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How can average Americans castigate and repudiate the Republican U.S. Senators who are stonewalling the next U.S. Supreme Court nominee?

1.) First of all you should make yourself aware of the comments and position of Senator Biden when the political situation was reversed with a Republican president and a Democratic senate.2.) In the US there is a process called voting. You are encouraged to address your anger when the next senate election in your area occurs.3.) Your senator's office has communication avenues to express your frustration.It is the duty and responsibility of the president to put forward nominees for the advise and consent of the senate. He should do so. The nominee should be one that is acceptable to a broad base of political segments.It is the duty and  responsibility of the senate to advise and consent on the nominees put forward to the president, They should do so. They do not have to consent, but who knows perhaps an acceptable nominee may be put forward.The rigid intolerance of both sides is what it is infuriating. Being infuriated just because one's political view is not served is the most damaging attitude. Democracy requires the acceptance of the majority decision. And, American democracy as in most western nations, holds broad areas susceptible to compromises that serve the entire public.

What highest degree can a person get with a 106 IQ, and who are high achievers with average intelligence?

The question you ask is too open ended to give any absolute response. The reason I can not give any absolute response is every school has different standards. There are diploma mills that give PhD degrees after you give them money. They may ask you to do a couple of assignments to make it look like they are actually doing something. These degrees are non accredited. They mean nothing. You can get a Phd in psychology from a diploma mill but it does not entitle you to take the state board exam for psychologist. On the other end of the scale, there is MIT and Stanford. It would take a full effort by someone with an IQ of 106 to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree from either of those colleges. Somewhere in between those two extremes (diploma mill and MIT) are many colleges where a person with an IQ of 106 who was willing and able to put forth a 100% effort could get a PhD.