Why Is Someone I Know Suddenly Depressed Feeling Like Her Whole World Turned Upside Down

My Mom Suddenly Died - Need Help With Dealing With It?

I'm 18 years old. On Thursday the 17th of November, I watched my mom pass away. It was sudden. She wasn't ill. My mom was having an eurythmia, meaning her heart went into an irregular motion and nothing could be done about it. I kept telling her to look at me, that she was okay and showing her how to breathe, she was scared and kept saying she couldn't breathe and she was dying. Every time I told her to look at me, no matter how disorientated she was, she managed to focus on me, until the last time I said it, she didn't look at me anymore, her eyes didn't move again, they started to change color, she was so cold and motionless. My dad tried for about 30mins to breathe for her and bring her back but it was too late. We tried everything we could. From our initial phonecall before my mom passed, up to the arrival of the paramedics was over 40minutes. I'm left with the last image of my mother and an overwhelming amount of responsibility. My mom was my whole world, we spent every day together, I can't cook or figure out how to use the washing machine. I feel so alone and I can't grasp what has happened even now. What do I do? How do I endure this??

Will turning to alcohol numb my depression? please help?

i've been through so much in my life. i always find myself stressed out a lot and i constantly think about everything. i already a on anti-depressants but a low mg which doesn't help much but i only continue to take because i lose a lot of weight when i'm on it. i know quite a few people who use alcohol to numb their depression and they always seem happy if i do this as well will it help me or simply ruin my life even more btw i'm a 16 year old girl who has been through a lot in her life :/

Why do I suddenly feel so sad without any reason? I suddenly broke into tears and couldn’t stop crying. Is there any reason?

Before you diagnose yourself with something mental, pay attention to your sleep habits and your diet.There have been many times in the past year alone where I suddenly started feeling depressed and sad.I had no reason to be, it just came out of nowhere.Last time it happened, before I let myself fall into despair, I stared at the 24oz. of Pepsi I had just guzzled down at 8 in the morning, and the hot cup of coffee I had right after that.“Did I eat breakfast today?” I asked myself. “Nope!”So I slammed a bunch of chemicals into my body on an empty stomach and they shot straight to my brain.From there, I walked myself through it. “Okay. I feel incredibly deep in despair. I feel like I want to cry. I feel too weak to continue work. BUT I know that this is not a mental thing, it’s a physical thing, so I’m going to push through it. And I’m going to make sure I don’t drink that much caffeine at once anymore.”Last year I was EXTREMELY depressed. I was worried over money, my job, my bills, and my car breaking down. On and on!But I also realized that I had been staying up until 4–5am, only getting about 4 hours of sleep, and again, not having a very good diet.And I constantly had a damned screen in front of my face, mindlessly scrolling through politics and religion. That surely doesn’t help!In short, it’s not always, “You’re depressed, you need meds!” It can often (and I believe, more often than not) be our diet, both in what we feed our body and our mind.Before you go searching for internal reasons (there’s a bottomless pit of self-diagnosis in your head!), search for external thing.The reason this is important is because as soon as people determine it is something internal, they start to feel a lot more helpless and victimized by it–”It’s part of me.”That can lead to actual depression because now you feel trapped, stuck with something that hurts you.But if you figure out that it’s just a shitty choice you made for breakfast, it’s a whole lot easier to walk yourself through it and see the light on the other side, and you know it can be fixed and prevented in the future, so you don’t take it as hard.

Im depressed because im getting old?

OK. If today was July 14, 1900, you should have these worries. By age 35, you were OLD! Death usually came shortly after wards.

But this is July 14, 2011. People live to 70-80-90, and OLDER. That means, you have a looooonggggg time ahead of you to live your life.

I got married at 18. I am now 59. I graduated from college, changed jobs and careers several times, moved several times, owned several different cars, and at age 59, I am back at college to learn a new career. My time has moved along, but it did not fly along. To be young forever; EXERCISE. I have been exercising for 29 years. That INCLUDES weightlifting. No way around it. Life is; 80% average. Nothing special. 15% great. 5% terrible. Funny, we Only remember the 5%.

I'm depressed and lifeless, and sad for no reason, how can I cope?

Zack, you seem like a nice kid and you seem to have a good plan for your future. Being 17 is hard, but it's also the most precious. Based on the book that you've written on here, I believe that you're thinking way too much on everything. What you need to do is concentrate on yourself. Do school activities, join a club, volunteer for something that means something to you. Don't worry about what your friends and classmates are doing, just worry about yourself. And this girl from Mexico? honey, she's not the only girl in the world. Some things are meant to happen on its own and love will happen for you when it's meant to. Let nature take its course. Your innocence is something that you should be giving to someone special, not someone who only looks beautiful.
And why you do you have to resolve with suicide?? No no no, your life is too precious. You have to know that what you're going through and what you're feeling, it's normal, believe me, your friends and classmates have the same thoughts. All you have to do is take your chances by talk about it. Life is all about risks.
Let me tell you something... "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger." From the things that you've written here, tells me that you're a lot stronger then what you give yourself credit for.

Why am I so angry all of a sudden?

It seems like being a teenager has totally turned me upside down and inside out. I'm all of a sudden so angry with everyone and I absolutely hate the world. I can't stand my dad, and although my mother acts like a fascist dictator, I prefer her over him. I'm not doing very well in school which really ticks me off and I get very upset with my grades. (I have tried to fix this. It's working... slowly).

Everyone is so... annoying, and I often find myself seeking solitude than spending time with family, however my mother nags me when i don't spend time with them and starts punishing me for seeking some peace and quiet.

Despite the total lack of privacy that has me screeching at them every waking moment, they never bother to ask how I feel about certain situations and pile on immense amounts of responsibility around the house on top of the responsibility I have with managing my studies.

I just feel so angry and upset with everyone for silly, trivial things. Why am I so angry? Can this be a depression? And how in the hell did you survive being a teenager?

What do you do, when you feel that life has pulled you down?

Hey!In my opinion life doesn't pull anyone down, because nobody is born with just happiness in their life…everyone have to bear the share of happiness and sadness which life has for them in store.But sometimes life hits us really hard too, but it's not that life has ended for us, it can also mean to see the world with a whole new perspective where you can either cry watching yourself helpless or smile after helping people and have a sense of contentedness, we often ask god, ‘WHY ME’, but have we tried to ask ourselves,What if our loved ones had to suffer it instead of us.. so the very least you can do to calm yourself is to remember the happy faces of the ones you love and thank god that it isn't them who have to suffer..People have many problems like money problems, relationship problems, job problems and will take eternity to type all of dem.. but it just stays for a short period of time, yet they lose hope and try nonsense stuffs like suicide, depression etc.. Gather the courage to stand to it and learn to accept your present so you may not repeat it again in future and never be upset about the problems you're facing, instead recall the nostalgic memories when you were happy from within the heart…NO-ONE IS BORN WITHOUT PROBLEMS, IT'S OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS IT WHICH DECIDES WHETHER IT'S WORTH BEING UPSET AND DOING NOTHING OR TO GIVE ALL YOU CAN SO THAT YOU MAY SUCCEED..P.S ~ SORRY FOR GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES.