Why Is Yamster Eating Questions

What are the best fruits for a hamster to eat?

*only feed these to Roboroski (Robo) dwarf hamsters or Syrian (fancy, panda bear, teddy bear) hamsters. The others are prone to diabetes and can't have too much sugar.*ApplePearStrawberryRaisinWatermelon (not too much; too watery)BananaCoconutThis is all I can think of off the top of my head. Here's a more complete listWhat fruit can Syrian hamsters eat?

What are the eating habits of a hamster?

Hamsters eat consistently and when they have ingested enough they tend to chew up more food to store in their cheeks for later, this conserves energy while in rest mode, its an animal function which is actually quite common.

How do you care for a hamster that isn't eating?

Offer the hamster soggy bread. This is made by soaking it under the tap and squeezing out the excess moisture. Make sure you offer it to the hamster in small pieces. If the hamster wants to eat the moisture content will help make it easier to eat and help rehydrate your pet.Recovery liquid feed is also worth considering, I have used this to save degus, a chinchilla and help a few rabbits through Gi stasis. I have kept rodents and rabbits for many years and have qualifications in animal health ,care and behaviour.

Would a hamster drink every drop of water and eat any food in its cage if it was starving?

Imagine this.A person is put into a prison cell. Its quite spacious, but the warden simply forgot to feed him and give him water for three days.When they do remember, they give him some water (not tap, but unboiled) and some moldy old cheese.The person was starving and dehydrated.What would he do? Would he drink the water, dangerous as it may be.Would he eat the mouldy cheese?Now imagine that person is a hamster.And that hamster,Is you.

My hamster is only eating his vegetables and things that I give to him on the side yet, he won't eat his seed mix. He wasn't like that before. What should I do?

Try different kinds of seed packs. Maybe he doesn’t like the one you’re giving him. His taste changed and maybe he wants some variety.There are also hamster seed blocks which lets your hamster bite to get their seeds. The hamster gets to chew, which is a basic need for them and keeps their teeth trim, and they get some yummy seeds. Also have you tried hiding his seed from him? I found that if a hamster has to search for it they like it more.

Can a hamster eat fruits?

Yes, but in small amounts.Most fruits contain lots of sugar and hamsters are prone to diabetes and could cause some serious health problems.Hamster safe foods:strawberry- very small pieceblueberry- only twopeach- cut a small piecePapaya- (my hamsters favorite) still a small portionveggies:lettuce- not iceberg lettuce as they have too much water and could cause “wet tail” in your hamster, heres a link about wet tail it's not pretty… Wet-tail - Wikipediaspinach- a few leafscucumber- very small amountif you have any questions feel free to ask I've been learning about hamsters for over 4 years now. (Cages, how to bond them, types of bedding to use, good and bad wheels, how to file down their nails, home made bedding, etc)if you're a beginner you should definitely watch “chocolatecolors26” on YouTube I learned a lot from her and lots of other people

Where can i buy a cute little yamster??

how about a wolf..i don't eat much and i won't mind sleeping curled up at the foot of your bed

Is it safe for a hamster to eat a piece of garden-grown fruit like a raspberry, or will there be any potential dangers?

as a treat it's just fine