Why Was Ambition Part Of Satan

What is Satans Ambition?

If you accept the Judeo-Christian stories, Lucifer was the angel that announced the arrival of God - and proclaimed His greatness. Lucifer began to see himself as above the other angels and then even as a rival of God - and got many other angels to follow him (and worship him!). God give Lucifer (and the others) a deific smackdown and sent them to suffer for eternity (sent to hell).

Now, according to the traditions, Lucifer's goal is to prevent worshippers from adding their worship "power" to God's power base. There is nothing in the Bible about a "pergatory" or anything like that - if you aren't destined to go to heaven, you go to hell - and a sinner heads straight to Lucifer. The stories hint (they don't come out and SAY it) that the doomed sinner's "power" goes to Satan by default.

Of course, this is ONLY if you believe in this religious tradition.

Are dreams and ambitions Satan's way of distracting women from making dinner?

Nah, It's just our way of saying, "Quit yer whining and make yer own damn sammich"

Why do you prefer God over Satan?

God and Satan, these are not just words but they're feelingsGod-positive feelingSatan-negative feelingIt's human’s innate nature to be dependent. How independent you may be, you feel happy and motivated when somebody supports you or pushes you with a positive feeling.On the contrary, you get disappointed when someone demotivates you.For sure, everybody needs the postive push rather than negative pull.So people believe god as their motivator, the person who grants their boons, the creature who lets their dreams come true, the superior being who gives people hope that all happens for good and for a cause. While nobody wants to loose their dreams, ambitions and other wishes by believing in satan who people believe as the opposite of good and positive.So people prefer god over satan.

Christians - is it bad to have a secular ambition?

yes, i think its bad to have an ambition.
it will work against us. Satan will use this against us ...

the bible does not encourage us to be ambitious.
know why satan fell ... ambition and pride .
he is never satisfied .. wants more and more ... and down he went.

Matthew 6.26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

spread the gospel ... is not an 'ambition', it is a command.

i think you need to read scripture ..

What made Satan evil?

God curtailed Lucifer’s ambitions and cast him out of Heaven to the Bottomless Pit of Sheol, along with his fellow rebellious angels. As he fell from grace he was said to shine like lightning but was reduced to ashes on impact; only his spirit flutters blindly and ceaselessly in the deep gloom of Sheol. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning,” wrote Isaiah (14:12) summarizing the situation.Once he was imprisoned in Sheol, whether he was ashes, spirit, or full-bodied, Lucifer became identified with Satan, the Adversary or Devil, also known as the Prince of Darkness and Prince of the Power of Air. As Satan, Lucifer’s theological profile became demonized; Satan’s deeds represent Lucifer’s doings after the Fall. The Judeo-Christian belief holds that as Satan Lucifer was able to continue to interfere with human affairs and oppose God and the angelic hierarchy. Satan of course was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden apple of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, thereby precipitating the expulsion of the primal heavenly couple from Paradise.Even Satan began pure. He was said to be twelve-winged, originally called ha-Satan, the chief of the Seraphim, wearing the nine hierarchic orders of angels “as a garment, transcending all in glory and knowledge,” according to the century Pope, St. Gregory the Great (540-604). Nor would he be “evil” forever. According to Church fathers and apologists Jerome, Gregory of Nyssa, Origen, Ambrosiaster, and others, one day Satan would be reinstated in his “pristine splendor and original rank” In the meantime he had a job to do as the Devil.From the document: The Nine Faces of Lucifer. I have provided a link to the full manuscript below.Eric Johnson has shared a file with you

What is the goal of Satan?

The devil hates mankind, with no exception. He also hates Jesus. He hates God. The devil is angry. The devil covets the power, authority and worship that belongs to God. The devil wants not only to be a god, he wants to be above God. This is illogical. A created being cannot usurp its Creator despite feature films like Blade Runner that posits that robots created by man can exceed and murder the engineers that designed and created them.The devil is trying to maximize those who fail to make it into heaven. He beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden into eating of the forbidden fruit. He accomplished this goal by using two strategies. Firstly, the devil cast doubt into Eve’s mind about whether she would actually die if she ate of the forbidden fruit. Lord God stated that they would die when they ate of the forbidden fruit. But the devil asked Eve, will you really die ? The devil cause Eve to doubt God’s word. Secondly, the devil falsely promised Eve that she would be as gods, after eating of the forbidden fruit. So essentially, the devil used doubt and a false promise to cause Eve to sin. The devil is the first snake oil salesman, selling his lies to Eve.In heaven, there are angels that number in at least the hundreds of millions. They are clearly not atheists and are in the presence of God, so they are fully aware that God exists and that He has supreme power and authority. So how could the devil cause one third of the angels to fall ? Well, its simple, the devil uses the same strategy he always uses, doubt and false promises. He convinced one third of the angels, that they too could become as gods. They too could receive worship as well as some degree of power and authority as well. How did he make good on this promise ? Simple. He spawned a multitude of false religions and false doctrines. He knows that man is gullible, and that man is lustful for power and authority. So he appeals to man’s ego and hubris. All false religions have a couple of things in common. All false religions set up man as god, and also integrates idolatry. When an individual worships an idol, they are in fact worshiping a fallen angel, one duped by the devil.The devil is a tool. Don’t believe his lies.Jesus saves.

Is there a ritual to become SAtan's wife? is that real?

There's a ritual, but it takes a lot of ingredients that are hard to find in today's society. Herbs and flowers that you are going to have to really put effort into finding - mostly they grow around the Mediterranean. And, you're gonna have to kill a few small animals and harvest their organs. Not to mention the complicated dance and verses in Latin that you are going to have to memorize. Plus, even if you complete the whole ritual, Satan can refuse to accept you if you are too ugly or slutty or whatnot - and then you've got this giant rejection symbol burned into your forehead for the rest of your human life. And its still there for the rest of eternity when you go to hell, and you know everyone down there is gonna be making fun of you for it.

Better find another hobby. Or husband.