Why So Much Texas Envy

Why do people hate Texas, California and New York so Much?

I like Texas... keep the other ones!

Why do Texas laws suck?

In most large counties in Texas there are upwards of two thousand cases of divorce pending on any given day. The state has had an ongoing surge of yankees moving into it as refugees from their own crappy states. The men take one look at these Texas girls and the women see these Texas boys, and it's divorce time from their brownstone liberal pseudo-intellectual counterpart they call a spouse.

; )

Debunking 'penis envy'?

I believe that there is no such thing as 'penis envy' despite claims from the usual sources. I've never envied guys their penises (except when little and knew guys could stand up and go), but I do believe guys have vagina envy..although many of them won't admit it.

Controversial question..what do others think about penis envy/vagina envy?