Women - My Gf Wants A Baby

Girlfriend wants a baby!?

Here's Dear Abby's list:


(1) Can you support the child financially? Children are expensive. I always urge people to complete their education and delay parenthood until they are self-supporting, in case they should find themselves in the role of sole provider.

(2) Can you support the child emotionally? Babies are cute, but they are also completely helpless and emotionally needy. While some young women say they want a baby so they'll have someone to love them, the reality is it's the parent's responsibility to love and sacrifice for the child. In plain English, this means the end of a normal teenage social life because babies are extremely time-consuming.

(3) Are you prepared to be a consistent parent? Children learn by example -- both good and bad. Are you prepared to be a role model for the behaviors you want your child to mimic? Because mimic they do. They learn more from what they observe than what they're told.

(4) Have you read up on child development? Are your expectations of what a child should be able to accomplish as he or she reaches various chronological milestones realistic? Ditto for your partner, whether or not he or she is the child's biological parent.

(5) Are you prepared to put someone else's needs before your own for the next 18 to 21 years? Remember, babies can't be returned to the manufacturer for a refund if you're not 100 percent satisfied. Sometimes they come with serious challenges. Can you cope with those realities?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, I strongly advise postponing parenthood.

--Remember to talk with her and to be there for her. There's something going on with her emotionally that she feels the need at the age of 17 to have a child. Maybe she's feeling unloved?? I don't know, but try to talk her out of it. It was hard on me, and I was 21 and married!!!!

My gf wants me to have a a lesbian?

My advice: wait. A baby isn't something you should have to make your girlfriend happy. It's something you should have to fulfill and enrich both of your lives, because you want to and because it will make both of you happy.

Most people aren't financially stable at nineteen or twenty. A baby is a HUGE responsibility and, essentially, a money pit.

Artificial insemination is an option for lesbian couples, but it is often extremely expensive (in the tens of thousands of dollars) so it would be a lot cheaper for one of you to have sex with a man, or insert sperm from a man. It sounds weird, but if your girlfriend has a brother or another supportive male relative, that would be a good source for sperm that would include both of your traits. Genetic engineering is making exceptional steps in this time, but I'm not sure if they are really able to blend two womens' traits together, at least not authentically.

Seriously think about it before you decide to have a baby. If you want to wait, you should wait. If your girlfriend can't understand that, maybe you aren't meant to be together.

I'm only 17 and my girlfriend wants a baby?!?

So me and my girlfriend Sarah who is 17 also we have been together for a year now. Our relationship is great I love her too death she is my everything. We do have sex a lot but I was kind of shocked that she told me she wanted too have a baby with me. She told me she wanted one for a few reasons is because she never had the chance too live her normal teenage life never had the chance too go out with friends, party, none of that her parents just treat her like a slave and all she does is stay in the house and do nothing. they do not know we go out cause they don't allow her too have a bf cause they can not trust her we see each other a lot only when she's home by herself that's pretty much it she is never comfortable talking too her parents about anything. She just feels like they treat her like ****. At school she does wanna go too college and she does have a future ahead of her. She has been losing all her friends we don't go too the same school though. She's just tired of people talking about her, the immaturity, ignorance and she just hates and can't stand people at her school. She HATES it there. She told me she wants too have a baby is because she just wants too grow up already and get away from people at her school she knows it's a lot of work she said she will do whatever it takes with or without the support of her parents too support the baby she's good with babies though because she takes care of her niece a lot but for your own child it's too much work. But too be honest I'm not ready too become a father at 17 I'm only a senior and on my way too graduate soon she's only a junior. She's just not very social with people anymore and she is just quiet and can't people at her school. She's had enough and she just thinks having a child of her own would make her more happier but she knows there are consequences so she's still thinking about it. I love her too death I do not want too leave her I just don't know how I'm gonna tell her I can't do it and don't give me some bullshit rude answer. You guys don't even know her the **** she's been through in her life.

Why does my girlfriend want a baby so bad ?

Every time where together shell bring up that she wants one and that I don't wanna be with her that that's why i don't want one but it ain't I'm 19 and she's 17 we even get in fights when we argue about it we been together for two years I wanna know why she wants one so bad ??

My girlfriend wants a baby now but I want to wait?

We're not kids, we've been together 10 years she's 25 and the best thing to ever happen to me. We're perfectly capable of raising a child if we wanted. She's always said she wouldn't get married until she was at least 25 and that's why I never bothered proposing. My friend and his wife never got a honeymoon and they had the chance to go away for the weekend so we (by that I mean my gf) offered to watch their 1 1/2 year old baby. It was definitely an eye opener and I still want kids one day but that definitely put me off kids for awhile but it seems to have pushed in the direction of kids. She said last night she wants one now because she's not getting younger and she doesn't want to be having kids past 30. Her argument was, (besides the fact that we really could have a baby now and do fine) she'll stop taking the pill and we'll see howling it takes for that to wear off, we can start trying to get her pregnant which will probably take a few months anyway, then she casually dropped in we can get engaged then (which I'm all for I would've done it awhile ago), then plan it while she's pregnant, have the baby, take some time to handle a newborn and give her time "to get her body back" then get married within a year. I just think we should be married first. Plus, after that weekend I don't know how I can take living with a baby. I know she would never go off of bc just to get pregnant without me knowing so don't even mention that, plus if she did I would know. Any thoughts?