrained puppy, peeing & pooping in the house all of a sudden. What is wrong?

If your apartment complex doesn't allow pets - then do not HOUSE HER in that location. (You WILL be found OUT.) You may be booted out - instantly or told to get RID of the dog.

Your vet would have to rule out a health problem (like a urinary tract infection) but separation anxiety (can develop at anytime, but esp with a housing change) can also cause a dog to begin to potty indoors. Again, best for her to return to your parent's home where she can be watched more closely, will have more companionship & can go out more often than ONLY twice a day (which is criminal, IMO).

Why is my dog all of a sudden peeing in the house?

My dog Lace well she doesn't like it if there stress in the house or if her daily routine changes allot then she will pee in the house. One time all was fine no change in the house but she had a bladder infection and she would just pee but that was mostly in her bed.She had to take med for 3 months.

When you take your dog outside make sure you stay with her and make sure she pees before coming back in the house. If she doesn't bark to go outside maybe get a bell that she can ring to go out. That was another problem we had. it's not that hard to teach them as long as there treats. the bell is on a string tied to the door nob.


5 years is still a little young for bladder problems but have him checked by the vet just to be sure. Clean the area with an enzyme based cleaner. If there is not physical reason for his accidents than you will just have to start from square on with house training. I highly recommend crate training. You also need to find out what is bugging him. Dogs wont usually just go in the house for no reason. There must be something scaring him or has his routine changed? Look over everything and see. Even a change in diet, water, or new toys could upset a dog enough that it will go in the house.

Why is my house trained dog peeing in the house and drinking a lot?

My 10 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback has all of a sudden started peeing in the house. She has been house trained her whole life so we know it's not training problems. Basically, She drinks some and goes to lie down. Five minutes later there is a little puddle in her dog bed or on the carpet. She doesn't even get up to pee. It's kind of like she doesn't know she's peeing. Then, after peeing she gets right back up and goes to drink. This process happens mainly at night and can happen almost every couple minutes. It came on quickly; one day she was fine and the next she was constantly peeing. Could this be a UTI or a brain tumor? Maybe diabetes?

Why is my house trained dog all of sudden pooping in the house?

My 6 1/2 month old puppy has been completely house broke since he was 3 1/2 months old. My boyfriend and I moved out of our apt. at the end of june and he moved back with his mom and I moved back with my parents and our other dog for a temporary period. Its been 3 weeks that we have been out of the apt. And the little guy did just fine until recently he has decided to start pooping in the house. It has been very hot here and we thought maybe he just didn't like the heat but he'll go pee outside then want to come right back in. We can even walk around outside for 20 min and he won't go but he'll come back in and do it. We have caught him only one time and disciplined him then took him outside to finish and he wouldn't go. Two hours later he went inside after we had just taken him out 5 minutes prior. We blocked off the rooms he was initially going in hoping that would deterr him from going in the house but it didnt . He just found new places to go. This has been going on for about a week now and we are at our wits end. What can we do to stop this behavior?