Why Was I Born And How Was I Made

Why was I born?

You came into the world because two young people did not understand the responsibility of having a sexual relationship. They made life choices for themselves as they didn't and obviously still don't recognise the responsibility of caring for a child.
What is your purpose? This will be an amazing journey for you to find out. Get yourself the best education you can, read as much as you can to broaden your view of the world. Focus on learning to love and like yourself as once we give it to ourself we know how special and precious it is and we don't give it away lightly. You are far from being "a pathetic little chapter in His book labled Hell".
I asked my grandmother a question which I don't remember now, she answered "God never gives us a burden he knows we can't carry, it is us that believes he does". Footprints in the sand is a similar message.
There are many of us who come onto this planet in unhappy circumstances and have asked this question. I guess it is the answer we give ourselves and the belief in a happy tomorrow that helps us get through to the next day.
You are not alone you just feel it. And it is okay to be angry with your parents as they did not deserve the gift of you.
I suggest you start counselling so you can get all the crappy stuff outside of you so you can see you are okay it was the 'adults' who failed you.
Take good care of you as you are special and I know people who have come from 'normal' families who have asked this question.
Big hug and keep that determined chin up :-)

Why was i born?

Yes i know the answer your thinking "because my parents had sex"

That's not the answer i am looking for. The answer is for the question "HOW was i made?"

But here is my question. Why are we actually born and come to existence in this Universe? Because in order for something to exist it must exist already in some other form. Because obviously something can't come from nothing because if that were true then in every second something would be popping out nothingness. So that is wrong.

So does that mean we already existed at some point before?

Um. Why are we born in a certain time? Like why wasn't i born during the Stone Age? Why did it have to be born when humans were at an evolved stage? I know it might be hard for you to understand but when you think about it, and you start to think about more and more, you can feel this .. weird feeling that .. there is something behind all of this. The Universe, us, everything from the smallest to largest particle. I don't about you. But i am starting to talk to myself. I think i am going nuts. lol

Honestly i hate everyone. I hate Atheists, Christians, Muslims, etc. I hate everyone because they seem to think they know everything about the Universe.

I believe we have to stop this bull sh-it and get together and somehow try to communicate, i don't know do some weird sh-it. Maybe there is some secret to us! Maybe we have an ability we yet need to discover. Perhaps maybe we are the creators of this Universe. Life is required right? ->

Why was I born?

You were born because sometime in the past living cells found out that creating a new cell is a more efficient way to pass on its information than to sustain itself indefinitely. Thus was born reproduction and it is ingrained so deeply in the nature of every organism that they can't help but procreate.None other than humans seek a reason for living. They simply live for living and propagating their species. The basic needs for human life are air, water, food and shelter. Theoretically, if you find someone to provide you with these indefinitely you can live your life without doing any of the things you mentioned earlier. But if everyone decided to do this then there will be nobody to provide these needs.As a species we do everything to give ourselves and our progeny a good environment that ensures our species don't die out. We do this best as a society, living together. When you live as a society every one needs to bring some value. Going to school is to create a skill set and you can learn from anywhere, not just in school. There are many societies where formal education is not the norm. You go do a job to create some value to your society in exchange for other things that other people provide. Aside from this surviving, humans have a thirst for knowledge, for purpose. We try to justify our existence with reasons other than just existing. We intentionally try to make life better (or worse) for other species. We give ourselves the moral codes of religion to govern ourselves, to restrain our limitless potential from wiping out everything.Don't think of your life as ending in death. Think of yourself as a continuous organism that has passed on information for hundreds of  millions of years. You hold in yourself the life, sufferings and victories, knowledge and instinct of the millions of generations that came before you. You can learn something new and pass it on to humanity for eternity. And while you are doing that you can also consciously work on saving this beautiful planet for countless other lives.

Why are we born?

I don't think there is even a single person who must have not thought once in their life about the reason why they are born.As after just letting this question be a passerby again gone back to leading their life like always.Well a simple way to know what you are born for, just firstly calm your mind and hear out what is it that pulls you always. Any art or activity which you love doing. Well that is your true calling for life.Secondly, we all are born to not just use the resources of nature, debate, hate, love and ultimately die only to again repeat the cycle. Our reason for birth is to shed ignorance out of the world. This may not be completely possible, but even if you are able to change 1 % of people you have left your mark and imprint in the world.No matter which sect we are born into. One should strive for knowledge, defend themselves and the world of ignorance. Change is the only constant and life is an unknown travel. Embrace change.Our true calling in life and what we are born for is to break old concepts which no more falls acceptable to the present situation, cleanse our minds of taboos and get this world out of ignorance.One need not wait for the avatar to happen or for the judgement day, look within, it is where God resides in the form of energy which is striving to come out, yet curbed by us letting the weak man fear cage it.You need to fight against everything that is wrong. It is not easy. You will be faced by oppression and criticism, alone you would have to take a stand. Remember all those who are preached as divine now are those who had the guts to kick out this fear out of their system and who lived to bring proper order in the world.The were designated the position called God as their thinking and actions were beyond a normal person's thought. Replace the “I can't” and “we can't” in you with “I can” and “we can” and watch how your world transforms.We are born to make the world a better place to live in. Carrying the sword of fearlessness riding the horse of knowledge to decrease evil first inside our mind and then to lighten the world with love of divine.

Why was I even born...?

your just like me... well that was back then when i was a middleschooler

i used to always questioned " why did i even exist? "

but nope no more..

Throughout in life i've walked on my road and met many great people.
I was inspired and motivated to become a hard worker to obtain a better future...
like i said before.. i was like you.
"i stayed home.. i wasn't much of an athlete, not much of a great student..."
but everything changes when you take a stand and decide to move on in life.

I came to find my true purpose in life. As there is goals and missions that i want to accomplish.

Why was I born?

Your parents didn't bring you into this world...YOU DID!

I know, I know it was a shock for me to find this out too. I was always the agonized teen complaining to my parents that I didn't choose to be born. Well...surprise, surprise! Actually, I did just that.

It happens when we are still non-physical beings in the spiritual plane. We decide on the soul level that we want to experience a human existence. It looks a lot easier from over there than it does from over here though! We choose the major themes and challenges of our lives while still over there and we have guides to help us who are always with us. No, you can't see them. But if you talk to them and ask for assistance they will help you.

Why did you choose to come into this world? Simply to experience it...that's all that life is about. Experiencing it as an individuation of the "All That Is" (or God, if you will), as a physical being. You have the power to control your own life too, through "free will" or the vibrations that you emit with your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, words and actions. If you constantly tell yourself that you are a loser, you will BE a loser. Look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself that you are an attractive person who achieves all your goals, do it everyday for atleast a month and you will start to believe it. And once you believe it, so will everyone else! Give it a try. It worked for me!

Love, light and blessings!

How do I find out why I was born?

Thanks for A2A.People have been pondering on this question since time immemorial.Be it Western or Indian philosophy, Philosophers have come out with different views on the ultimate reality behind this world and our existence.Now as far your question is concerned, its very difficult to know the reason behind your birth. If you need to learn about different philosophies, it would consume good amount of time. Let me explain you a peculiar aspect of Indian philosophy in short.Indian philosophy believes in the law of karma. Except Carvaka, all schools of Indian philosophy vis, Jainism, Buddhism, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Mimamsa and Vedanta believe in birth- rebirth depending upon karmas, bondage to this world and finally liberation from this world.They all have laid a path to gain knowledge of self/atman/soul. Once a person gains this knowledge , he gets liberation or moksha and gets out of this vicious cycle of birth - death - rebirth. The sole reason of getting trapped in this cycle of birth - rebirth is ignorance of self.Meditation is a technique advocated by majority of these schools. Follow the path laid by them and you will get all your questions answered viz. Who am I?, Why am I here? etc.Moreover its said that“One who knows never tells and one who tells never knew”It is believed that reality is indescribable. Once you become aware of reality, you won`t be able to describe it in human speech or expressions.So why not philosophise yourself. Ultimately each one of us is a philosopher. Just ponder on what do you mean by “I” in the question “How do I find out why I was born”.Keep on introspecting and meditating.Who knows you may get enlightened and answer this question yourself on Quora defying the notion “One who knows never tells and one who tells never knew”Best Wishes!!!

I was born after the constitution was made. Why should I follow it?

I don’t think its your fault that you born after the creation of constitution but let me tell you that why you should respect and follow it . After you born how the constitution helped you and gave you rights and privileges…1.) You are freely writing your idea’s on Quora (right to expression given by Indian constitution)2.) you can walk around the country and do some relevant work (right of freedom ) given by constitution .3.) you can Elected your leader (democracy )4.) when you were kid you must have got the privilege of right to education (compulsory education for child between age of 6 to 14 yr and also mid-day-meal ). No doubt, on this your parents have the main role but its constitution which tells to do so.5.) Its Constitution , which prohibit the discrimination based on caste, color or economic status .you can think about the situation before independence when there was no constitution.6.) Constitution declares you A citizen of the country and protect your land and opportunity from outsider (remember mahmood gaznavi and attackers of past).7.) Its defines the boundary of the nation so that no one else can occupy your place As before independence it was a normal to attack and occur someone’s territory .8.)Its has created A proper system to help and encourage you from bottom to top level means from Panchayati raj(village), municipalities , chief minister to Prime minister (nation) .9.) It protect the people of scheduled and tribal caste which are considered to be most discriminated in past and giving them privilege to make equality .10.)Its gives you opportunity to work with the government by taking part in various exams(like IAS, IFS, IPS etc) . or directly by participating in election process(which was not easy in the past as In that time these all positions were made only for some special group of people )11.) Its also defines the rights and liabilities of the government to prevent from unnecessary interference of government or its officials in public property and rights.12.) It provides the high court (in state) and supreme court to Fight and protect public against the unconstitutional / unlawful act .13.) Two most important writs which always saved peoples liberty and also protect your rights agains illegal/intentional arrest .1.) Habeas Corpus2.) Quo warranto*********All the Images are used for explanation purpose only********.

Why was I born male instead of female?

How you feel in your mind is WHO YOU ARE, not what you see in the mirror. If your mind tells you that you are female, then you are female. Sometimes, people are born with a condition known as transsexualism, where the brain is one gender, but the body is the opposite. It sounds to me like this is your situation. It's nothing you had a say in. You didn't choose this. It's a naturally occurring birth condition, and it is correctable. If you feel you have this condition, you should talk to a gender therapist, and see if you want to correct it (transition) so that your body and mind match. If you are Transsexual, Transition is the most important thing you can ever do. It will make your life worth living, and everything will finally feel right.

You can find a gender therapist here.

@ Nick - people made gods, people make mistakes, hence god is a mistake.

What is the reason why I was born?

The answer comes from my belief in the theory of Karma and Reincarnation.According to this theory, every action we engage in results in karmic credits and debits being accumulated in our individual account. Obviously the credits are the result of good acts and the debits are the result of evil or harmful acts.According to the theory of reincarnation human beings continue the cycle of birth and death as long as they have a balance in their Karma account -be it a credit or a debit. The body dies but the soul is reborn into a new body with its past karmic deeds accompanying it.When we take birth, the family we are born into, the place we are born in, the economic circumstances we are born into, the physique we come with, the intellectual capabilities that we come with - all these are a result of past karmic deeds that have fructified.As we continue to live, some of the past karmic deeds, both good and bad, continue to fructify. Also, we begin to accumulate more karmic credits and debits with what we do and do not do in this life.So, does this mean that we continue to be stuck in this cycle for ever and ever.? No. The belief is that eventually we get to a state of evolution where we leave this world with a zero balance in our karmic account.How does this happen? When we start living a life that reflects the understanding that all of creation is interconnected, we will stop adding to the karmic account. What does this mean? We start to do good things not because we will get good karma but just because it is the right thing to do and without expectation of anything in return.Now to answer your question, we are all born in this manifested world with a purpose - to enjoy the rewards and pay the price of our past karmic balance. We must do this with grace and dignity and at the same time, we should also strive not to accumulate any new karmic results by leading a harmonious life.