Why Would My Prof Asked This

What should I do if my professor asked me on a date?

sorry but i laughed a bit when i read the questionI assume a lot would run through your mind at that point and be confused which is normal. Students have been known to date their professors for the purpose of getting an A in his course and it is really shameful to say the least. They fail to realise that the grades don’t make or define you. Your work should speak for you.Back to the question tho, i believe you have a right to ask his intentions for you so you can decide if you would consider the offer. If you find that he’s serious, then it all depends on you. Some girls don’t mind dating older men while some see it as weird. You would also have to consider how you would be treated in college due to that fact of you dating a professor.But i guess once you’ve considered all that and feel ok with it, you can give him a chance on a date. I don’t think there is any law against such anyway

My professor asked me out?

My professor is asking me
He has been following me for a few months now, I'm a history student and he was supposed to help me with my mid term paper. However, he just kept asking me out and went as far as buying me beer (I don't drink and told him so), calling me late at night, texting me ("I'm going to bed, I'm thinking about...your paper lol") and asking other students questions about me.
I'm 21 so it's not illegal, but not only is he old and really unattractive, he also doesn't stop!
I explicitly told him I didn't want to write that paper with him because I got the feeling that he was getting to close for comfort.
Now he's sent me a request on facebook which I obviously blocked, only to have him ask me why and send me another request!
What am I supposed to do? I don't really want to get him in trouble, he's got a family and small children, I wouldn't want them to now what a creepy perv their father is...

My professor asked me to dinner?

DO NOT become involved with your professor while you are still a student... PERIOD. Simply tell him, or text him if that is your mode of communications, "I'm sorry, Professor Smith, but I am unable to accept your dinner invitation."

If he continues to pester you about it, or worse yet, begins to grade you poorly in class, your next step is to the DEAN OF STUDENTS directly!!! It is advisable for you to retain the text messages just in case you need them for proof.

Have a polite day.

Professor asked me out for coffee?

I suppose it all depends on your prior contact/communication. We all know "that look" when someone is interested in us more than a friend. Well, is that what has happened here or not? If so, then, yeah, it is a "feel out" date. Where he is feeling you out to see how perceptive you are to him. If not, then you will just talk over coffee.

I think the question is: are YOU interested in him. Which I think you are or you would not have mentioned that he is not married or you are not in his class anymore.

I say that you should go and see what happens. If you are both interested in one another and it is not going against any ethical rules of the school, then date. But, know this: a guy like him has contact with hundreds of students. Be sure he is not a chew em up and spit em out type of guy before you give him more of yourself than you can afford to lose. Proceed with caution and really get to know him before you get emotionally or physically involved. Okay?

Is it shady that my professor asked me to meet for a coffee?

I can say I had coffee with professors many times in college. Often it was initiated by them. One professor, who eventually became my most influential mentor from college asked me to get coffee after the first week of class. I was clearly really into his class and his intent was to offer me a job, which I accepted on the spot.I occasionally went to conferences with this team and often asked professors to go to dinner or got invited by a group. It was extremely enriching and often more challenging than class. Sometimes it was just social too.Now, one big thing to note here. I assume by shady, you mean there is some sort of romantic intent. With me, I was privileged in never having to think about it. I was male, I was in computer science, so my teachers, sadly all were too. They were mostly straight and married to women. So this hadn't even occurred to me to be worried and I'm sure it didn't occur to them I might be.If you're a freshman, and changing from the culture of highschool to college, I can tell you, yes this is way more normal than in highschool. It's often a great opportunity to learn or get a very formative job. But use your judgement. If you think they have any inappropriate intent you should avoid it. But don't write this off completely because lots of great things can result.

My Professor asked me out to dinner, should I accept?

I'm just a lowly undergrad, but he seems to have really taken an interest in me. We've worked on poetry together, and papers. I don't know though, it just doesn't seem right. He seems to be overly interested in me, and I'm afraid it will affect my work, and grading and stuff. I am kind of interested in him too though. Am I blowing this out of proportion?

Why would my professor ask me if i did good on my exam?


How do I ask out my professor?

How seriously faculty dating students is discouraged varies depending on the circumstances and university, but dating your own student is never ok. Don’t even think about asking until you’re at least no longer in a situation where the professor would have any direct influence on your grades, etc.While I was a single and younger-than-most-grad-students professor, I dated some women who were students, but never my students. My wife was a post-doc in a different research area in a different university when I started dating her, and nobody has a problem with that type of faculty/student relationship.

My professor asked me for a doctors note for being sick but I did not go to the doctor?

I was absent yesterday to class because I had a fever. I was sick throughout the weekend and I e-mailed my professor yesterday. Today I am feeling a lot better, just a stuffy nose. I looked at my e-mail and he asked for a doctors note. I don't have medical insurance and I was raised not to go to the doctor for any little thing. I had a fever so I Know I just needed bed rest and some medicine. I am hardly sick now and know I won't get a doctors excuse and it would be a waste of money and time. Yesterday I could not concentrate at all and I live alone. Five hours away from any relative or parent. No one could take me to the doctor and I was dizzy. I was not capable of driving. I did not even know I needed a doctors note for being sick. I did not check my e-mail because I was not feeling well enough to be on the computer.

What do I tell my teacher? I feel that asking for a doctors note is rude. Even if I saw that e-mail I would not have gone. I was not going to walk my sick body to a bus stop and take the bus for an hour to get to a clinic. Besides that I just moved her. I am not familiar with free clinics here. What should I tell him?