Will Robots Ever Have Feelings

Do Japanese robots have feelings?
Like this robot or all of the other types of robots created to have sex with people, keep people happy, or from being lonely?

Do robots have feelings?

It depends on how you define feelings.The general consensus is usually no, robots don’t have feelings. But we have to define what a feeling is. Webster defines feelings as an emotional state or reaction, so now we have to define emotions. defines emotions as “an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced…”Then we’d have to define experience, then something else, until we’ve thoroughly defined every party of feelings, and even if we did that there wouldn’t be a finally agreed on answer.To a robot an emotional state may just be code putting it in an “emotional state” that changes how it acts and interprets, and a lot of people would say “no, that’s not feeling!” But what’s so different from those “feelings” and human “feelings”? We experience feelings because of reactions and chemicals in our brain, putting us in an “emotional state” that changes how WE act and interpret. Really, it wouldn’t be too far off from an extremely complex code for emotions.But that introduces a new problem, if we created the code does that make it real? And that again introduces new problems.ConclusionSo in the end, we’re not really positive because it’s a new category. We could convince people a robot has feelings, and we could convince people they do not. In the end it depends on how we define feelings and how we separate coded feelings and natural human feelings.There is no final answer and it is a topic full of great debates!

I have no feelings, I am like a robot?

This seems to be what we have come to understand as being depression which has never been well understood. Could you actually experiencing an overload of emotion? Then you might notice some missing pieces of your emotional makeup, even memory at least through times. It is notable that being around others may cause you some pain, is this due to the possibility of not being understood? We often are not understood the way we desire to be. Often those outside our family and friends are able to see a struggle better than those directly involved. Writing, possibly in an online journal would be a helpful outlet for you and help you to see your own story in a more objective fashion. bjdowling

Do robots have feelings? Do they feel pain when they get physical injuries or technical problems?

as of now they don't have feeling or feel physical pain, most probably, since our robot are of the 1st generation, of rude gears and bolt, with some microprocessor whose speed are to slow to mimic human of animal feelings and experience, but probably in the future where technology such as nanomachines and organic metal can be use to provide feeling of senses to our good hardy robots.

Do you think robots will ever have emotions or be able to love?

Do you think robots will ever have emotions or be able to love?A robot, in the future could be enabled to respond “as if” emotionally. That is, it could be programmed to respond (to input from a human programmer) and act out a response seemingly from affect in response to an interaction with a human being.Without human input or interaction what would it ‘love’, what would it have ‘emotions’ about?But a robot acting from its own internal programming would need to be capable of initiating from that same internal programming, an emotional interaction itself. (NB: it being a robot has no sense of self). It might be able to respond to input, it might even be able to begin a seemingly ‘authentic’ emotional response, but as to being able to respond to an ongoing interaction with all its linguistic and physical twists and turns, I think not. Even if it could simulate all these various affects and physical responses, it will never have consciousness as humans have. Programming, even at its most sophisticated, as in self learning programming still does not have the capacity to act/react emotionally. It requires intentions and the capacity to respond emotionally with authenticity, it requires the capacity to make a mistake, like humans so often do. If it was word perfect and able to respond physically (??), it would come across as ‘robotic’ ie. not authentic to real life, such as we humans experience it every moment of our lives.Programming is signal response, that is serial in nature. Humans are ‘loopy’, they act dynamically in there interactions, they are embodied in their environments, not separates items existing in an environment. We hardly ever act logically or rationally, but rather emotionally. We can catch a fly ball, fall in love, become infatuated, become bored with a lover, get angry, make up, drive one another crazy. Could a robot ever achieve these capacities? No, but could they emulate something that ‘seemed’ like a human, maybe. But the real thing, never!Too much Blade Runner, I suspect, too much simulation theory, or just plain imagination.

Do transformers (the robots) have emotions/feelings?

I would say yes. They introduce themselves as autonomous lifeforms, which means each one of them is able to develop their own personality. Some may be more emotionally driven than others, but they wouldn't be consious of they didn't care about anything.

Autobots were created with different programming, so some of how they react is predisposed, but they have been able to override that from time to time. It isn't much different than kids growing up to have similair political and religous believes as thier parents and siblings. Sometimes they override that progranning too.
I don't think you can have consienceness without emotion