Why Should I Get A Rabbit

I have two dogs. Can I get a rabbit?

First, have you researched how much work it is to care for a rabbit? They need a good amount of space that is well protected from predators - if it’s indoors or even if outdoors. They should have access to both - at night or in the cold they should be brought inside but they also should have time outdoors. All of those spaces should have adequate protection from hawks, foxes, and yes, your dogs. It is possible that your dogs would be fine with a rabbit, but rabbits are prey animals and you have greater odds that they will treat your rabbit like a squeaky toy.Rabbits need regular vet care for their ~10 year lifespan. They need their nails cut regularly as they do not stop growing. They also may need their teeth filed. They chew everything in sight. They need hay and fresh vegetables. They also need activities so they don’t get bored.So whether your dogs will get along with a rabbit is an important question. But there are a lot of other factors to research because caring for rabbits is different than caring for your dogs.Good luck! And if you decide to get a rabbit, look up a rescue instead of buying one from a store.

Should i get a rabbit or a budgie and why ?

If you are ready for 8-12 yrs. of commitment, then get a rabbit. If not, get the budgie. Both animals need constant care and attention. Read this article if rabbit is really for you.

Adopt a rabbit from a shelter. Go to House Rabbit Society to find one near you. They can help and answer all your questions on how to properly take care of them, even introducing your cat to them. BTW, its best that they live indoors. They can literally scare to death. Who knows what they can encounter outside.

Should I buy a rabbit?

I am thinking about buying a bunny rabbit. Is there any thing I should be concerned about? Procautions or safety tips?? I went into a pet store and fell in love with this white and tan rabbit. Also will my cat mess with it or try to harm it. Any information will be helpful. Thanks in advance

Hamster or Rabbit as a pet?

I would like to get a small mammal within the next couple years, I would like either a rabbit or a hamster, which do you recommend and why? Also leave tips, videos? Also, I can give some hay but not alot I think i'm allergic to it I am not sure, how can I find out?

I would like something to cuddle and play with, and it has to be okay while I'm at school. Also, what breed(s) do you recommend? Genders? Thanks so much!

Should I get a dog, a cat or a house rabbit?

If you’re not interested enough to have chosen what kind of pet you want, you really shouldn’t buy one. Try pet-sitting for friends.If you work full-time and don’t have anyone at home during the hours you work, you can’t own a dog. A dog has to be walked to urinate and defecate; a dog is a pack animal and will be lonely while you’re at work; lonely dogs bark and irritate the neighbors. Dogs need exercise.Cats are more solitary but may get lonely. If possible, get two cats already familiar with each other. They use kitty litter box so they don’t need to be walked several times a day. They will rip your furniture to shreds, but cutting off their toes at the knuckle to eliminate claws is cruel and painful.I never owned a rabbit so I cannot speak authoritatively about them. They live seven to ten years but can be trained to use kitty litter. They can’t be left in a cage; they need room to run; they must be neutered to prevent males spraying or females getting territorial.

Should I get a rabbit or a fish as a first pet?

As a first pet you asked? Fish yes. Rabbit no. Fish are way easier to care for. All you really need to do is feed them and keep the tank clean. They don’t need to be walked or bathed or even taken to the vets. Fish are also cheaper. Prices vary but the amount you spend on the rabbit and it’s needs, you could spend on a nice tank and beautiful fish. You don’t have to buy goldfish. Go for a gorgeous beta or clownfish. Get some different fish varieties. You could probably squeeze in a hermit crab too. Get some nice decor and rocks. After awhile you may get bored with fish because all they do is swim around in circles. Some people enjoy it and find fish relaxing. Cats certainly do. I’ve heard people say fish tanks smell but that’s only if you fall behind in cleaning it. And fish tanks are not loud. Rabbits in my opinion smell, they can get noisy, they have to be fed a proper diet (not just fridge veggies) must be kept groomed, and kept happy. And they can get pricey because of the hutches, food, and medical bills, like emergency trips to the vets. So a fish is a good starter pet. When you are ready to upgrade, I suggest getting something else that lives in a tank. Only because you are used to fish living in a tank. Maybe turtles, crabs, frogs, or even a small type of lizard. Snakes are a step up from lizards. Some other good starter pets are insects, mice, hamsters, and small birds. Again these are just my opinion. Getting a dog too wouldn’t be bad. Or a cat.