Wisdom Teeth Dentist On The Weekend

Why does my dentist keep telling me to remove my wisdom teeth when I’ve had no problem for decades?

This is a matter of Medical Ethics and deeper understanding is needed. Where there is no existing pain or discomfort a medical practitioner can decide to recommend a treatment. A practitioner should uphold the essential law of medicine: First do no harm. From my perspective where there is an absence of disease there may be no need for treatment. I say “may be” wherefore there exist exceptions linked to genetics and family history or other knowledge of likely future suffering. The treatment would then be given to avoid future suffering.I recommend asking your dentist what is the basis for her/his recommendation. Is there clinical data supporting teeth rotting within the gums later in life which could require an intolerable operation in older age? Perhaps teeth that are impacted and/or below the gum (benign) may be potential cause of a heart condition, for example? Your dentist should present some valid reason to explain to you. The meaning of the word doctor is to teach. Your dentist should therefor be able to teach you through informing why this is a good recommendation. You may agree, disagree, or defer treatment for further research or get a second opinion.You may find this article of interest by the Weston Price Foundation for Dental Information: Dental Cavitation Surgery - The Weston A. Price Foundation

Do you go to dentist or oral surgeon to remove your wisdom teeth?

I am a dentist.

An oral surgeon (properly known as an "oral and maxillofacial surgeon") undergoes 4 to 6 years of training beyond dental school. Those who spend 6 years typically spend 2 of those 6 years earning an "M.D." degree, and thus hold the titles of "D.D.S., M.D." or "D.M.D., M.D."

Of those 4 to 6 years, oral surgeons get a great deal of experience performing surgery both inside and outside of the mouth. Third molar (i.e. wisdom tooth) extractions are but a small component of an oral surgeon's training. Additionally, oral surgeons spend a minimum of 4 months learning anesthesia, and thus are permitted to perform sedations. General dentists can train to perform sedations, however, most do not.

Extraction of third molars does not require an oral surgery residency, but it does require proper training. As a general dentist, I extract the vast majority of third molars because I have proper training and experience doing them. I only refer patients to oral surgeons when they specifically request sedation, or if the case is "high risk" for a nerve injury. I do this for liability reasons, not because I think the oral surgeon is much less likely to cause a nerve injury. To be honest, I'd rather have the oral surgeon get sued.

It really depends on the dentist. Most dentists don't have the proper training extracting third molars, and thus refer patients to oral surgeons.

I had 2 wisdom teeth pulled last weekend. Can I get cavities filled next week and then extract the other 2 wisdom teeth the day after? Or will I be swollen with pain?

Individual results can vary - some people heal faster than others. What you said may be possible if you find you have a quick healing rate. That said, Quora is perhaps still not the best place for medical advice, even though it tends to attract the learned and the intelligentsia. The best person to answer this question is your dental provider - give them a call, or if you don’t have a regular provider and you are getting this work done at a variety of community clinics, just pick a local dentist’s office from a google search (“dentists near me”) and call them with this question.

What is the best day of the week to get wisdom teeth removed?

Depending on what your priorities are.If you want to minimise time you have to take off work then Friday would be the best time, then you can rest over the weekend and go back to work on Monday, only missing your volunteering day (depending on how you feel and whether you have a general anaesthetic or not)Remember that not all dentists work at the weekend so if there are any problems over the weekend, it may be difficult to find someone to see.I always book my difficult cases earlier on in the day and towards the beginning of the week so that I can see them if there are any problems over the following few days.

Can all dentists extract wisdom teeth? (no oral surgeon?)?

Based on what we teach in North American dental schools and the clinical experience they get, new grads should only extract uncomplicated, fully erupted wisdom teeth. They just do not get enough experience in this area.Years ago, dental students did get a reasonable amount of experience and were competent upon graduation to remove wisdom teeth including impactions. But that was a long time ago.When I graduated in 1989, not one of us had received enough surgical experience to competently surgically remove impacted wisdom teeth.After graduating, I did a general practice residency where I spent a year learning surgical skills and performed 100’s of cases of wisdom tooth removal.So all dentists should be able to remove a fully erupted wisdom tooth.Some dentists can remove all types of wisdom teeth from fully erupted to fully impacted.Given that most people have partially or fully impacted wisdom teeth, most dentists should should refer these cases to an oral surgeon.

Do you get wisdom teeth removed by a dentist or someone else?

If the wisdom teeth have 'erupted'--that is, if they have poked up through the skin, any dentist can just pull them out. Two of mine came in sideways. They hadn't come through the skin, instead they were pushing forward and pushing my other teeth out of position. So a dental surgeon had to go in and get them out.

A dentist can look at xrays and decide whether he can do it himself or refer you to a specialist.

Is the removal of your wisdom teeth medical or dental?

Hi…An oral and maxillofacial surgeon or your dentist can remove (extract) wisdom tooth. The procedure often can be done in the dentist's or surgeon's office. You may have the surgery in the hospital, especially if you are having all your wisdom teeth pulled at one time or if you are at high risk for complications.If you have any infections, surgery will usually be delayed until the infection has cleared up. Your doctor or dentist may have you take antibiotics to help heal the infection.Before removing a wisdom tooth, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. A general anesthetic may be used, especially if several or all of your wisdom teeth will be removed at the same time. A general anesthetic prevents pain in the whole body and will cause you to sleep through the procedure. Your dentist will probably recommend that you don't eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery so that you are prepared for the anesthetic.To remove the wisdom tooth, your dentist will open up the gum tissue over the tooth and take out any bone that is covering the tooth. He or she will separate the tissue connecting the tooth to the bone and then remove the tooth. Sometimes the dentist will cut the tooth into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove.After the tooth is removed, you may need stitches. Some stitches dissolve over time and some have to be removed after a few days. Your dentist will tell you whether your stitches need to be removed. A folded cotton gauze pad placed over the wound will help stop the bleeding.I strongly recommend Wisdom Teeth Removals Sydney for Safe & Gentle Procedures

Wisdom teeth and diarrhea?

Hi! I've been in dentistry for over 20 years. Try this. You can buy Pepto or Imodium over the counter to stop your tummy from being upset. Take as directed. You need more protein. Milk shakes are fine, but also try eating real food. Scrambled eggs, pasta or soft chicken will help. Soup is just as good. BUT warm not hot. Chicken noodle soup will also make your feel better and add protein and relax your tummy. Back off on the Tylenol if you can or switch to Motrin 600mg in stead if you can take it if your mouth is very sore. This just takes time. I find most patients can tolerate the chicken soup better and their tummy calms down. Don't smoke if you do and don't drink cabonated beverages, as they make you burp and feel worse. However, ginger ale is a real plus if you drink it slow and take small sips. Just try to relax and calm down. Saltine crackers will help as well or dry toast or a bagel. This will soak up any acid in your tummy because you feel crummy. Just go slow. Sleep with an extra pillow and try to distract yourself with tv, a movie or a book. I promise you will feel better in 1-2 days. Good luck, if you need me, please ask. Marie D~

My dentist pulled my wisdom tooth & I spent 5 days in ICU?


I highly suggest you talk to a lawyer about your situation. You can sue the doctor for malpractice and he'll have to pay your medical bills. Wisdom tooth removal is done by a qualified oral surgeon never a regular dentist.

Do not be a victim of shady medical business practices. Good luck!