Why Not Restrict Mens Reproductive Rights

Why should the government have a say in women’s reproductive rights?

If you want the government to have no say whatsoever in women's reproductive rights then that's great.You will, however, have to necessarily accept certain consequences. You see the government needs a say in how they implement certain things. It really isn't practical in a free country for the government to just do whatever you want them to without them having any right to discuss, debate or otherwise have any input in policy. So if you want government to stay out of your reproductive rights here are some of the things you are probably going to need to accept.No public funding for abortions.No public funding for information about abortion.No law protecting your right to an abortion.No public funding for contraception.No public funding information about contraception.No public funding for neo-natal care.No public funding for maternity care.No publicly funded medical assistance whilst giving birth.No legal age of consent.No public assistance for families of any kind.No public funding of any fertility procedure.No ability for any organisation to remove children from women who do not take reasonable care of their children or are actively abusive.All of a sudden it doesn't sound so great, does it?The only reason you have reproductive rights are because they have been agreed by your government. You seem to want this to be a one way street where once things are the way you want them everybody in government has to never mention it again. If you don't want government having a say on reproductive rights then they cannot protect them.This question, and the entire position it represents, isn't asking why the government has a say in reproductive rights, it is asking why the government has a say in reproductive rights when it isn't convenient to the person asking and when they don't want anyone dissagreeing with their personal position.I personally am thrilled the government has a say in your reproductive rights. As should be anyone who is in favour of society having a sensible attitude to abortion, contraception, pregnancy, children and sex in general.

Why does the GOP pretend to be for students while still attacking women?

and the poor, and elderly, and the Middle Class, and Protestant Religions, etc. The GOP will lose the White House and the Congressional House in 2012. The Republicans can take their stupidity to Utah, the only state they will in 2012. The GOP may cease to exist after 2012.