Why Russia Dont Star A War With U.s

How did the Russia Georgia war start

actually the intensity of genocide in ossetia is nothing comparing to the genocide happened in the middle east where the U.S. joined when the death toll reached to tens of thousands. in the case of georgia and russia, genocide is enough reason to wage war to another nation. while the U.S. movement is limited, and going to war will just add to the nations dept, waging war to russia is suicide and the russian's took that advantage to invade georgia which they can do easily. invading georgia will give russia additional oil. a genocide of 2000 people is pretty small reason for russia to wage war to georgia, surely there's a higher reason for the war since russia right now is invading georgia's capital. speaking of russia, they are one of the most powerful military country aside from U.S.

Why don't we want a war between US and Russia, (omitting the possible nukes)?

Assuming you could magically keep the war from going nuclear, neither side would likely be able to win because neither side would be willing to either lose the number of troops required to win or risk forcing a war to going nuclear by beginning to win. So what would you get? A lot of senseless costly killing where neither side wins?What would be the point?

Does the US want to start a war against Russia?

Responding to A2A:I’m quite certain that as a whole USA does not want a war with us, otherwise I’d be sitting in a bomb shelter right not or would be dead.However, there are multiple minority groups that want conflict. Some of those people write news, and some of their readers believe them.^^^ This happens often.Basically, there are groups in USA that:Believe that USA is world police.Believe that Russia is evil.Believe that USA is #1Are not aware of MAD doctrine or underestimate its effect.Those often want war, and think that they’ll go out of it unscathed.They’re not the entirety of USA, but they exist and cannot be ignored. Because they can lead to a large number of people dying.

Does NATO stand a chance in a war against Russia?

That depends what kind of war. Russia has quite different military doctrines than the USA and NATO in general.If Russia invaded Europe, according to old Cold War plans, it’d be a defeat for them. They simply lack the necessary force. They are not prepared for this kind of force projection, their army is not designed to face NATO forces as an attacking force. If a Russian invasion ever occured, it’d be in the Baltic states or somewhere else in the buffer zone. In any case, it’ll be very limited and the Russians will try to achieve a status quo before major NATO forces drive them out or their little adventure escalates into a worldwide shitstorm.But if NATO invaded Russia, that’ s a whole different story. In this case, NATO would very well lose. The Russians are well prepared to defend their Motherland, and they have strong traditions doing so. Not to mention that NATO also lacks the necessary ground potential. Most likely they’d grind to a standstill somewhere around the Dnepr, and then it’s either nukes or GTFO.To summarize, a NATO-Russian war would not lead anywhere, in any case. There is no point trying to win small territories from each other while risking to lose everything. (And I am not talking only about a potential nuclear scenario: there are serious economic ties tangling the two factions to each other, and straining them would be almost as bad as bombing each others’ cities.) As neither side could invade the other’s territory and occupy enough land to cripple the opponent into submission, it’d be just a very nasty tug of war.Finally let me point out that no wars are repeated exactly as the previous one, yet military planners tend to fall into the mistake of preparing for it. In WW2, the demise of France was to prepare for trench warfare and mass attacks again, but they got mobile armies and air support. Britain still believed in the might of the battleship, just to have its ass kicked by Japan and have most of its warships locked in Scapa Flow by German submarines. Most people nowadays imagine a war between Russia and NATO as some strange mix of WW2 and Cold War plans. No it’ll never happen. Not that way.

Who would win in a war between USA vs russia?

who would win in a war between USA VS CHINA?