Why Wont My Back Stop Hurting

My back won't stop hurting! HELP!?

Hi Mariam,

It is not a good idea to ask for medical advice on the internet because you have no idea who is replying to you. Having said that, I will give you some advice but, before you take it, you should share it with a parent or other adult that you trust.

The most likely cause for back pain at your age is likely to be a pulled muscle, which will eventually get better. Whatever the cause of the pain, even if it is a slipped-disc, the medical advice is the same. Continue to perform normal activity, there is no need to rest your back or remain immobile. Obviously don't do anything that is going to put a strain on your back. Consult someone to show you how to lift and handle safely, anyone who is concerned with health matters should be able to help you with this.

If the pain is very bad, take painkillers (ask a responsible adult to help you with this). You should take the smallest dose of the safest painkiller that helps. Start with one tablet of 200mg ibuprofen. If that doesn't work, try 400mg when the next dose is due. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

The most effective pain relief is obtained by taking a half dose of two different painkillers, discuss this with your pharmacist before trying it, especially before using paracetamol (acetaminophen), which can be very dangerous if used in excess.

If your back does not improve in a few days, or if it gets worse, you should see a doctor.

Good luck,

My wrist won't stop hurting?

Get a two inch elastic bandage and wrapp your wrist from about two inches below your wrist to the first knuckles on you hand, leave your thumb free. Be careful not to wrap so tight that you cut off blod flow to your fingers. The idea is to support the jont and lmit how far it can move in any direction. Take the wrap off at night. Give it three or foour days. Something like Advil or it's generic equivaleent will help, don't overdo the medicine

How do I make my funny bone stop hurting?

I fell, and awkwardly caught myself so that my elbow jammed into the top of the back of a chair. It went into my arm, and basically kicked my funny bone in the @$$, basically, I was crying in pain for over an hour. I took nearly five tylenols, which is five times the reccomendation for my age and weight, but it hasn't stopped hurting. It has been over six hours, and I can't move my arm without searing pain. How do I calm the nerve down?

(I've already tried everything I've found on the internet. Rubbing it, for example, does not make it better, but makes it hurt ten times as much. If you have no useful advice, don't answer.)

Septum piercing won't stop hurting?

Okay, I got my septum pierced professionally back in December, now it's March and it is still extremely sensitive and hurts extremely bad whenever my nose gets bumped. It was pierced in the 'sweet spot' so I don't understand why it hasn't stopped hurting yet. I have 11 other piercings around my body, and this is the only one that has ever hurt this much for this long.

My dad hurts me physically how do i get him to stop my parents won't listen?


Well, first off, sorry this is happening to you :(
And second, I know how you happens to me too sometimes, but I think you have it worse :( My parents more verbally abuse me, like telling me I'm useless, stupid and I wreck their lives, for no reason.
But anyway, I can relate to you.

But just think about this...they're not right. Parents aren't supposed to do this, I feel sick just reading brings back a lot of memories. But you can't let it get to you. Well, what they're saying anyway, about you being horrible. Just repeat in your head "They're lying, I'm not" and just think of all the good stuff you've done, anything you've accomplished. Think back to good memories and blank out.

But you can't exactly do that with the physical abuse. I think you have to tell someone, it'll just get even worse. Trust me, I know.
I know this is going to be hard, but just try :) Do you have any Grandparents, aunts, uncles, close adults? And I know you probably won't want to do this, but maybe a school teacher? Or maybe there's someone at your school who talks to students about these things?

I know you won't want to call the police, because you'll feel terrible afterwards, but it could be your only choice. Just keep thinking about your life after all of this and think how good it could be if all this was gone.

I really hope I helped :)

All of my teeth hurt and the pain won’t stop. How do I stop this from happening?

You may have a sinus infection or you may have gum disease. Both will make all your teeth hurt. Or you may have a really bad cavity that needs a root canal and is inflaming your gums. There are probably more causes, but these are the ones that I have experience with. If you have chronic sinus problems, go to your doctor and grt an antibiotic. Then go to your dentist for a checkup.

How do you stop your back from hurting without injections and pills?

I currently ahve three bulging discs which causes constant back pain and sciatica in my right leg.If it gets really bad I take anti-inflamatarys (ibibrufen) and paracetamol.Generally I get a remedial massage every two weeks and see an osteopath every two weeks. This equals treatment every week. I exercise a fair amount to keep my muscles strong to support my back.The last thing I do is tell my self it's not that bad. Pain is just as much mental as physical. I tell my self I won't complain I wont let it stop me and it's not so bad on the scale of things.

WHY wont my boyfriend rub my back?

My boyfriend asks me to rub his back quite a bit. Probably about 2x a week. maybe more. idk but it seems like alot. I have scoliosis and sometimes would like my back rubbed. but my boyfriend doesnt do that for me. i asked him why i always rub his back but he doesnt rub mine and he sd that i never ask him...but i dont see y i have to ask him when i always rub his even if he doesnt ask me. if he says its hurting i rub it for him. i dont want to quit doing it for him like in spite bc thats mean. i know his back hurts. i have asked after i have asked him this one time. and he sd he was tired. he would do it later. but i have several times told him my back hurts. y doesnt he get the hint? shouldnt he just want to do that for me if he loves me?

Why wont my lower back pain go away? HELLLP?

I am a competive high level gymnast...i have gone to docters and chiropractors and they dont help...i take medicines and tons of back has been hurtin for nearly four years now...i have been in and out of a back brace during this time...yet my lower back still kills me...about 4 years ago i hurt my back and they said it was because my hips are uneven by 8mm, then my back got better by the next season...then my back started hurting again and we went back to the docter and they said i tore a ligament in my back...i went to physical therapy 3 times a week for 3 years and then stopped but my lower back pain keeps comming back!!! gah any help?