Would It Be Wierd To Get A Girl Idk A Valentines Day Gift

Can a girl ask a guy to be her...‡ valentine? & can I ask before valentines day?

It'll only be weird or cheesy if you make it that way. If you want to ask him, go ahead and do it, but don't make a bigger production out of it than you need to, and be ready for the possibility that he will be unprepared for the question. Any time that you open up about your affections for someone there is the chance of rejection or disappointment, so be prepared for it. Still, it's better to go ahead and ask than sit around and wait, isn't it?

Before you ask him, though, ask yourself this: what does being a valentine really entail? What does it mean to you? Is there something special you want to do with your valentine, or that you think your valentine should do for you? Because if you haven't really thought any of this through, then you won't even know what you're asking, will you?

Good valentines day ideas / gifts for my girlfriend ?

How about something unique and creative that she's guaranteed not to have already? Us girls love personalized gifts from our guys. Get a picture of you two together and place into a charm or necklace! Go to the mall and get those picture strips form the booths and then make a scrapbook bracelet out of them! There's so many great ideas.

Should I wish a girl a happy Valentine Day?

She and I were talking for about a year, she lives 2 hours away but I went to meet her one day. So I guess I know her pretty well, we talked about goals and about life in general. She became to me someone really close.she started school in August and that has been mostly her only focus but 4months ago she told me she "needed distance" from me and unfriended me on snapchat but still keeps me on Instagram and views my stories sometimes. She even wished me a merry Christmas. We haven't talked since then.since she's in school and always studying, to avoid being a nuisance I would email her instead of sending a text to not disturb her.i was thinking this time to send her a friendly Valentines Day card and idk maybe a small gift.any thoughts if that's ok to do?

Is it okay to give a Valentine’s Day gift to a girl who said she only wants to be friends?

I wouldn't.The lady has said, "No." You should take that response seriously. She might have friendly, non-romantic feelings toward you, but she would probably prefer seeing signs that you are "not serious for her" and "not that into her."  Or at least that you are respecting her wishes. The absence of a gift would be an excellent way for you to demonstrate that you're not about to be a creep about it. Because that's what a creep does, you know. He pursues a woman after she has clearly said, "No." You don't seem like a creep, but let's make it clear to her that you are not.The only case in which it would be OK for you to give her a gift is if you're openly giving gifts to many friends to celebrate Valentine's Day and you're including her in that group.

Do girls get their boyfriends valentines day presents?

Depending on how close you are to him, I would either just get him some sweets or something he's been longing for. Valentine's Day isn't just about the girl, though it can be. IMO, if you love him you should surprise him with something. More than likely he's not expecting anything, which makes it all the sweeter!

In some countries, Valentine's Day is for the girl but then they later celebrate another day for the guys. I forget what it's called...White Day, I think, but I could be way wrong.

Valentines Day Crush: Should I?

I liked this girl for a few months now and i think she likes me too. Should i just get it over with and go for it and give her something for Valentines day? I dont want to give her something that has I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH written all over it, but maybe this is my chance to just get it over with and finally tell her. Im usually a shy person but i do casually talk to her everyday, so its not like were complete strangers. Either way if she doesnt like me shes still is really cool to be around so if i mess it up it would really suck. Also i sit next to her in one of my classes so it would be pretty awkward for the rest of the school year. I know where her locker is too, and i bet i can get out of one of my classes to stick a note in there. Should i make it a "secret admirer" letter? Maybe also have it say something like "if you find me, ill tell you its me". Idk i havent even thought about it until today because usually i would never even think of doing something like this. Suggestions plz??

Valentine's Day Crush?

Well, I think candy is sweet on valentines day. I also think that you should leave it somewhere that you definately know he will go, but only him, or him first. Or, if that's not possible, get a friend to do it for you. Tell them not to tell him who sent it. You can even go a bit further, and write him a note...

Can a guy ask a girl to be his valentine?

OF-COURSE !!!!!! Actually it is more common for guys to ask girls to be they're Valentine .(: Go for it .. I bet she will love it <3

VALENTINES DAY is near! Any gift ideas for a Middle School student?

Okay. Well if she is girly, I would get a teddy bear. I have ALWAYS wanted a huge teddy bear/stuffed animal for Valentine's day. Btw, I am in eighth grade too . :D
Flowers, chocolates, whatever works. A girl loves anything as long as you get her something.
The movie choice.. Hmm. Well if you want something humorous, I would pick Little Fockers.
But, I saw Roommate with a group of people, and it is so funny, it is scary.
Dinner sounds good with a movie after. This sounds like a great date planned.
Happy Valentine's day, and good luck! :)

My bf didn't get me anything for Valentine's day?

My boyfriend of 5 Years! Keep in mind 5 Years, has never gotten me anything for Valentine's day, my birthday , or Christmas. Idk if I should be upset about this upcoming Valentine's day or just be whatever's with it. Even though i know he wont get me anything i always still do and I always go above and beyond and I always listen to what his interest are so I can get him some thing similar. I am not a materialistic girl I don't expect expensive fancy gifts all I would like is probably flowers. I don't even get to see him that day i actually never been with him that day. And its just hurts my feelings that I just want him to treat me special for a single day. We do get very well and love hanging out. But he has a "tough guy" personality and I know that's why he doesn't do anything for me. Idk what i should i do ?I've talked about it before and he just says you know I can't go (were long distance) I can't break up with him over a gift I just want him to know.. also I want to add that I think maybe he doesn't get me anything because he wants no future with me.. he says he loves me and I'm the best but he doesn't want to have kids and I was ok with that then later he says he doesn't want to get married or even live with me. Yet when he needs a place I always offer mine I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong.