Will I Get A Stress Fracture

If you have a stress fracture do you get a cast?

First of all, if you really have a stress fracture, you need the x rays and diagnosis from the Dr. GO! No matter what else.

I've had 3 stress fractures, one in my foot and one in each ankle, and I've had better luck with podiatrists taking care than orthopedists. But either will do. You can probably go to an Urgent Care place and avoid the emergency room hassle.

The general rule with a fracture is to immobilize, with the boot if the fracture is not too bad, with the cast if it's more than a stress fracture.
There is a two week acute healing period when they may tell you not to walk on it at all. Then generally the Docs think 6 weeks for bone healing but you might be able to walk on it. Or they may put a cast on it for 2 weeks and then go to the boot.

Only the MD can figure it out because you have to see the fracture on the xrays first.

Please go TODAY and then let us know. Good luck!

How do you know if you have a stress fracture?

Sounds like it could possibly be a metatarsal stress fracture.

Check out this link to see what I'm talking about.

Don't wait to see a podiatrists (foot doctor). There's no reason to live with the pain.

Army MEP's - Stress Fracture.?

With a history of stress fractures, I would not recommend you join the military. Stress fractures are quite common in basic training and they can have a lasting effect on you. If you were to join and get more stress fractures, they would be able to tell that you previous ones when they send you for X-rays or bones scans. So they would treat the new ones you got, but you would probably end up with a permanent profile, and depending on how severe it is, it would make you have to go through a medical board, and going through a medical board before you even finish training or within a year of training for anything that is not crystal clear all the military's fault will get you medically discharged, with absolutely no benefits, except maybe a tiny percentage for your military-caused injuries, like 10% of what you would make in one year. So coming in as a private, that might be like $3000. So what you have to ask yourself is, having gone through the pain of stress fractures already, is it worth going through more damage for a lousy $3k? And once they figure out you had them before the military and purposefully did not disclose that information, you'd be lucky if you even got that.

Don't believe that stress fractures are any less dangerous that a regular fracture. They're not through-and-through, but it IS in fact a break in the bone, but it's a break in the center of the bone somewhere. And once you get one, you are more susceptible to getting them in that same area. Also, shin splints can often and easily turn into stress fractures. They're how many tibial stress fractures start.

As for getting pulled over by the cop, no problem.

Discharged for stress fractures?

Would the Air Force discharge someone who completed BMT but cannot go to Tech School because of multiple stress fractures in their legs? He does not want to be discharged and he says there are a number of Airmen in Medical Hold d/t stress fractures. Is there any reason they would force him to be discharged? We presume he is healing, but what if it takes too long?

Stress Fractures... Con leave.. Now what?

Ok so I have two stress fracture on the right side of my pelvis. On the top and bottom of my pubis bone. I also have one in my left ankle. I was just sent on con leave for 30 days to "rest and heal." I only had two weeks left of basic too (victory forge and the final apft). The thing is, I have 3 stress fractures and a 2 year old son (that means no rest), 30 days is not long enough to heal 3 stress fractures. When I report back to basic at the end of the month I have to go to PTRP (Phsyical Training and Rehabilitation Program) to finish healing. That program lasts up to 120 days. When I'm healed I am supposed to be put with a company that is where I left off at then I graduate and go to AIT. But what happens if I dont heal within the 120 days? Do I get sent home on con leave again? Will I get chaptered out? Will I get a discharge? What happens?

Stress fracture on top of the femoral neck?

This is certainly beyond my level of medical training, but I do know that any sort of femoral fracture can be quite serious, as it takes a LOT of force to fracture the largest and strongest bone in your body! I do know that both the healing time and need (or no need) for surgery depends largely on age. Younger bones tend to heal more quickly (within 6-8 weeks) and generally without surgical intervention. The older you are, the more likely the bone is weaker in general and will heal more slowly, and therefore it's more likely there will be a need for pin placement/surgery. As far as the pain goes, that is normal, and hopefully you have received some medication and instructions to help alleviate your pain. Hope you feel better!