Why Nice Guys Finish Last Its Not Fair .

Why is it said that nice guys finish last?

May I share my thoughts? I am not certain that I can properly answer your question, so much as vent my own feelings. I am a nice guy, and I do think that we finish last. Sorry to sound pessimistic! I am a contradiction of the worst kind. Sorry to sing the "woe is me" song. But I have always let girls in particular take advantage of my generosity, and I have been burned many times. I of course get extremely angry at first whenver this happens, but it never changes my ways. I still like to please people, and enjoy being nice. It sucks for me. I am sick of people walking all over me, but I want to be myself. I have a 'feast or famine' mentality, and so it's hard to explain...but I tend to either be overly nice or overly bitter. Sad but true, I think nice guys do finish last- meaning, we are lonely, and we get stepped on by people who don't even deserve our time.

Why do you think nice guys finish last?

I LOVE nice guys. I don't care whether or not they finish last, that doesn't matter. I hate guys who are arrogant and jerks, even if they're super rich and good looking. Their attitude isn't attractive in the least bit.

I think nice guys finish last because the assholes plow them over in the competition and cheat the nice guys.

It's better to be nice though.

Do nice guys finish last?

nice guys don't always finish last. i'm a girl and here's why nice guys finish last:

Why Do Nice Guys Finish Last With Women?

When a woman refers to a nice guy she is NOT referring to the type of 'nice guy' who:

Is overly nice and polite, like he would be to his grandmother.
Tends to accepts a woman's demands or bad behavior, just so she will spend time with him or continue talking to him.
Is nervous around women.
Is shy in social situations.
Is intimidated by women and feels like he needs to impress them.
Doesn't know what to say to women (usually linked into trying to impress women).
Calls women too often, not allowing them to miss him.
Tells a woman that he has 'feelings' for her too early.
Behaves submissively around women and looks up to the woman as though she is the more dominant one.
Becomes a 'doormat' for women and puts his own needs aside.
Listens to all of woman's problems and discusses them in the same way her girlfriends would.
Gives away his power to women, and allows women to become the 'boss'.
Asks a woman what she wants to do, instead of being a man and taking the lead on dates and in relationships.

When used in combination, the behaviors and actions listed above will absolutely DESTROY the attraction a woman feels for you. Ultimately, it goes against everything that women are naturally attracted to in a man.

Now that we have talked about what women DON'T want in a nice guy, what DO they want? A woman's version of a nice guy is a man who:

Is a good guy, but is not a pushover or doormat for women or people to walk all over.
Is confident around women.
Is confident around other guys.
Is charming.
Knows how to behave like a 'challenge'.
Takes on the masculine role in an interaction, on a date or in a relationship.
Respects women and enjoys their company, but also gives plenty of time and attention to his life and what he's achieving/trying to achieve.
Uses humor in a confident, attractive way.

Why do nice guys finish last and a-holes get first?

That is a myth, and it is untrue. Ask any successful person how they did it and they will tell you success and winning in the real sense is, like politics, a game of addition; building up your network of people who like you and want to help you. Now, often, successful people are often perceived as “not nice” because they refuse to let common wisdom and “rules” stop them. They don't “play fair.” And they don't care if people who don't genuinely wish success for them disapprove; that provokes resentment in ppl who can't think outside the box or want to win as much as they do. Success is always ultimately fair, however; the successful person is always the one who wanted it enough to work harder than everyone else to get it.

Why do nice guys finish last with females?

It’s not true.I see it time and time again on Reddit, Quora, and any other website which lets people complain about stuff.The complaint is that “I’m a nice guy, why can’t I get a girl?”.It’s because you’re misunderstanding what “nice” means.It’s not about trying to tick every pleasantness box you can think of and feeling entitled for that knicker elastic to snap.Genuinely good guys in my experience have zero problems getting into relationships.When we say “nice” what we really mean is pretending to be nice.Over and over, look on Reddit and Quora, and you’ll see what I mean, it’s young guys saying they��re nice but really they’re bitter that the universe hasn’t provided them with a girlfriend. They feel entitled to have what other men have and won’t lift a fucking finger to try to get it.They’ll complain that it’s not fair that men tend to have to do the chasing in the dating scene, and you know what? Yes, generally speaking men do have to do the chasing. Really this is just a matter of cowboying the fuck up and accepting society isn’t going to make an exception for you because you’re too afraid to make the first move.Your shyness is your problem, not society’s problem.The whole “nice” thing is bullshit, it’s a mask over entitlement, bitterness, shyness and frankly cowardice.It’s saying “I’m nice, why can’t I have what I want?”.Because the world doesn’t owe you a thing, that’s why.

Is it true nice guys finish last?

No , that is not always the case. Many nice guys have finished in the lead many times.