Will My Paid E-book Get Revoked If I Ask For A Refund

Are e-books and kindle books automatically copyright protected?

Copyright for ebooks works exactly the same as for books in general. Copyright protects the text of the book. It doesn't protect the ideas. Anyone who thinks their ideas in themselves have any commercial value hasn't read enough to realise their ideas have all been done before.

Your book is automatically copyrighted as soon as you type it into your computer.

EDIT: Publishing on Amazon, using their KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) programme doesn't affect your copyright. You grant them a license to sell electronic copies of your book to the public, in return for which they give you a percentage of the money that readers pay them. They don't get any other rights (for instance, they can't sell your book in print or adapt it into a movie) and you can revoke the license at any time by deleting the book from their site.

It's quite rare these days for a traditional publishing contract to take the copyright, although they're often written in such a way that the publisher might as well have the copyright.

Will they take my ex's tax return for child support?

For the first year of my daughter's life my ex didn't pay child support while he was looking for work and I used my savings to support our daughter. Since then he has a job and pays his child support but pay nothing toward his arrears which is over $3000 dollars. So my question is do you think they will take his tax return to pay the arrearage?