Why Is My Lower Cheek Near My Neck Hurting

When Blowing a Balloon, why does it hurt on my face under my ear (on both sides)?

If you are blowing up many balloons by lung power and puffing out your cheeks, you are stretching tissues in that area that are not used to being flexed that way, at least for an extended period of time or repeatedly. Pay attention to see if your lower jaw is extending when you are puffing away, as this may contribute to the irritation or soreness. To treat this, STOP blowing up balloons with your mouth and get an electric blower made to inflate balloons.

I have a lump on my lower butt cheek and it hurts, what could it be?

It is probably an infected hair follicle, abscess or cyst. It will likely cure itself. Warm baths (especially with epsom salt may help. Think of it like a zit, but on your butt. If it doesn't go away in like a week or so, you might need to go to the doctor to get it checked out.

Side of neck hurts near jawline and ear?

When you have an injury like that you end up with muscles tight in your neck and it's like they lock the pain there and it remains until it's released. Pain killers seldom do much to help these types of pains. When your neck was going one way and your body the other is when things tightened up in your neck. Here is how to release your neck muscles to get rid of that pain:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your head. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. After 45 seconds, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
With your neck in the lowered position, replace your thumbs in under the ears and your fingers behind your head but right next to your skull this time. Press your fingers and thumbs together again and hold. Relax your body while waiting. When the muscles have all released, slowly lift your head until it’s level again, release the pressure but hold your head like that for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax you body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Pain in lower eyelid and cheekbone?

Yesterday morning I woke up feeling as if I got an eyelash in my eye. I tried getting it out but had no luck and when I went to look at my eye in the mirror nothing was there. After a few minutes the pain went away but I still felt like something was in my upper eyelid. As the day went on the pain was now in my lower eyelid. It almost feels like its sore but feels like its throbbing and there is pressure on it. There is no lump at all near my eye or anything. I tried rinsing with water and it only made it hurt worse. My eye hardly looks red and irritated and barely even swollen. My vision also blurs out quite a bit. Anyone have an idea on what's up?

Why is my jaw hurting after singing?

You are probably compensating with your jaw when you should use the core muscles in your body. That's common Too much breath pressure can build tension in jaw.When you breath in before a phrase, try to feel expansion on your lower back and relax your lower abdomen. Keep that expanded feeling in your body when you sing the phrase and control the air flow with your body rather than throat/jaw. If you want to sing more powerful, don't push too much air out, keep that "resistance" feeling in your body, and think of more resonance space. It's hard to explain that coordination in Quora but you could find some tutorials about breathing technique online, or get voice lessons if you have a possibility.When you sing higher pitches, make sure your jaw is flexible, open it a bit more, but not over-extending in a stiff way.

Left side of my head and face is aching/ hurting?

Hi, im 19, female,

Day one-

i started to have headache on the left side of my head
a little jaw aching. (left)

Day two-
Still aching,
started to feel aching on my ear this time,
assumed i got an ear infection
went to the doctor,
he checked my ear but there was nothing wrong with it.
told him bout my ear, jaw and head aching ..
the doc gave me a pill called Arcoxia
ate one at night
Googled Arcoxia- i dont think the pill is gonna make me feel any better.

day three( today)

woke up,
now my left teeth ( both obove n below) is aching
My tongue ( also the left) feels like i have a cut,
also my throat a little hurt, left side.
my left face hurting too,
my left eye kinda hurt when i close and open my eyelid
oh, and i have a boil thingy on my lower lip ( sligly on the left too!),
im not sure, i googled and its called cold sore?
might be something associate with the aching ive been having. idk.
feeling some aching on the left side of the back of my neck too
stop eating arcoxia this morning, ( or should i not?)

Basically everything on the left side of my head is hurting..

What do you think is wrong with me?
im really scared.

bytheway, seeing the doc again tomorrow maybe.

Why do spicy foods make my jaw and neck hurt?

If you’ve ever experienced a tingling at the back of your jaw when eating something sweet or sour, you’re not alone. It’s actually very common.What you’re feeling is your salivary glands doing their job: producing saliva. However, certain foods — or even just the thought of certain foods — can cause these glands to go into overdrive.To understand why your salivary glands respond this way, you first need to understand what saliva does.Saliva is 99.5 percent water, but it also contains certain substances that help you chew, taste and swallow, as well as protect your teeth.Your body makes 2 to 4 pints of saliva every day, and most of it is produced in the late afternoon. However, your taste buds play an important role in how much saliva you make.Spicy foods, sweet foods and acidic, sour-tasting foods can trigger your salivary glands — which are located beneath your tongue, under your jaw and below your ears — to produce more saliva. And sometimes you can feel the glands at work, especially the large parotid glands situated between your jaw and ears.“When starting to eat or sometimes even thinking about eating (e.g. thinking of biting a lemon) these glands produce saliva to make digesting food easier,” said Dr. Richard Pladdet. “Some people feel the glands at that point produce saliva.”This is often described as a tingling and sometimes slightly painful sensation, but it’s typically nothing to worry about. You’re simply experiencing a bit of sensory overload, and your salivary glands are trying to quickly produce enough saliva to help you digest the food you’re chewing.However, if what you’re experiencing is very painful, or if you notice swelling or inflammation in the areas where salivary glands are located, you should see a doctor. Sometimes your glands can become blocked or infected, or there could be another disorder causing the pain, such as Frey’s Syndrome, a rare disorder that includes facial flushing and even sweating while eating.For more questions, any help or something other about sauces and others, you just can contact us here with a comment or in our website - GrumpyGary'sSource: Why does my jaw tingle when I eat certain foods?

Mouth pain in my lower left side, inside of cheek/gum pocket...?

I have a veryyyy sore and tender area in my lower left side of my mouth right where my gum meets the inside wall of my cheek. It doesn't seem to be an open wound because when I look in my mouth there is nothing there... BUT it is oozing something because every little while I'll run my finger gently over it and when I take my finger out of my mouth there is some gooey yellow(not green) stuff on my fingertip. I'm so confused because I haven't wounded it or anything, or eaten anything extremely hot or cold... And like I said I can't see any swelling or cut when I look in there. I have really good dental hygeine so i know I don't have a cavity and it's not on my gum... It's more down in the wall of my cheek near my jaw. And Ive even noticed that when I press my finger up behind the underside of my jaw its really tender there too. I can hardly eat anything without hurting it. I was chewing a very soft piece of cantaloupe this morning and screamed when it accidentally pushed down there. I can't open my mouth too wide up and down OR side to side. And it's extremelyyyy sensitive to, well, everything. Any idea what it is or could be?! I'm going to see a dr this week but I just would like to know some of the possibilties of what it could be! Thankkk youu!

I woke up with terrible pain in my upper back near the neck. What can I do to alleviate it?

I woke up with terrible pain in my upper back near the neck. What can I do to alleviate it?Cracking my neck and back as I often do isn’t helping. I can barely turn my head.Follow up: What might have caused this? (I’m thinking that it could be that my mattress or pillow are too firm, I may have slept in an awkward position, or maybe it’s not quite healthy to crack my neck/head after all).I have studied these issues for 20 years, and i write about them on Quora.Please read this: Paul Darling's answer to What are the causes of back pain?It has nothing to do with mattresses nor pillows, nor ‘sleeping on your neck wrong’ (how does a person sleep on their neck, by standing on their head?), nor ‘pinched nerves’, etc. Not to dismiss any solutions a person might have found however. If a particular pillow, or routine, or exercise helps, then I’d keep it up. However most children don’t have neck and back pain, and they can sleep just about anywhere and in any position.Hidden internal emotional conflicts come to the surface during sleep, if the hidden guilt/fear/anger is too overwhelming to face, it manifests as pain in the neck/shoulders/back, and even other areas of the body.I will be happy to interpret a healing dream you might have in the next few days, and I can assure you that you can eliminate the pain.I hope to hear more. Cheers.Edit: I have noticed that many people have been strongly affected by the current political climate in the US, and are very angry about the racism, lies, violence, and sneering contempt exhibited by the current slanderer-in-chief. However, when we are very angry at people we need or care about, such as friends or family who disagree with our political views, guilt is often a result, and this hidden guilt drives most neck pain. I’ll bet there’s a rash of neck and back pain attacks right now in the US.