Why Is My Kitten Biting Her Sisters Neck While Napping

Why do my cats start licking and then biting each other?

If they start out with licking, chances are they are playing. The reason is that cats that do not like each other, will not groom each other.But if the biting doesn’t look like they are playing, then it could be one of the cats gets annoyed with the other and wants it to stop with the grooming, so it turns into a little wrestling match to end the encounter.You will know if they are playing if they both seem to be equally participating and there isn’t a lot of yowling or hissing. But if one angrily bites the other and keeps trying to get away, then it’s possible the other cat just hasn’t learned to take the proper cues for when grooming time is done and the biter is sending a stronger message that says “leave me alone now!”It is possible they are trying to work out which one of them is the dominant cat in the house. The dominant cats should receive more grooming from the submissive cat…perhaps they are not in agreement yet on who is who. If that is the case, they will work that out soon and it is not something you are able to vote on. Just make sure they aren’t actually hurting each other but otherwise just let them do their thing.

Why does my cat bite my neck when I'm sleeping?

I believe she wants attention. Cats usually bite when they want your attention. When this happens try to pet her.

My cat sleeps with me. When my alarm goes off she smack my in the head with her paw and bite my head only when the alarm goes off.

Good luck mate.

Why does the mother cat keep biting her kittens?

Unless she is actually harming them, drawing blood, leaving puncture, or picking on one in particular, there is nothing to worry about. The mother will discipline her kittens, and she also teaches them things, like how to hunt, body language, etc. Also, a mother cat will carry her kittens by the neck. I once had two cats who gave birth close together. They shared their kittens, accepting whoever wanted to nurse. And if one was busy nursing, and a kitten wandered away, the other would bring it back, even if it was the other’s kitten.

Why is my male cat biting other kittens on the back of their necks (with no intention of killing them)? Does he want to leave them his mark or something?

As others have mentioned, it could be several things.  If he bites the neck and picks the kitten up, he is just carrying the kitten away, and it is a sign that he is the dominant cat, and is taking care of it, and moving it to safety. If he bites and holds, if he chomps repeatedly in the same location, he may just be exerting dominance. If he bites and also growls or kicks/scratchs, he may just be playing. I have seen my cats bite in various locations without being serious, or they will get pretty rough and tumble at times as well. But nothing like the sounds of the neighborhood cats fighting that I hear outside. It sounds like that is probably the range of possibilities if you can tell he is being gentle enough not to harm them.

Why does my cat keep bringing her kittens to my bed? I let her stay with them on my bed, but I wonder why. She had a lot of pillows and sheets on her bed, why bring them to mine?

Cats are very social animals, just in a different way than dogs or humans. I always had dogs when my cats had kittens and the same thing repeated itself again and again. People had told me that the mother cat would find some inaccessible place to have her kittens because there was a dog around. Our cats always trusted our dogs enough to have their kittens in our bedroom closet or somewhere similar where the dog could have easily gotten at them. We observed our to-be mommy and my wife laid out sheets and blankets at the places the cat was exploring. She eventually chose a spot and had the kittens in front of our eyes with the dog also present. As soon as a kitten came out and was licked clean, we picked it up and let our dog smell it and lick it.After about a week, the mother moved her kittens a short distance to another spot, also easily accessible. Our dog usually helped with the move. It is quite a sight to see a 64 Kg Landseer walk by with a kitten in its mouth. When they were really little she would carry them between her teeth rather than by the scruff of the neck.In this way cats had their “pride”, dogs had their packs and humans had their communities. Our dogs even took the kittens out and taught them how to hunt. Cats are very adept at fitting themselves into a social situation or, often, fitting the social situation to themselves. Our cats never brought their kittens into our bed, because that was the dog´s territory. They respected that. Later the older kittens would jump onto the bed when baby sitting services were needed.

Why do my kitten suck on my puppy's neck until he goes to sleep, both are boys.?

Your kitten was taken off its mother too young. Your puppy is its surrogant mum, its a comfort thing that its expressing. i had a kitten that did the same thing only he did it on me! we found it at a refuse site and you could hold him in the palm of your hand. his is now a monster of a cat and eventually grew out of it.

Why does the mother cat bite and hit the very young kittens when she gets over excited?

She isn’t actually biting and hitting them, nor is she over excited. Rather, she is teaching her kittens. :-)When she ‘hits’ them with her paw, it means ‘stop that’, ‘calm it’, ‘don’t do that’. The kittens get the message, and will probably change their behaviour, and after a few times, won’t do it again. (You may observe the cat mum doing this when the kittens are over exited, and their rambunctuous behaviour gets on the mum’s nerves.)Biting isn’t really biting… it’s a gentle nipping. Sometimes it’s part of the grooming process and a form of caress, similar to the mum licking her kittens. At other times, the mum uses ‘biting’ to direct the kittens in the direction she wants them to move. She may ‘bite’ them at the back of the neck (which isn’t really a bite, it just looks like it to humans), lift them up and carry them where she wants them to go. For example, she may carry them to a warm safe place for sleeping, or to the litter tray. This is part of the training the mum gives her kittens.I hope this helps. :-)

Why does my cat bite the others neck when he's bathing him?

When the 1 cat is bathing the other he will then bite him on the neck then lick nicely again, & bite again. The other cat don't mind it. It's almost like a soothing thing maybe? They get along very well I can tell it's not a mean thing. Why do they do that? The 1 cat that is not really cuddly will cuddle w/u when he thinks u r sleeping now all the sudden he will cuddle w/my husband & then bite him on the arm or neck (not really hard but enough to surprise you when ur not expecting it :) Is it a form of affection or something that their mom used to do? Thanks!

Why does my younger cat bite my older cat on the neck?

He might be scared of the older cat or hate her this always happens to our cat this is what we do this is not abusive!

We let them fight then they'll get along with each other this ALWAYS happens if that doesn't happen then maybe that cat of your's might have a Disorder or something take them to the vet to see the problem!

-Hope i helped!!!

Why does my kitten sleep on my neck and rub her head on my face.?

I have a kitten that I adopted from the Animal Humane Society. Found out she was hand fed since she was born. She is the best kitten I've ever had, so loving and kind. But for some reason she loves to wake me up at 4:00 AM every morning by rubbing her face in mine, she tries to lick my lips, and rubs her face on my chin, cheeks, lips, and lays right on top of my shoulders stretching across my neck. Why is this? Every time I move her away she keeps coming back. One night she will do this to my fiancee the next night it will be me and it's usually at 4:00 AM every morning.