Why To Men Tend To Hate Female Gamers

Why do women hate gamers?

Well, usually more sophisticated and "work-oriented" women dislike gamers. It's not because they hate men who play ceartain types of games, but mainly because the thought of a man playing a game. It seems very childish and silly to them. When women hear the word "man", they think of someone who is like them, wok-oriented and strong, not one who plays on an X-Box. Now me personally, I have nothing against a man who plays games. It's lighthearted, laidback, and quite simply, fun. Us women are just different in particular tastes, mate. If we had a boy-freind who went to the gym all the time, we would sometimes see him as being obsessed with himself, or avoiding us, or trying not to have to spend time with us, because the man would feel as if the long times spent together would mean us trying to force them into more commitments, such as talking about having kids, or getting married, or moving to new places, etc. Basically, men are work loving and "strong'' when it counts and matters to them, but are laidback when it's needed and wanted, and well, when they feel as if they deserve it. Now, if you're also mentally hinting that you can't find a woman who shares your interests, then I suggest you look around for a woman with your personality and outlook on things.

Why do a lot of male gamers hate female characters in Western games, but they like female characters in Japanese games, such as Final Fantasy and Resident Evil?

Maybe it is the way the female characters in Japanese games are represented.Take this character for example :Everyone who played Final Fantasy games should be familiar with Aeris from Final Fantasy 7. She is not physical strong, or carries a large gun, or wear sexy and revealing clothing or even acts sexy just to please male gamers. Hell, she got one of the most flattest chest in all the Final Fantasy characters (a title which stolen by Rinoa later in FF8). Matter a fact, most FF female characters (except Tifa) have flat chest - no idea why.Anyway, she is one of the most enduring character in fantasy game genre because of her actions, manners and self-sacrifice. She carried herself with certain strength and grace that she able to hold a team of tough male characters together even after she “left” the scene.Compare to her to what we have in Western game genres, it is hard to find an equivalent. Only one I saw which fit the category of “strong women” is Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn.

Why do guys hate gamer girls?

Peyton, here is what I believe are the groups (if you will) of male gamers:
-Men that don't give a sh*t that you're female
-Foreveralones that have never seen a girl irl before and try to be all nice and stuff to them(they are the guys that will give you free gold if you ask,ect)
-Jack@sses that will flame you because you are a girl(and most likely got raped by you in whatever game). Note: Often these jack@sses are foreveralones as well and will react very badly if you refuse to do something like(for example) not email them nudes or whatever.

Honestly I've never seen why the whole gamer girl stereotypes have arisen and why they are apparently so funny. I do hate it when girls advertise their gender when it is irrelevant.

Overall, it is both male and female gamer's faults for the female hate. That said, it is much more the male's fault then females. Not to stereotype, but I have found that the majority of teenagers are found in the 3rd and final category of my answer.

Interesting youtube videos on this:

@Yuka: I don't play BF3, but isn't it embarrassing in general to be knifed in a FPS?

Men are much better than women at video games such as Call of Duty, does this have to do with...?

I think that may play into it. Since before recorded history, men have always been the hunters, while women have been the socializers and home makers (not necessarily 50s television style). However, I think the trend has more to do with the social acceptability of hardcore gaming among men vs. women. Because it is less socially acceptable for women to spend large amounts of time playing violent video games, a smaller percentage of women than men do so. This means there are less opportunities for women who might be naturally skilled at video games to discover their talent, and even the ones who discover their talent are less likely to hone it. This doesn't mean there are not some amazing female gamers out there. I have had my butt kicked several times by female gamers. It's just not the norm.

EDIT: In response to some of the users' comments. Yes, experience plays into things, but natural talent certainly does exist. Some people's brains already have the correct thought patterns, etc. to skip over some skills that others have to train. Vast experience beats out natural talent in almost every circumstance, but there are some people who don't have the talent, and don't know how to identify the skills that exist in others and therefore do not know how to train those skills. I have two friends who have played at least twice as much first person shooter games in their lifetimes as I have, but I can beat them in almost any game we play despite the fact that I have played less time than them and haven't played more than 40 hours of video games in the past year.

Point is... talent is a thing that exists, and if a person does not have the ability to recognize what skills differentiate a good player from a bad player, they can never overcome their lack of talent. I think it is possible that men more often have the "talent" for shooter style video games, and women, who are less likely to play such games in the first place, are probably more likely to have to overcome a lack of talent.

Why do most women hate video games and guys that play them?

I always hear women saying things like games are for "nerds", "man-childs", or "losers," and they seem to think we're all the same. I've tried finding a girl that likes them, but it's nearly impossible to find one. I just don't get what's with all the hate. Just because some of us enjoy video games, doesn't mean we wouldn't care about you, and do other things sometimes. I'm fit, smart, and quite a few people say good looking, so I don't know what the problem is. Even if a woman is interested in me, and I mention that video games are one of my hobbies, she'll reject me almost immediately. I'm just wondering why this happens. I don't want to quit playing, and I don't want to be dishonest about it either, as I don't think it's a bad thing. It's no worse than someone who is into reading or watching movies.