Why Would Any White Person Vote For The Democrats When That Would Be Like Blacks Voting For

Why would a white person vote for Hillary?

White guilt
Self hate

If Black people by the 1960's and '70's started voting democrat for free money, why did most white people start voting Republican?

The American political parties, now called Democrats and Republicans, switched platforms, ideologies, and members many times in American history. These switches were typically spurred on by major legislative changes and events, such as the Civil War in the 1860’s, and Civil Rights in the 1960’s.

Republicans HD more liberal values.
Democrat's had more conservative values.

So they switched!

Lincoln (the first Republican President – 1861) was an anti-slavery Republican in his day, which (in terms of pushing for social justice, using federal power, and taxation) is similar to today’s progressive social liberal.

Likewise, Andrew Jackson (the first Democratic Party President – 1829) was a southern states’ rights populist and “Jacksonian” Democrat, which (in terms of individual rights, small government, and economic ideology) is similar to today’s socially conservative libertarian.

What have Democrats done for black people?

African-Americans haven’t voted blue every election since universal suffrage (or even racial suffrage). In fact, the first election in which Democrats even had the black electorate was in the 1964 election, after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act in July.(I’d also like to quickly point out that I’m only going to be talking about the modern Democratic Party, especially the post-1964 party, as the past Democratic Party was extremely racist. They are the same party in name, but not in practice.)But, yes, let’s look.Economic gains are massive across the board for blacks (and whites as well), under modern Dem presidents. From 1964 to 2011, the average black family’s income rose by $895 annually, the unemployment rate of African American’s fell a net 7.9% over 26 years, and poverty went down by 23.6%. Under GOP presidents in that same time period, income increases by $142 annually, unemployment went up 13.7% over 28 years, and poverty grew by 3%.[1]Democrats have historically signed legislation advancing civil rights and economic and political equality. You have the Civil Rights Act signed by LBJ, but you also have more subtle piece of legislation, like Clinton expanding income tax credit, which gives low-income workers a partial tax refund. As of 1999, 33.7% of low-wage workers were black, and 16.8% were low-wage and low-income[2], trailing behind Hispanics, recent immigrants, and non-citizens.Alongside that, a Democrat nominated the first African-American SCOTUS justice, and eight of the nine justices in Brown v. Board (which was unanimous) were appointed by Democrats. Truman (yes, he’s not in the time frame, but it’s worth mentioning) also issued Executive Order 9981, desegregating the military.[3]The four Democratic-appointed justices voted against effectively repealing the Voting Rights Act, and all Republican-appointed justices voted for it.[4]While Democrats have an ugly history of racism from 200 years ago, they have continually helped the African-American community advance socially, economically, and politically in the modern political system.Footnotes[1] Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites[2] A Profile of Low-Wage Workers[3] July 26, 1948: Executive Order 9981 issued[4] Supreme Court Invalidates Key Part of Voting Rights Act

Why might a black person vote Republican?

Because Trump is currently at the helm of the party. The party rather sucks, just as the other one does too, most politicians are bought and paid for. But his agenda is good and is helping every citizen, our military and vets, our national security and more. As long as he’s at the front of the Republicans, they MIGHT actually get something done they’ve been promising for eons, they MIGHT actually improve the economy, improve the military, improve border security, improve rule of law, reduce illegal immigration (which btw does more damage to the black and hispanic communities than any others!) and a ton of other things, since Trump appears to be the first politician since Reagan to even try (let alone succeed) in keeping to the agenda he campaigned on. Probably because neither of them were really ‘politicians’ so much as old men fed up with what they saw wrong and nobody else seemed willing to fix.Notice I didn’t say anything about race aside from the note about aliens hurting those two communities most (the first via non-degree jobs issue, the second via crime and recruitment for crime). That’s because I expect every US Citizen to vote for what is best for their nation and its people. I don’t expect anybody who is mature enough to vote to be so shallow as to imperil things like national security, treatment of military and vets, and so on all for some special interest topic, whatever it may be.To me, expecting people to vote democrat just because they’re black is breathtakingly racist. To reverse it, IF it were completely true, one could say, “Well, ya can’t trust those blacks to be patriots or love their country, they’ll always vote for the guy giving ’em welfare.” How pathetic would that be? I don’t believe it. Nearly all the people I know who are black are responsible, intelligent, hard working, patriotic Americans — just like anybody else would be. They vote for whomever they choose and it’s usually based on the “priorities” issue related to their country. Not who the media and social pressure “make” them feel like they “have” to choose. They have more spine than that.They don’t need any different reasons than anybody else needs: they vote for the agenda that seems best geared for the country’s good at that moment. This does not differ based on what color their skin might be.

Why do democrats and the fake media pretend there are not millions of black Trump supporters ?

FACT;8pct of blacks voted for Trump. FACT;that is more than 2 million therefore "MILLIONS" FACT; more blacks support him now that in 2016. Yet you idiots keep calling millions of blacks "white supremecists" and you wonder why people call you guys stupid ?