Why Was The Total Labor Force In America So Much Larger In 1910 Than It Was In 1870

Can you tell me a little bit 'bout educational system in America?What I need to do to become a good student?

Not all US high schools are as bad as that other poster made them out to be. I should know, I went to one. The problem most of the bad schools have isthat they are filled with stupid poor people. Avoid inner city schools.

In general what you want to do to be a good student is just make the teachers think you are trying hard. If you do that they will grade you easier and give you the benfit of the doubt in most circumstances.
Yes, you shoucl participate in extracurricular activities. They look good on applications and they keep you busy so you dont fall in with a crowd of drug addict losers.

Why were world war one and world war 2 the most important wars?

Without the Revolutionary War there would be no United States. Most historians think the Civil War was the most important in the formation of the nature of American society. WWI and WWII were the most important US wars to Europe and to people who think the world did not exist before the 20th century. Compared to the other 20th/21 century wars, the major ones being Korea, Vietnam and now Iraq, there is really no contest. In the latter 3 wars there was no declaration of war but were started by a presidential initiative, and had little public support or enthusiasm and they did/will not end with a clear US victory. All three were proxy wars against an enemy who had only a peripheral interest in the outcome, and would not be defeated, even if the US achieved total victory.

Can someone give me examples of violence against blacks and women?

must be after the bill of rights was written and BEFORE they were given rights.

im writing about how history would be different if the bill of rights wasnt only aimed at the white men but also at the women and blacks. however i dont know when they were finally included so i cant really give examples of violence.

please pleaseee help!

thanks in advance.