Why Is The Libertarian Party Not Popular

Why isn't the Libertarian Party more popular?

People on the right say that the Government should get out of health care and let the free market get us out of the recession.
Others on the left argue that crime would drop if we just legalized pot, prostitution, and immigration on the southern border. Gays should be allowed to get married. Marriage shouldn't be controlled by the government anyway.
Anyone with a brain agrees that the government can't keep running defiicits in the trillions like this.
People enforce their beliefs by looking at political scandals like Bill Clinton or Larry Craig and say that all conservatives are closet homosexuals or all Democrats cheat on their wives.
The people that signed our Constitution favored social and economic freedom so why don't people stop supporting the 2 parties that only give us big government?

If you say that it would be throwing your vote away, that is not arguing the ideology.

How come the Libertarian party is always more popular than the Green Party?

The modern libertarian movement is loosely connected to Classical Liberal thinkers and their predecessors that influenced the founding of the United States. A lot of the popularity of the Libertarian movement is based on nostalgia for the pre-1914 United States with no Federal Reserve, No IRS, a small central government that could be funded by a tarriff and a few excise taxes.Where I think contemporary US Libertarianism got it wrong: they assumed that those conditions could be maintained even after the American frontier closed, while maintaining open borders and without the Basic Income supported by thinkers like Friedman, von Hayek and Thomas Paine.Contemporary US libertarianism is in part an Astroturf phenomena supported by wealthy donors like the Koch Brothers(the wonderful family that brought us the John Birch Society and more recently the Tea Party). Two of the more prominent Libertarian sympathetic think tanks include the Reason Foundation with a budget of $8.9 Million/year and the Cato Institute with a budget of $29.4 million/year. The Greens have nothing like that level of think tank support or campaign budget.The Koch Brothers seem to have given up on turning the Libertarian party into a successful mass movement, but David was the 1980 VP nominee of the party and they helped get the party going well and get things like 50 state ballot access and status of the 3rd largest party in the US.There are other wealthy donors willing to put real money into something like the modern libertarian party even though it is pretty clear that substantial planks in the modern libertarian platform really limit any broad acceptance of that party. I think that if we ever see states start to adopt proportional representation, we’ll see the 11% of US voters who self identify as libertarians playing an important role in a pary more like the British liberal party in its old days, but able to attract maybe 20% of voters.In search of libertariansThe modern libertarian party in the US is simply not designed for electoral success or to well represent the 11% of Americans that identify as libertarians, but to attract donations.

Why is the Republican Party more popular than the Libertarian Party?

I am not sure why the American people continue to stomach the utter disregard for democracy and the American sense of honor that the Republican Party has come to signify. The fact that their gerrymandering has allowed them to control numerous State Legislatures despite the fact that the majority of voters opposed them in the general elections is jaw dropping. The actions by lame duck Republican politicians to change the lawful transfer of power in offices they loss by stripping the incoming office holders of powers granted the defeated outgoing politician is appalling. The refusal of these Republican state Legislatures to enact court mandated changes in their election districts is incredible. And all this on just the state level.On the Federal level, we have a President who lies with impunity. We have a Senate that failed to meet its constitutional mandate to hold a lawful confirmation hearing for a legally nominated Supreme Court Justice. We have a US Senator who openly admits that supporting the Republican Party is more important than upholding national interests. We have a President who openly supports candidates who have been accused of molesting underage children and who nominated a candidate for the Supreme Court who is suspected of rape.I could go on,but this whole affair is just to overwhelming. I am rapidly becoming ancient, and for that I am grateful. I would absolutely support a libertarian candidate over anything the Republican Party could or will put on the ballot. Unfortunately, most americans have seemingly lost their sense of decency since over 40% of the country support this degenerate organization we call the Republican Party. This simply can't end well, but again, I'm old, so hopefully I won't be here when it comes time to pay the piper. I'm sure the founding fathers are spinning in their graves if they can see the mess we've allowed the Republican Party to make of the American system of government.

Why is the libertarian party and the green party not as popular as the democrat party and republican party in the USA?

The American political system leads toward domination by two competing coalitions of voting interests, funded by the establishment, which plays both sides to ensure that their agenda advances regardless of who's in power.The minor American political parties are generally not coalitions, but, instead parties of principle, to some degree. These parties aren't coalitions because, if there's any voting interest that's large or rich enough to influence an election, one or both major parties will add it to their platform. Naturally, because those voting interests just want their policies to win, they won't give their support to a minor party which has no chance of winning based solely on principle. The minor parties attract the votes of the minority of Americans that, for whatever reason, are unwilling to vote for a major party simply to win.The Republican Party replaced the Whig Party when enough Americans became single-issue anti-slavery voters that a party had a chance to win based on just about that issue alone. (For the full story take a look at the Republican Party Platform of 1856.)

Why is the libertarian party not more popular considering it is a pretty good compromise between political ideologies?

Why is Christian Communism not more popular? It could also be considered a compromise between right and left. You just have to decide what you will compromise on.There is a part of the libertarian philosophy that the conservatives of today will not even consider. If people are at liberty to do whatever they want, women can get abortions.The libertarian philosophy logically would also include not having a safety net, which the left will not consider.What we need is for people to understand that no philosophy can be used exclusively in the real world. It is wrong to allow children to starve. It is impractical to allow business to make choices about how much to pay employees. The reason that is impractical is because most business people are willing to assume that someone else will make sure the children of their employees get fed and clothed.

Why isn't Libertarianism more popular?

The 2 party system owns the MEDIA and the election process/debates.

Why don't more people vote for the Libertarian party?

I agree. I would love to vote Libertarian. I don't think there are enough people who know what the Libertarian party is and for what it stands.

Also, too many people are tied to the two-party system ... maybe the next generation of voters will be able to make that leap away from only two parties.

Why was the Libertarian Party formed?

The principals of the LP focus on having the least amount of government as possible. They want the most freedoms and liberties for the individual as they can get. The ultimate, primary ideal of libertarianism (the movement, not necessarily the party) is freedom to do whatever you want provided that consenting adults are involved and force is not initiated on others.

It was formed as an alternative for those who felt that the traditional Democrats were too economically liberal and the traditional Republicans were too socially conservative. This has since changed because the neoconservatives have taken over the GOP and the populists have taken over the Democratic party. Libertarians are economically conservative and socially liberal.