Will A Traffic Violation Driving On Shoulder Of Road Affect My Friend

How does getting a parking ticket affect your driving record and your insurance premiums?

Most of the times, it is only Driving Violations like speeding, tailgating, wreck less operation, DUI or DWI and rash of accidents that are your fault that really effect your insurance.  Exceptions might be due how hard it is or it is not to get a parking space and the amount and or frequency of your tickets. Usually, even with those that are newly insured, they have no rise policy for those that experience an accident now and then.  If your parking tickets are now and then and you have a generally good relationship with your agent, parking tickets would not be detrimental.

Friend paid traffic ticket, violation (Virginia, law section 46.2-841 (B)?

it could, if the job involved driving; otherwise most likely not...

Can I get a speeding ticket without being gunned by the radar?

I was in morning rush hour and was just going with the traffic's flow. I was coming up to my exit when I saw a white van on the right shoulder. I was in the #3 lane when I passed the white van. I then looked in my rear view mirror and saw an officer walking to his motorcycle (so he was parked in front of the white van, maybe just gave him a ticket?). By the time I was off the exit ramp he pulled me over. He said the actual speed was 81mph and the cited speed was 75mph (posted was 65mph) and on the top of the ticket the officer checked raddar. I didn't say anything, i didn't argue just needed to get to work on time so I kept my mouth shout and signed it. Now I KNOW he didn't gun me and I KNOW i wasn't going 81mph but I ADMIT going atleast 75mph but so was everyone else around me. Is there a way to take this to court? Or i should just accept the fee and move on? Thanks

Is it legal to drive at 80 mph if everyone is driving at that same speed, even though the posted speed limit is 65 mph?

It isn’t legal to drive over the speed limit, but if everybody is going 80 mph, you only get a ticket if you’re the one caught, and the officer can only pull over the one at the back of the line. Make sure there’s somebody else behind you going the same speed and you’ll be good. Call that car your friend, the ticket insurance policy. Unless that car behind you is a police car.If there is a police car behind you and it’s light are not flashing, ease off the accelerator, but do not brake. This will discreetly slow you down. If a bunch of other people are noticeably going faster than you before he clocks your speed, he will pass you to track somebody else.If the car behind you is a police car with its lights flashing, pull over when it is safe to do so. Believe it or not, if you are in the left lane on the freeway, they prefer that you pull over to the left shoulder, since this allows them to approach the driver’s side of your car more safely. The officer will ask you how fast you were going. Tell him you were going about the same speed as everybody else. This will lead to a conversation. The bottom line is, if you were going a safe speed (about the same as the other cars you were with) you shouldn’t get a ticket. No matter what happens, be polite. If the officer gives you a ticket, you can go to court to defend your position.They usually pull over a car that is going noticeably faster than everybody else, and in this case you will get a ticket and you should just pay the fine, but sometimes an officer will pull a car out of a group of cars that are all going 80 because he has to meet a quota or something, or maybe he’s hoping the driver will pay the fine without challenging the ticket.

Do police officers have monthly ticket quotas?

There is an old joke among police officers.Citizen: "Do you have a quota of tickets you have to write?" Officer: "No, I can write as many as I want." And this is true to some extent. But it is also true that there is an unwritten policy that if you do not write any citations, you must not be doing your job. Some officers just do not like writing citations. They don't like making traffic stops and will only do so if the driver has done something so obvious, and in front of other civilians, that the officer feels obligated to stop the driver for safety reasons. That still does not mean that he or she will write a citation. In my agency, those of us in patrol had to keep a "Daily." This would be a formal document that showed the times, addresses where we went, written in code, of what we had done.On the back were boxes for how many traffic citations, criminal citations, parking citations and felony and misdemeanor arrests we had made on that day.I frequently commented that the form didn't represent how many people we stopped from committing suicide. Or how many domestic disputes we settled or how many missing children we found. So that "daily" never really adequately represented what my day really involved and often, by the numbers, could look as though I did nothing at all.However, if you are working the "Traffic Unit" then writing citations is an intregal part of your job and if you write no citations, you are going to be asked why.So as is frequently the case, each police agency has different policies. I am sure there are some that do require a certain number of citations.