Will 40 Volume Developer Fry My Hair

Should I use 30 or 40 volume developer?

Use 30 creme developer. Put 2 scoops of creme developer to every one scoop of bleach. 40 creme developer will fry your hair. Leave it on for 50 minutes and wrap it up in foil to create more heat. Your hair is natural black like asian hair like you said. So anyone with black hair like that, there first try might bring there hair out into an orangey or banana yellow color. You have to bleach twice. Once your hair become blondish, you may proceed to toner your hair and then dye it whatever color you would like.

Will 40 volume developer fry my hair?

My hair is currently dyed black, but i do have a bit of virgin hair that has grown out at my roots. Anyway. I was looking to dye my hair with Loreal's hicolor hilights in red. I've heard it works very well. Anyway, people generally mixed it with 30 volume developer. But since my hair is soooo dark, should i go for 40? Or is it just not safe for me to use it on my already processed hair? Would i need to bleach my hair before dyeing it red? Help?

Can I mix hair toner with 40 Vol Developer?

Ouch! 40 Volume is really strong, so avoid applying to the base of your head and scalp! Avoid chemical burns this way. I would suggest research if you really need it.

20 vol is 6% peroxide and 40 vol is 12% peroxide. I would use half of the called amount for the 20 vol and add a half conditioner. I've never tried this though, so perhaps it's just easier to go out and buy 20 vol?

Can I use a 40 developer creme with my hair dye to put on my bleached hair? What will this creme do to blonde hair dye on bleached golden blonde?

40 volume developer is used to lift color of the hair 3-4 different levels. It's rather complicated in speaking. You really wouldn't want to use 40 volume developer with permanent color to achieve a color. You would use 40 volume developer with either bleach (in rare cases) and you would also use 40 volume developer with a color that is called a "hi-lift". A hi-lift is a color that will color and tone the hair up to 6 levels, but can only be used on virgin hair.What developers do is open or swell the cuticle of the hair so that color can enter into the hair strand. 40 volume developer is used in rare cases to really get the hair to lighten it's color. If you have already "bleached" the hair to the level that you wanted, then you would use a toner to get the desired shade. If your hair is not light enough yet, then you would want to re-bleach the hair until you get the desired level and then, again, use a toner. With fine hair, you do not want to use anything more than a 20 volume developer. For medium, you don't want to use anything higher than a 30 volume... same goes for coarse hair but in some cases a 40 volume can be used on coarse hair. What will the creme do to the blonde hair??  It will cause the hair to become very dry, very brittle, and turn it into spaghetti. I wouldn't recommend this.

20, 30, 40 L'Oreal Volume Developer?

So I'm kind of stuck in a rut. I was on and I was going to purchase a 30 Vol. but it had so many negative comments. People were saying how it barely lifted their hair to one level, and I don't want to waste my money. And then I did research on 40 Vol. and people were saying it's going to fry out my hair and make it fall out? And I would use 20 Vol but I kind of want my color VIBRANT since I'm using L'Oreal Hicolor Highlights in Magenta.

Can experienced users help me out a little bit? I've watched videos where people had said they used a 40 Vol. and their hair turned out smooth and shiny, but when you haven't had the product yet it's kind of sketchy (especially if you have different hair than them.) so I'm needing help. I hope this was easy to understand?

Is it possible to lighten black hair with 40-volume developer creme?

You can’t combine developer and another color to color your hair if it’s black. If you used color to get to your black hair color, and now want to change it, you’ll have to do a slight color correction by stripping your hair.This means using a lightener (we hate the term bleach) combined with a hydrogen peroxide developer to get the black color out of your hair. This takes time and patience. DO NOT try to lift your hair in one sitting. This will damage it to the point of no return.It will take multiple salon visits to get the black out of your hair.