Worms On Back And Shoulder Am I Crazy

What happens to a cat with untreated worms?

I was at my boyfriend's parents house this weekend. And I HATE that they have outdoor cats and that they never take them to the vet or anything. Just leave them outside by themselves.

So they said this new one just showed up out of nowhere and got in a fight with another one of their outdoor cats, and they both got really beat up and bloody. So they took their old outdoor cat and dropped him off at their old house they just sold, and left him there. So the new cat that showed up is now at the house with scars. He also does this weird thing with his front right paw. He keeps clutching it in and then releasing it, like he has arthritis or something. I said something to them saying that he might be sick or have arthritis and they said they don't care about him because he just showed up at their house recently. So that ticked me off, but then my boyfriend's dad was making fun of the cat because there was a worm hanging off the back of his butt. So this cat also has worms. And again, they won't do anything about it because they don't care about him, but he has worms. They have other outdoor cats, one of them is pregnant, she gets prego a bunch of times. Which that also makes me p-o'ed because there is a CRAZY cat population problem and shelters are over flowing and they have their cats having a bunch of kittens every year and they never take them to the Vet.

I'm allergic to cats, but I love them and I feel terrible because of the way this family treats them. So I always pet them and give them attention. And this cat was sitting on my boyfriend's lap outside for a few minutes, and was rubbing up against me and I was petting him for a while, too.

My questions are- What happens to a cat with untreated worms?
And how can a person get infected with worms from a cat? Am I at risk?

Is it okay to train shoulder and back in the same day?

Yes no problem at all. But as when you are working your back, your rear delts are engaged and with a lot of work. I suggest that you do your back workout and then when you go to delts, just focus on the front and middle section with lateral raises, shoulder presses, frontal raises. Avoid flyes and every one that engages the rear delts because then have had a good stimulus on the back workout and they will be tired.

How would the skeleton of a 4 or 6 armed person look?

Fully functioning extra arms?
If I had to design such a person I'd start by extending the upper torso, more ribs and vertebrae. To make room for one extra pair of arms. If I wanted to add a third pair I'd alter the pelvis, extending it vertically. Adding a couple support bones on the front to attach the collarbones to. They would be able to flex downward and be pushed out somewhat in a female version to allow for a baby bump when needed.

With every extra pair I'd shorten and thicken the legs to deal with the extra weight. On the three pair model I'd splay the toes outward to help maintain balance when the arms are shifting around, and to spread out the weight of course.

You'd probably need to make the ribcage wider for the third pair to help deal with the extra oxygen needed to run the extra tissue. In lengthening the ribcage for the first extra pair the lungs would also be extended and the heart made a little bigger to cope, but that's not skeletal now is it, just explaining the expansion for the third pair ribcage alteration really.

If I wanted it to have a lifespan comparable to a human I'd have to reinforce the lumbar vertebra. (which I didn't do in the figure drawing below) The human lumbar region is aesthetic but so dysfunctional that one out of four will have to deal with back problems in middle age. With all the extra weight from the extra musculature the problem would go critical too quickly, possibly during puberty, it would have to be redesigned. Perhaps with sort of internal flying buttress like spars on the vertebra that slide across each other by attached ligaments and muscles. Like on sauropod vertebra.

Bear in mind while looking at the figure drawing that I didn't use any reference and am kind of bad at drawing hands and feet and am not sure how the bones of the lower legs look. I was just trying to illustrate the changes in proportions

Severe Dandruff & Shedding!?

Have you ruled out food allergies with your vet? My westie used to get pink itchy skin whenever he ate something containing wheat or pork. I tried different foods untill I could work out what he was reacting to, by trying one with no rice, one with no wheat etc.
He now eats RAW and his skin has never looked better, along with his hair and teeth!
I'd would speak to your vet about any possible allergies your dog may have and then try foods that dont contain grains/wheats of any kind and see if it makes a difference. There are some great foods out their for food intolerances, you just have to work out what is good for you.

You say you dont THINK its the food - that doesnt mean it isnt. And Im sorry, but none of those are that great a food to be honest. They are all pumped with additives and colourings. Its definatly something worth checking out. How would you feel if you said "Oh no, its not that" and your dog goes through another 5 years of this....and you discover it WAS the food? Try everything - thats the point.

How to stop ringworm itch?

So, I am getting desperate :)
I am not even asking how to get rid of ringworms at this point (I am treating them, though) but I just really, really want to know how to make them stop itching. At least for an hour?
I've got ringworms (from a stray kitten I took home) all over me - arms, back of hands, legs, neck, even face. Oh, and a new one on my shoulder. And today especially, they've been itching like CRAZY!
How do I make them stop?
p.s. I am not in the US. Probably, naming different creams or pills won't help me much (although I will appreciate whoever tries to help me out). Maybe a natural medicine, or just a trick that makes them stop itching?
Oh, and don't tell me not to scratch them. I can't. stop. scratching! :)

PLEASE Take Seriously! Can you feel your brain thinking?

While you may certainly feel a sensation when you think very deeply, one problem with your hypothesis is that your brain is almost certainly not forming sulci and gyri (the wrinkles) at a rate which you would notice. Most of the gross formation of your brain occurred during development. The changes that occur in your brain once you are an adult mostly consist of changes on the cellular level- neurons sprouting new connections and changing how they are wired up with other neurons. There can also be changes on the sub-cellular level, such as changes in the chemical power that cells exert over one another.

Another thing to think about is that your brain doesn't not have pain/touch receptors. The tissue covering your brain (the dura) does, and you can feel that, but your actual brain can not feel anything.

However, thinking can cause physical changes in your body. Thinking too deeply or stressing can cause headaches, meditation can cause feeling of relaxation, and on and on.

That said, if you start noticing things catching on fire when you think too deeply, you should probably let someone know!

Why could your dog be scratching after a flea treatment?

If it’s right after applying it, there are chances the dog is responding to the dying fleas which may get irritable and crawl around their coat more. Other possibilities are that the fleas are not actually being all killed if you are not also treating the environment. When I used to work for the vet, we used to sell bottles of Ovitrol to kill all life stages of fleas as the topical treatment only kill the adults ones. Here are some more troubleshooting tips: Why is my flea treatment not working.

Leopard gecko questions (before I buy)?

Ok, you can have the AC on as much as you want. You will need to buy (no matter if the AC is on or off)(btw, i live in Wisconsin, and the high in the winter is like 3, haha so it can handle it)(i have a bearded dragon) you will need to buy a UVB light, and a heat light. The people at the pet store will say UVA to, but that is in the regular heat LIGHT. You keep the heat light on 24/7 and the UVB light on only 12 hours a day (a timer would work for that)

Second, a baby leopard gecko is about 30$, and dont get an egg or an adult, because eggs aren't for sure if there going to be healthy, and adults, dont let you watch them grow!

Third, you need to feed them fruits and veggies, because thats part of their diet, and they absolutly NEED meal worms and crickets. You can try giving them dead crickets, because thats what some people do. (on the live food only, mostly mealworms, you give a slight dusting of calcium powder, so they dont have a bone disorder)

Fourth, I would go to petco, because people really know what there talking about, and for all my questions and concerns, I call them for everything.

Fifth, yes they do. My bearded dragon only likes me. If my sister holds her, she jumps from her and climbs up by back and to my shoulder. This goes with leopard geckos as well, because almost everything beardies need, leopard geckos need to. Mine is a baby, and i've had it for 2 months, and it loves me.

What you'll need

20 gallon long tank (breeder tank)
substrate (calcium sand, wont kill if ingested)
UVB light
UVA light (heat light)
heat source ^^^^^^^ (get a red bulb, animal can't see red, and can keep on all the time, otherwise, you need to change from white to red.. white for day, red at night.... or red all the time)
Water dish
Food dish (90 degree walls all around circle so meal worms cant crall out)
Crickets (dead or alive)
temperature gauge
basking area (an area higher than another to get a little extra warmth)(cold blooded)

thats about it

also, if you want a easier pet to care for, i would go bearded dragon/s, because you can get them on pellets instead of crickets. Its hard, but you can do it!