Will America Get To The Point Where You Will Have A Government Issued Words Only Allowed In Public

How can an undocumented immigrant fly within America?

Ok, here’s a scenario that may explain how this could happen.Let’s say I’m planning to migrate to the US illegally. What I do is get myself a legitimate visa; maybe a student visa, maybe just a tourist visa. I get my visa and I fly to the USA.I go through customs and border control. When they ask me my purpose of visit, I don't blurt out “illegal migration” or any such thing, instead I give some waffle about visiting the Statue of Liberty or something plausible, I get my stamp in my passport and now I’m in!My tourist visa let's me stay legally for 3 months and does not entitle me to work but I just ignore those pesky little details. 3 months is up and I’m still there. The first thing I did when I arrived was see my cousin Filbert who knows a guy who knows a guy who doesn't ask questions and two days after I arrived, I’m working under the table as a janitor at Trump Towers. 3 months later, I’m good and settled and still on the job.Of course, this is a route that very few people would choose. Not only is it risky, your life in the USA will be lived in constant fear of discovery deportation. You will live a tiny, restricted, fearful life and, perhaps worse of all, you will not be able to leave. You cannot risk trying to leave the country because you will definitely be caught and deported if you do. The life you have chosen is hat of a ghost- dead to where you came from and a shadow on the margins of where you are now.I cannot imagine how desperate a person would have to be to choose the life of an undocumented migrant. For a life in eternal purgatory to be attractive, you must be running from something really unpleasant in most cases.

Why would governments hide aliens?

If there is proof of aliens existence with governments around the world, why would they hide it?Good question. No answer comes to mind, though similar questions do: If aliens were here, how could governments possibly keep it secret? If we have access to alien technology, why is it that every single peice of technology we have has a known, mundane history? I mean, if aliens hav ever visited Earth, by definition, they have to have faster than light travel. That means the MUST have a whole technology that is far beyond ours--yes, we are still choking the earth with fossil fuel exhaust, struggling out of our gravity well, struggling our way haltingly toward a sustainable future. Building new tech that in every case is based on something we already have, something we had a century ago, something we discovered during the renaissance (The Certain Fool)It's almost as if all that proof of aliens doesn't exist. Hmm. I wonder why that might be?Want to read about aliens? Read Stuart's Award-winning Scifi and Fantasy .

Can an American Travel to Cuba?

After watching the Godfather 2, I beccame really interested in learning more about Cuba. Someday, I would love to travel to Havana. This might be a stupid question, but are Americans allowed to travel to Cuba? What are the rules? Do you have to watch what you say? Do you have to dress a certain way? Is there a lot of risk involved?

Thanks in advance for answering!

Why have political parties become so polarized that they fail to address the concerns of most Americans?

Hi Sam...hope you are coming back next season!

I have been blogging about this issue for many months and could not agree more that we need a true independent party system that allows all parties access to the electorate, first, in the Primaries then in the General Election. I also favor term limits for all elective office holders.

Currently our system is tightly controlled by the major parties and lobbyists, making it nearly impossible for truly representative government. We need to send a message - Politicians who do not listen and do not do what is best for us will be replaced.

What amazes me is the fact that polling showed that Congress was rated lower than President Bush prior to the 2006 Election. There was a shift in power because of it, yet, they still haven't gotten the message.

We want performance of our wishes!

Groups such as Unity08 are a step in that direction.

Jim DeSantis publishes political commentary at . Guests commentary is invited.

Will the Fairness Doctrine help or hurt the conservative radio pundits?

Unfortunately, the Fairness Doctrine is a must have regulation because today's media needs to be regulated more than ever.

Speaking as a former broadcaster and News Director, the Fairness Doctrine serves an important purpose, it safeguards free speech. It does not deter it.

Every news story mandates an opportunity for the other side to have their side of the story told. It is the same with radio pundits. They, too, must allow anyone they attack the right to defend themselves.

I ran for public office and had to get off the air during the campaign so I would not have an unfair advantage over my opponents. They certainly could not afford to buy the air time I got every night at 6 and 11. I didn't like it but it was the fair thing to do.

If Fred Thompson runs for President, all the Law and Order shows will go off the air until the election is over. His co-stars will lose residuals from syndication.

Imagine media without a Fairness Doctrine. Editors/Owners could eliminate any chance for all sides of a story from being told. Does China ring a bell? Is what Putin is doing in Russia ring a bell?

Jim DeSantis

What issue-nutrition, housing, health care, education-should get the highest priority to fight poverty & why?

This is a very hard question to answer. We know that all these issues are important. Education is often the way out of poverty, but children have a hard time learning if they are hungry, ill, or live in unsafe conditions. Yet, it is not enough just to give people health care, food, and shelter. Somehow we have to give them these things, but also give them hope for the future. Somehow we have to do it all. Head Start and Even Start are great programs and they do help. They give children nutrition, health care, and education. Hopefully their families are getting adequate housing at the same time. Workforce job training is a good program if people can be trained in jobs that are in demand and if they can be transitioned into jobs and not just have the rug pulled out from under them as soon as they get a paycheck. Somehow, I still feel that education and training is what is going to give the biggest bang for the buck, but only with the necessary support services to see individuals in poverty through to the end. I have heard it said that many of the education/training programs attempt to give a hand up, not a hand out. I think that is probably true. Nothing can raise a person's self-esteem like feeling like they are successful. Education can do that, whether it is completing pre-school, high school, or college. For that reason, I still feel education is the best way to fight poverty.