Would Ending My Life Be Better Than Living In The Future Usa

Will life get better in the future?

A small group of determined indivduals can change the world, infact it is the only thing that ever does.
Things can get better, but only if you and others around you refuse to accept that things can't and fight to make it better.
The problem is often who or what is defined as better.
Increase in GDP is considered good, if the average salary increases it is considered good,but if that is accompanied by an increase in perecentage of very rich and a serious drop in percent middle class means the rich have gotten richer at the expense of the middle class, if the modal salary goes down it means the greatest number of people who make the same amount of money, their salary goes down, if the median salary goes down, it means that 50% make more and 50% make less, if that goes down it means more are making less.
Do not allow anyone to tell you things are getting better if your life is not getting better.
Is your life less stressful, does it have more joy, does it have fufillment.
These while related to economics, are not entirely dependent on it.
So it can get better, but you need to refuse to accept to give up hope and if someone tell you must, or we have no choice, the market dicated, then refuse to believe you have no choice, those who are directing you will want you to feel helpless, to accept, to see problems as too big.
I was at an antistress class provided by my employer to help with the stress of layoff.
We were told stress is caused by having a circle of concerns larger than a circle of influence, so we were told that these things were too big so we should make our circle of concerns smaller, think less, dream less, hope less.
I stood up and said that we should increase our influence, we sholud think bigger, dream more and hope and demand more, not less.
When the instructor said that was causing destress and we should go back to the reduction of concerns someone else stood up and shouted that he was tired of being told to be less and told me to take over the class.
This is what will make a better future.
Those who stand up against injustice, who sit at the counter, who walk and boycott the bus, who went Seattle and Quebec City and braved tear gas and riot cops, those who stayed peaceful in the face of violence, those who take a stand.
These are the people who will make the world a better place.
All that needs to be determined is who will you stand with.

Should be live for today or prepare for better tommorow?

Living for today, or enjoying the moment is something no one should miss out on. Because that is what makes us want to live on. That is what motivates us to keep going. But sometimes, in living for today, we forget completely about tomorrow. And when the tomorrow becomes today, we realize that it does not contain any scope for enjoyment.Also, if we just keep preparing for tomorrow, that tomorrow will never come. We will always keep preparing to make the future better, not realizing when to stop, and when end approaches near, it will strike us that we forgot the original purpose of preparing for future, which is to enjoy it when it becomes the present.So, what we need to do is find the right balance. That can be achieved in different ways. One way is that we fix a certain amount of time for just enjoying, and the rest for working, in other words, fixing a schedule. The other way, which seems more interesting to me, is to prepare for something in the future which makes you enjoy the present. Which means, work on something which makes you happy. In that way, you are working constantly because you find joy in it, and you are also making sure you have a better tomorrow.Cheers!

Is our life and whatever happens in it... pre-destined to happen..or are we deciding it with what deeds we do?

A kid loses his parents in a terror attack,a kid all of 4 or 5 years....what wrong could he have possibly done?
so many innocent children die everyday.....for no fault of theirs and we can't say that they suffer because of their deeds.Corrupt politicians are still alive,criminals enjoying VIP's hard to understand God's ways...that's all i can say.We mortals can't understand why life is the way it is...

Is technology helping or hurting?

I can't really see your problem, you are free to live your life as you see fit, if you want to live in some wilderness you can do it, if you want to live without technology, you can do it you have made no mention of the advantages that technology has brought us all, why not?
I think the main clue is the 'Family' bit, living away from home etc.
If that is indeed the case, technology has enabled your family to reunite whenever they feel the need, no matter how many miles away they are!
As for the 'healthy' bit, I am sure that you know as well as I do that thanks to technology we are all living longer (fat or not)!
As for the TV that is a matter of choice watch it or not.
And if it wasn't watched as you suggest what indeed could be accomplished, more technology?
I think you have just got a weight off your chest by writing this question , it certainly helps doesn't it?
Good look if you are really trying to send us back to the dark ages, but I don't think you really mean it ?