Why Is Technology Taking Over Everything

Why is technology taking over everything?

the more "sophisticated" technology becomes, and if we get caught up in the "excitement" of all of that, becoming more and more materialistic and shallow, the less sophisticated we become spiritually. our spiritual self dies and we become just a body. I see people obsessed with the zombie image, and they don't even realize that zombies actually represent them! the people with no life left in them, because they are completely superficial, shallow and materialistic, which is most people, at least in america. that's why in zombie movies/games there are hardly any real people left. its just like real life. people cant be separated from their gadgets because they are no longer alive. they no longer possess the capacity to live truly. they can barely interact with the world. the only parts of life they know how to interact with are artificial objects, and the only life they can interact well with is other dead people like themselves! try to show someone the beauty of a tree, or a leaf. I show it to them and they say "uuhh, yeah? its a tree." or at best they might give you a phony "cool." even when they interact with animals they try to personify them, and treat them like slaves. one can speculate on where this is all headed, hopefully we will reach a point where the inward emptiness will absolutely have to reclaim its existence because of the level of emptiness and somehow bring real life back into the spirit of humanity again, because the spiritual depravity around us is just so far beyond any words I can fathom.
"The larger a society or confederacy, the greater the amalgamation of collective factors - which is typical of every large organization - will rest upon conservative prejudices to the detriment of the individual, the more aggravated the moral and spiritual degeneration of the individual." -Carl Jung

Why does my mom think she knows everything about technology?!?

Like 5 mins ago me and my mom had got into a heated argument because shes thinking email junk mail thinks it takes up memory up the ENTIRE computer. I'm telling her its not and she then goes off randomly telling me why my other desktop didn't work. Thinking I have been on "bad" sites and I haven't and she just doesn't get technology and thinks she knows it all. Its so friggin annoying and she is always under my skin when it comes to technology! More of a rant than question I just need to let it out. XD Has anybody been under your skin lately?

What is the word for technology taking over jobs?

Automation.The rise of Machine-Learning (AI) has led some commentators to propose new definitions, but doing so is misleading. AI is one of thousands of technological advances that enables us to automate different professions.Automation is preferable to specific definitions because when the economy is viewed from the lens of automation (specifically that some industries will require fewer human work hours to achieve the same or greater productivity) we can address the consequences appropriately. By contrast, AI-specific words tends to lead people to (incorrectly) assume this is uncharted territory.

Why did the british take over everything they saw?

the british like other europeans, took over other territories in the age of colonialism for resources to fuel their economies that were competing with each other. they also told everyone that they weren't oppressing people but offering them civilisation and development.

colonialism in places like India relied on `divide and rule' tactics in which (for example) the british set themselves out as the peacekeepers between many different peoples. they also coopted some of the people they ruled by inviting them to their clubs and social events.

it was pretty rude, and eventually it was stopped. the folks who take over stuff today are sometimes a bit more subtle.

Technology: Good or Bad?

For better and for worse. Your essay will probably get higher marks if you give either an objective answer, or examine the pro's and con's of each point of view, so let's take a delve...

Rapidity is everythin nowadays. It is great that I can sit here and send this answer to you thousands of miles away, or that my GP can detect a medical problem and arrange treatment within minutes, hours or days. But technology's "because we can" culture threatens jobs, individuality and initiative.

We will get to the stage where flowers can be planted electoronically, microchips instead of bulbs. "But its faster and foolproof," the technocrats will cry, failing to see that this is the problem. Without the touch of the earth at our fingers, the catahartic practicalities of "doing" rather than processing, we are losing a spiritual inner strength. We also learn from our mistakes.

Dont get me wrong, there ARE benefits, but we should realise that we are losing sight of important things. I can bob something in the microwave, and its good to be able to eat it quick. But unless I actually chop, dice, garnish and fry the food myself, how do I actually know HOW it is hapenning?

The last part of the question is difficult to answer. Human Beings are rarely ready for change, even if it is the very change they themselves precipitate. If we are talking about advancements to medicines and healthcare, then big corporations and authorities are not ready for it, as progress threatens their stranglehold on on people's dependence. If computer technology advances things for the good of the patient, however, then the patient is obviously ready for it. If this technology can be applied to new methojds of farming to sustain third world agriculture ad economies, then, again, the powers that be will probably resist change; those who benefit, of course, will encourage it.

Ultimately I think people can always develop and extend their skills and understanding. I have worked in libraries, where the workforce was predominantly middle-aged females who usually felt intimidated by the rapid influx of computers, both for the public and for staff. Now, most have adapted, and many of our students for IT learning sessions are over seventy.

With technology changing so fast do you think robots will eventually take over man?

Will robots eventually take over mankind?Forever is a long time to forecast, but I think the answer is no. Here's why:Hitting the wall. The history of technology is that all technology eventually hits the wall and then advances very slowly. Another term used is that specific technologies plateau. This can occur due to running up against the laws of physics. Commercial aircraft still travel at a top cruise speed of about 500 mph because wind resistance increases at the square of the increase. If you double speed, resistance is four times as much. Quadruple the speed and it’s sixteen times as much. There is also the thing called the law of diminishing returns. Simply put, in most any system, the next five percent improvement in performance costs a lot more than the last five percent. Example: A good 200 horsepower car engine costs about $2,000. An 800 horsepower racing engine costs about $50,000. That’s four times the horsepower for 25 times the cost. My prediction is that robots and AI will hit the wall quickly. In fact, AI has hit the wall many times since 1970. See AI winter - WikipediaOver-hyped and oversold. The history of technology is that it is typically over-hyped. It never quite reaches the predicted performance. In my childhood they told us we were all going to have flying cars. We were already going to have colonies on Mars. All diseases were going to be ended. Wars would cease.The kill switch. We have the capability to control whatever we make. Any good engineer knows that a machine can run away or go haywire and therefore builds in a kill switch, a governor, a regulator, a pop-off valve, etc. If we don’t like what the robot is doing, hit the kill switch.

As technology continues to take over every aspect of life and competition gets ever more global and hyper-intensive, what are some must have skills for the future workforce?

Because of IT, employers believe it is possible to quantify the worth of employees, and that has helped them eliminate large numbers of workers, so I think a future workforce should have these skills:the ability to cope with surviving off of a series of short term, unpredictable, poorly paid jobs, with periods of unemployment and underemployment between them,the willingness to accept without complaint the existence of a small, entrenched managerial class which is paid much, much more than the majority of the employees,the proven ability to tolerate punitive, intrusive, humiliating managerial practices and attitudes that create a high school or reform school atmosphere for the non-managers,the ability to function in an environment where "team" concepts only work in the employer's favorI am not being sarcastic with this answer.  I do fear that this is where we're heading.  The workplace has never been a paradise, but technology makes it easier for previous gains to be lost and abuses to become best practices.

What would the future of mankind when robots/technology take over everything?

Unknown.One possibility is future as depicted in Wall-EOr in adventure time.Where people are taken care of by machines and live in eternal bliss…While humanity slowly fades away.Smbc also had a good take on that scenario: Saturday Morning Breakfast CerealAnother possibility is transhumanism and transcendence. Where humanity and AI mergs, and becomes something else.

Will nature and culture fade as technology takes over?

It need not be so. Nature can be integrated into society; woven so thoroughly that its ecosystems, functionality, and beauty actually become part of a technological system.See The Permaculture City by Toby Hemenway, or my book, for examples of how this could work.Culture is a large part of what makes civilization worthwhile, isn’t it? If so, we can expect people to take measures to assure that mutually agreeable cultures form the basis for future societies. I would not be at all surprised to see idealized forms of some ancient cultures, even some lost ones, re-emerge both for the pleasure of the residents and as tourist destinations.