Why Is My Sister So Mean To Me 10 Pts

Why is my sister so mean to me?

I can only answer this from my own experience, and what my reasons were. I was always mean to my brother, looking down on him and almost treating him like I was his mother even though I am younger. My reasoning was because I felt he gained more slack from our parents who were more strict with me than him. I was also jealous because he is the type of person who smiles and makes the room light up, the type of person who can get away easier with things because he is so warm. I am more cold when it to comes to others. Not because I am insensitive, but maybe just more cautious when it comes to people. Your sister might feel like you just brighten up the room and feels jealous. That you maybe, get more slack with your parents. In time this will change. It just takes some work. One day she will feel sad that she treated you this way. She will snap at you and go to her room, and feel a guilt in her chest that will make her apologize. Maybe even shed a few tears wondering why she is so mean. Your sister loves you, she probably is just internally struggling and doesn’t know how to be anything but a stick in the mud.

Why is my mom so mean to me but so much nicer to my sister?

I have felt the same when I was younger. I pestered my parents and the all mighty for a younger sibling, and finally, I was happy [still am :) ] to be gifted with a little sister. I infact roamed around the hospital with a doll the size of a baby on the day of her birth to gift her. But this girl welcomed me pooping on my favourite skirt! (Ewww).So lulling my infant sister to sleep, feeding her cerlacs (at times stealing a cup of my own ;)] scratching her tiny fingers, putting my pinky finger into her mouth was all fun.Not for long though, as she slowly started to grow-up things started to change. My little sister didn’t reciprocate the love and care like I expected her too. I would bargain with a chocolate in exchange for a kiss from that little devil. Sweet talk her just to carry her around in my arms. But, all these didn’t seem like a big deal until she turned 5. Oh, we started to fight like cats and dogs growing more distinct day-by-day.To top it all, my mother would never take my side although she was the one at fault. My mother always feeds her, dresses her up to school but not me, I would think. I would hate it when my mother tells me to clear her mess. Be it anything, she’ll give me this auto-generated sentence, “you’re the elder one achu, it’s you who should give up and be kind, and generous with her” Me: “Why are you being unfair to me? When I was her age I did everything on my own”This continued even until during my college.Truth is our mother’s fail to realise that although we are elder than them, we were still young and immature to understand our sisters are way more immature compared to us for their age. This falsely makes us think they are mean to us. But they merely think we have become old enough to manage.And we still were a kid expecting to be treated with fairness.But after this understanding, I learnt never to do that with my own in the future :)P.S: Now me and my sister are close enough in sharing and hiding secrets from our own parents ;)

No one likes my sister cause she is so mean. My Mom has a sister who is similar. So should I feel sorry for them or not since their mean?

Some people are mean because they are afraid of getting hurt so they try to keep people from getting close to them. Others are just mean because it's who they are and how their brains work. Either one is sad, but the first is the saddest and the only one that can change. It's Ok to feel sad for them, but I wouldn't give them "extra privileges" for it and I definitely wouldn't put up with it on a personal level.

Me being silly? best answer 10pts ?

Ok so my friend's brother came and put his arm around me yesterday and was teasing me and stuff. Recently he's started paying more attention to me so could he maybe like me or am i just a sister to him?? Recently he called me a saucy minx cause i had been messaging his brother what does that mean and why?
Thanks x

Why was my sister looking at my penis? (Easy 10 points)?

A penis had always been a thing of curiosity for a girl for they like it, may be due to natural instinct or attracted by its shape and beauty or simply because they are lacking it ! Moreover, they seldom get a chance [of course, until marriage] to see them well or to inspect it carefully as it is always kept covered as soon as the curiosity blossoms in them. Therefore, they are very much eager to touch it, fondle it and soon to imagine the wonderful sexual pleasure it is said to give to a woman during intercourse. Therefore, especially in homes where there are elder sisters and only one younger brother, invariably sisters often like to fondle it and are eager to notice its tremendous power to become big and hard when handled especially by females, as such wonders never happen to their vagina. We were also 3 sisters and one brother and we used to vie each other in fondling his penis and even tried to imitate our parents with his tender tool unsuccessfully during our childhood but the youngest of us had sex with him many times after we were married off - she herself told us. In fact it is like boobs in girls which is the hot point for boys, simply because if one sees something with others which they are lacking every one get curious to touch or play with it. - especially the nipples getting erect on male touch like penis get hard and big on female touch.

Homework question?? 10 pts. for best answer! (my little sister just wont believe me)?

(2 x 10^5) + (6 x 10^4) + (2 x 10^3) + (1 x 10^2) + (4 x 10) + ( 4 x 10^0)

if the lesson is about notations and you are trying to get the exponential form then the answer would probably the one I stated above.