Why My Family Not Telling Me Where My Cousin

How do I tell my family im dating my 2nd cousin?

Well, I don't think it should be too hard... he's only your second cousin, so you're barely related.

I don't know who any of my second cousins are, so there is always a chance we could some how start dating in the future without ever knowing it, right? It's not as weird as it sounds.


You people are nuts. They are not directly related, they are not going to have "retard babies" because they are dating. As I said above, I don't even know ANY of my second cousins, so I wouldn't ever know if I was dating one of them. YOU could be dating your second, or third cousins! I can't believe people can even keep track of that sort of thing.

How can I tell my family that I'm in a relationship with my cousin and want to marry her?

I’m guessing you’re in the USA?If you look at the forbidden degrees of relationships in the Protestant (and I think Catholic) Christian church, you will find that marrying your first cousin is permitted. Has been for, oh, a couple of millennia, as far as they’re concerned.I mention this on account of, while following this practise, the European part of the world managed to kick-start the 12th century technological revolution, the 16th century Scientific Revolution, the 18th century Enlightenment, and the 18th-19th century Industrial Revolution. Did reasonably well in the 20th and 21st centuries too. :)Marrying your first cousin will — unless you’re already carrying a genetic fault — not produce any problems. Several generations of it won’t. Really. You have to have a really limited genetic pool and work at it to get that kind of trouble.It gets a bad press, I think, because Queen Victoria, after the habit of 19th century Imperial royalty, married off her children to the crowned heads of Europe while aware that the family did have such problems. Politics trumps personal happiness once again.Seriously, people have been breeding animals since before we settled down to agriculture. In all those thousands of years, it’s been pretty obvious what you can and can’t do for optimal effect. And we’re animals too.I would put it mildly and say that I don’t think the rest of the world understands the North American ideas on cousin marriage. I wouldn’t begin to know how to convince a conservative family. Are they open to scientific evidence?

Why does my family constantly dwell on my cousin's smarts and make me feel inferior?

Well, I'm 14 and I have a cousin who is 16. My grandparents are constantly dwelling on how smart he is and they've told people in front of my face numerous times that he is undoubtedly the most intelligent of our family. I have six first cousins and not trying to be bragging, but every one of them has been valedictorians and I'm ranked number one in my class as well. He's learning Mandarin Chinese, but he can't actually speak it; he really just does it because he's trying to look like the genius my grandparents make him out to be! It drives me crazy because he's a know-it-all and people don't think of me as being intelligent because I'm quiet and I don't act like I know everything like he does... Why do I feel so threatened by him? I honestly believe that we're on the same intellect, but he just shows it ten times more than I do.. so why do I feel so threatened by him? And why does it make me so insecure whenever I'm around my grandparents?

Why would my cousin get married and not tell me? And why would she have a child and not tell me? And why would she move to a different state and not tell me?

She obviously has no use for you in her life.Either you’ve done something that offended her and she no longer wants contact with you. Or she’s just a shallow person and has no use for you.The only way you will find out details is by asking her.Random strangers will not know why she made those choices.Maybe the fact that you would ask random strangers instead of her, says something about how you treat her, which might be part of why she wants nothing to do with you.

How can I tell my cousin to leave my home as I don't want to make him feel bad?

It depends upon behavior of ur cousin  which is annoying ur family.If it is sth trivial say playing loud music, nt cleaning room, not helping in common household chorus, smoking etc. then you just talk to him to change his behavior. You can't throw him out of ur house for such things as family, even the extended family, is important in our  if it involves abusing family members, pervert behavior, consuming drugs than throw him out and tell him the reason why u r doing so. Family members are impt bt every family member is supposed to follow certain norms and rules.

How should I tell my cousin in England that I'm sorry that I can't come to his wedding. my main reason for not going is that?

Just rsvp that you cannot attend. No explanation required. Surely he must realize that travel expenses and time away from work can be difficult for many. If he asks specifically why you cannot come, a variation of the cost theme is valid. BTW, as the groom, you and your family will have limited exposure to him, and the rest of the bridal party. They'll be busy. So perhaps your family can behave themselves for a formal event.

How do I tell my parents my cousin is sexually abusing me?

My heart goes out to you. I wish I’d had somewhere to go when I was going through my abuse. I am 52 years old and it still haunts me. You have the opportunity to change that for yourself.You deserve be safe.Your body is your own and you deserve the right to say what happens to it.It isn’t your shame.The blame belongs to your abuser.You are innocent and being taken advantage of.You deserve to live your life without this hanging over you.You can tell your parents in a note, if that’s easiest for you, or you can do it by phone, or text. If you are comfortable enough to do it face to face, that is fine to.You can do it however it is easiest for you. You come first. You deserve a happy , threat free life.I would tell them for you if I could.

Should I tell my cousin that I have a crush on him/her?

I definitely would not tell her. Usually, when people have crushes on someone, I encourage them to tell the other person because there is a possibility that it could end well. In this situation, that is not a possibility. You can’t date your cousin. That’s just inappropriate. Even if she liked you back, that relationship could not happen because it would be frowned upon by society, and if you had children, there is an increased chance of them having birth defects. If she doesn’t have interest in you, you’ll just gross her out and potentially ruin your familial relationship. She could also tell other people in the family and that would be really unfortunate. It’s not abnormal to think your cousin is an attractive human being and to form an affinity because you spend a lot of time together, but it is abnormal to try to make that a romantic relationship. I would say maybe just take some time away from your cousin and focus on other things. Eventually, you’ll grow out of this situation and things can go back to normal.

When I was 5, I was sexually harassed by my cousin and now I’m 22. I've wanted to tell my parent(s) about that incident, but I never did. What should I do?

When I was 5, I got a sexual harrassment from my cousin and now I’m 22. I've wanted to tell my parent(s) about that incident, but I never did. What should I do?Answering anonymously, because I have never told anyone, and don’t want this to be known about me.When I was young, we spent Sunday evenings at my mom’s sisters. The home changed, the family who attended did not.Aunts, Uncles, cousins, we were all there throughout the home. There was always food, games, tv, and lots of noisy conversations.One particular Sunday, my one Uncle and I ended up being the only two watching tv. He started to tickle my belly, but then his hands moved up to my 13 year old breasts. I told him to stop, and he did.About a year later, we again happened to be the only two in a room and he grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. I said stop, and left the room. I decided that I would never tell anyone. I knew my Daddy would kill my Uncle if he knew. My mom and her sister would stop speaking. My Uncle would be dead. My Daddy would be in jail. My cousins would be mad at me. Nope! It was better I said nothing. I made sure I was never alone with him again. And I wasn’t.As a young adult, my Aunt, his wife was very sick. He was one of the few people who stood up for me when there was conflict between me and my sister, because I was having difficulty getting to the hospital to see her. He yelled at my mom, that my sister should “stop eating bon-bons, and watch my kids so I could see my Aunt in case she died.” I thought to myself, I was right to not say anything when I was younger, because there were so few people who didn’t see my sister as the ‘good daughter.’They are all dead now. Sometimes I wonder if he did this to anyone else, (I never considered that at the time) and it was the dirty little secret.BUT, I know for me, I made the right decision. I knew I couldn’t be the one to say anything. I couldn’t be the one to cause divisions in the family. I KNEW, my Dad would’ve killed him, or tried to kill him. I couldn’t live with that.I’m not saying this to say, don’t tell your parents. What I am saying is weigh the consequences of your speaking out. Will it help you to heal? Will it help you to move on? Are you concerned your cousin is touching someone else?I wish you well…