Would I Real Friend Do This

Do Real Friends Exist?

omg we are totally on the same page, all I have to say is that it is not us, it is them, over time people change, of course everyone does but that doesn't mean you should forget old friends. I am absolutely sick of so called friends treating me like that, I know I'm a good decent human being so I'm not the one with the problem thye are.another thing to me is friends are people who you can rely on, you trust, you may not see them all the time but they are still your friends, I think the only problem I have is that i trust people too easily I believe everyone is kind, and nice like me, but people aren't. All I can say is find new friends, at the end of the day circumstances and people change as long as you don't change, to try and conform, if you are kind person don't chnage yourself be you you will find ppl who appreciate you for who you are.

Real friends vs. Internet friends?

this a good question and so was the video, i think your real friends have to have a better connection with them b/c you can see them and hang out but your internet friends are easier to talk with i guess b/c you cant see them , i just started on this internet and have found people all over the world to talk too, but you don't know if they are real in who they say they are its no different than having an imaginary friend in a way , well any how its nice to explore new things and new people but a true friend is hard to come by and as for my circle of them i would not trade one of them for any email buddy. be blessed

Do real friends truly exist?

Ask yourself if there are any people in your life who you "love for better or for worse and get happy when they are successful." If the answer is yes, then you can almost definitively say that this is the case for other humans (seeing as you share the same genetic makeup). I would say yes, there are real friends. I am one of them and have a handful of great friends. Many people will give you this same answer. That said, most people are shitty friends because they are generally self absorbed. Selflessness seems to be a trait we humans (and other animals) have developed that help us survive, so there are evolutionary reasons to believe that friends are real. If you have never had these feelings for other humans, then it is much harder to deliver a convincing answer because you cannot empathize with any argument another human would give you. If this is the case, then odds are the problem lies with you, not other people. If you have never been there for someone through thick and thin, then why would anyone be there for you?

What is a true friend?

A best friend is someone who’ll listen to your mistakes and accept them. It is someone who you can trust.Being best friends is not something you can just explain. A best friend is someone you feel comfortable being 100% yourself around. It's also a person who accept your flaws and whom you can speak about your problems with.According to Dr. Klein and a Harvard study, you live longer with friends.Contrary to popular belief, your best friend doesn't have to be with you 24/7 or think and act just like you.Truly, a best friend can be the exact opposite of you, and this usually leads to fights and difficulties getting along, but somehow you still just love them to death anyway.Your best friend is the one person who could not speak to you for any amount of time but you still think of them just the same. Someone who, despite all the changes a person goes through in their life, will stick by you and always accept you for who you are.A person who will always tell you what you NEED to hear, even if its not necessarily what you WANT to hear. A person who can make you laugh even on your bad days, and who makes all the problems in life seem easy to overcome, as long as you have them by your side.A best friend can be many things, your inspiration, your hero; best friends help each other to become better people by using honest, constructive criticism that sometimes hurts to hear, but is all for the best in the end.Bestfriends are the ones that bring up touchy topics with you, even if it will risk you being angry w/ them because they care more about your well being. Your best friend is the one who you could piss off so badly, but in your time of need they'll will still be there for you.A best friend is someone who you have shared good AND bad memories with, but you just can't help but cherish each of them; a TRUE best friend is hard to come by, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

Do "real" friends really exist?

There are givers and takers in this world, sounds like you are a giver. I had a true Friend and she died two years ago. She always had my back, we always exchanged birthday and Christmas presents, with our entire Family, Husbands, and children. We went on Vacations as a Family, and sometimes just She and I. If I needed money she was there for Me, and if she needed money I was there for Her. When I was in the Hospital, She was there, and when She was in the Hospital I was there with Her. We talked almost everyday, a lot of times several times a day. We would even hold the phone and watch Movies, or shows together.
And when She became sick, I was there taking Her to Appointments, lifting the wheelchair in and out of the car, and We went to as many places as She felt like going to that day. I miss Her everyday, and always will.
There are people in this world that will take all You will give them, and then move on, I have known a lot of those. Pick Someone because they are right for You, not just because they are there. See if they are consistent, and as caring about Your life. A True Friend Always Has Your Back, and Will Come Running In a Second If You Need Them. That is How You Can Tell. Good Luck, It Doesn't Happen Often In Ones Life. I Have Other Friends, But No One Like Her. Good Luck

What is the difference between reel friend and real friend i am searching for a real friend?

The Difference Between Fake *** Friends and REAL Friends

The Difference Between Fake *** Friends and REAL Friends

FAKE *** FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
REAL FRIENDS: are the reason you have no food.

FAKE *** FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM (or just hide from them)

FAKE *** FRIENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you sayin “Damn … we ****** up … but that **** was fun!”….HELL YES

FAKE *** FRIENDS: never seen you cry.
REAL FRIENDS: cry with you

FAKE *** FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
REAL FRIENDS: keep your **** so long they forget its yours.

FAKE *** FRIENDS: know a few things about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.

FAKE *** FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds *** that left you.

FAKE *** FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say “I’M HOME!”

FAKE *** FRIENDS: Are for awhile.
REAL FRIENDS: Are for life.

FAKE *** FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you’ve had enough.
REAL FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say “***** drink the rest of that you know we don’t waste.”…

FAKE *** FRIENDS: will talk **** to the person who talks **** about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Will knock them the **** out