Worried About A Friend .what Should I Do

What can I do when my friend ignores me?

I've been through it very recently. My friend suddenly stops talking to me altogether one day. For a day or two, I thought she was having mood swings. But then, when I observed that she was normal to others but me, I went to her and asked her several times the reason behind her behavior. For a few times, she said I'm over thinking when clearly, I wasn't.Then, one day, when she still continued the same and I couldn't take it anymore, I sent her a long text saying everything I was dying to (I texted her because she wasn't answering my calls and we weren't able to meet due to our break). The next morning, she called me up and gave me an explanation behind why she was doing what she was doing.The reason she was ignoring me was, a third person told her that I was bitching about her (which I never did, because she was a really good friend of mine and I wouldn't do that to her ever). Then things got clear and now we are doing great again.So my point is, maybe someone told your friend something which might be true or false. You should go, talk to that person, and try your best to get an explanation. Because nobody does anything without a valid reason.Also, if your friend is of opposite gender, then maybe he/she feels something for you and that's why they're ignoring you.Whatever the case is, just go, talk to your friend if he/she really matters. I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose a friend just for another lame reason. :)

My best friend is angry at me. What should I do?

I know during such cases, There are things that I should do. And there are things I shouldn't do.What I shouldn't do is to jump to conclusions and be reactive to his anger, because typically it just leads me to be angry, and angry people just doesn't think so well. What I shouldn't do is “"giving back what I don't deserve .”I should probably remain calm only to be objective in my thinking. I should be clarifying with a calm voice about what happened, for that might just help my Best Friend realise his irrationality and Simmer down to be part of the solution with me, given the knowledge that I choose to stand on his side, and will willingly own up to my mistake should it really be mine.Two wrongs don't make a right. This is my Best Friend Here, doesn't matter who is wrong who is right. What matters to me is that to be best friends is something more precious than money can buy, and I am not going to let some silly mistake ruin the friendship as such.

I have a crush on my ex boyfriend's best friend. What should I do? Should I get over him?

Don't worry you can like anyone you want. If you're scared of what your ex is gonna do or say ignore him or her and get on with your life. And when you build up the courage to tell your ex's friend you like him or her you two can be something if she or he tells u they like u back.

What does it mean if a guy friend screenshots your snap chats?

My guy friend that I snap chat with always saves my pics when they're of my face! Is that weird? I haven't asked him why he does it yet though. He's admitted to liking me before though...

A guy friend of mine has developed a crush on me. Should I be worried about our friendship?

In high school, I had the Biggest crush on a cheerleader. But, she had a boyfriend so I decided to keep it to myself. Never told her wonderful I thought she was. We were good friends though. I knew she never had the same feelings for me, so I never ever pressed it. Nor did I ever ask her out, though I very much wanted to. Life happened and we led different lives. I became an entertainer and a college professor. I am married. And we are still friends on Facebook. Even to this day, she sees my shows on occasion. Sometimes we even have lunch and talk about how great our high school was. I'm glad she is still in my life and we could remain friends. And it's not weird or awkward either.

My bfs friend always stares at me and is touchie feely with me when hes drunk. What does that mean?

Your name is pornstar and you don't know what that means?

It means he wants you.

My friend is really messing up her life?

Okay ever since i got her to talk to me about things it really seems she has it hard, her parents use to hit her and her mom is an alcoholic. She told me she began cutting her self since she was 11 now were 14. She lets guys take advantage of her . She is taking pills to get high and is trying pot. Im very worried about her . I know its none of my buissness but i want to help her. She is ignoring me and her other friends and goes off by the guys who take advantage and goes with people who get high .what can i do? I dont want her going in the wrong direction , ( also i didnt use her name because i didnt want to give it out)