Why Is This Not A Question Do Schools Censor Political Information

Why does yahoo censor questions about alex jones ?

Not only does yahoo block certain questions. They follow certain people and block everything they post.

Even if it doesn't violate yahoo terms. The funny thing is that they don't block Liberal crap even when it does violate yahoo terms.

IS Political Correctness censorship?

I hadn't thought of it quite that way, but I think it is in fact censorship.
I think of a little girl who brought her Hello Kitty bubble gun to school to show her friend at recess. This is a "gun", but what kind of gun is it? Was it capable of injury? Was any harm done? Was this bubble gun something that everyone on the playground went running away screaming when they saw it? No.
I think it was stupid to make a big deal out of something like that. I think the girl was suspended from school and it made the national news.
I bet if I sent my kid to high school with a Smith and Wesson T shirt on, he would be suspended and sent home.
We have gotten so far beyond proper discipline and control of people. It sickens me.
But, if I was a Muslim and wore muslim headgear (whatever you call it) to school in my school that has a no hat policy in class, I bet the politically correct system would not say a word.

Why are many questions critical of Israel censored on Quora?

They are not censored by Quora directly. What happens on Quora is that you can downvote questions you think are bad. These questions will not anymore appear on the feeds of people and might therefore ‘feel’ as being censored.Imagine there are people here on Quora that defend Israel at any price, there will be such people here on Quora, that’s a simple reality. There will be a sub-set of people in this group that will ‘by default’ down-vote any question that is critical of Israel. This will result in many questions that objectively not ‘antisemitic’ or otherwise hurtful to disappear.This is not unique, there are many different opposed groups that do this, Kurd's and Turk’s are an example too.I try to not to downvote too much questions as I think that the debate is important, and rarely do so, but if someone posts something that is in my opinion grossly false, and this person does not allow interaction by means of commenting I downvote too.

Is political correctness a matter of sensitivity or censorship?

The problem here is that “Political Correctness” is a very imprecise term.People have said it in a derogatory manner in regards to thing from not using “killing two birds with one stone” to being called racist when they say something like “Immigrants are a worse cancer than feminists.”I find that the problem is that people who use the term are absolutists. You are either allowed to say anything you want to basically anyone at any time and face no repercussions, or it’s political correctness.I also find that they tend to misunderstand the scope of the first amendment.Now there are certainly cases of “political correctness” that I find petty or just insincere attempts at appeasement by those in power, but I find that the idea of political correctness has a more insidious nature that I find the people who usually use the term don’t care about. That is the idea of political correctness being used to mask concepts or actions that are racist, sexist, homophobic in nature.Homophobic groups using the term “Protecting Traditional Marriage” instead of “Stopping Gay Marriage” is a form of political correctness that hides an anti-gay sentiment in a feelgood wholesome looking package.The thing is that people will use “politically correct” when someone says that a term or phrase can be hurtful or harmful or openly derogatory in its use for anything. What’s more, it is often used to describe as a political position that people see as harmful to a particular marginalized group. It also is used when people show opposition to an idea that is either out of context, misleading, or flat wrong.I see it used far more often for deflection than anything else, or even justification. Someone states or implies something racist and disprovable, and the person says that the opposition doesn’t like it just because it is politically incorrect. In reality, people dislike it because it is either factually wrong or racist.It gets to the point that an idea being politically incorrect is enough ground for the person to take pride in it. “It offends so it must be worthwhile” they figure.The fact is, while some wise and true things will offend some people, there is a lot more dumb shit that will offend as well. Just because you are offensive doesn’t mean you are profound.

Political Correctness, Is it really just censorship?

Political Correctness IS a form of sensorship. It is also a misnomer. In order to be pollitically correct so as not to insult or upset one group, you must insult or upset another. It's normal. You say that Muslims can carry a ceremonial dagger in school, but I can't take a pair of nail cliippers on a plane. Which will cause more damage or injury. You say we can't discriminate against people becaiuse of age, race, creed, or sexual orientation then set "minimum levels" for the number of employees we have to hire that fill the minority billing. I a person can do the job, great, they get hired. But if they get hired because a quota has to be met, then that discriminates against the other applicants and that is also against the law.

Should schools have the right to restrict freedoms and censor students?


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Has anybody personally been censored by political correctness?

Actually I came close. When I was a freshman in college, I took an Intro to Anthropology class with a professor who I'd describe as feminist who had us read about lesbian relationships a lot. At that time I was a fundamentalist Christian and basically a homophobe. I answered some question on a final exam about Madonna with an essay that was a legitimate answer but included a fair amount of "homosexuality is against my beliefs.." The professor failed me from the class for that answer and only after getting my TA to advocate was I able to get a passing grade on appeal. What the professor should have done was ask me a few challenging questions that would make me think. Giving me a temporary failing grade only temporarily made me think she was more of an agent of sin. I was in the "hate the sin, love the sinner" mindset and notsomuch in the "God hates fags" camp. Anyway, I came to question these beliefs soon enough and basically abandoned fundamentalist Christianity and homophobia by age 23.

Should censorship be allowed in American high schools?

schools should allow for open discussion, however there has to be limits. open hate speech should not be tolerated...discussing religious opinions as science is another. it can be mentioned but not waste time for real education on fantasy