Would Kissing A Recently Stung Person Cause A Wasp Allergy

I got stung by a wasp and feel sick.?

yes it may still hurt.
make sure the stinger is out, otherwise there could be an infection, or it may hurt for a long time to come.
and drink lots of fluids, that could counteract your sick feeling. You could also have a slight allergy to stings, but then again, who is immune to them?

symptoms are usually jabbing pain first, then subsiding pain with numbness finally itchiness and tender skin at the site of the sting.
people with allergies may experience different allergic reactions from tightness of chess, loss of breathe, or swelling at the site of the sting.

Is it normal for a bee or wasp sting to sting and feel hard severl hours after being stung?

This is the body's reaction to the venom in the stinger. You shouldn't have pulled the stinger out because some stingers still contain venom sacs which can cause more venom to be injected into the skin. But what's done is done. Make sure you watch him tonight for any signs of an allergic reaction. If he doesn't have one then he should be fine. Also make sure to clean the area and watch for signs of infection through the next couple of days.

Signs of infection:

Spreading redness
Increased pain
Warmth to the touch
and Pus/Discharge

If any of these occur with the next few days he needs to see a doctor. Apply heat to the area and Tylenol for pain.

What happens if you leave a bee sting untreated?

If the person is not allergic to the bee, nothing more than mild redness and pain will happen.

How many consecutive bee stings does it take to kill a person without a bee sting allergy?

As others have noted, the generally accepted number of honeybee stings that is sufficient to kill you is 10 or 11 stings per pound of body weight. So a 160-pound person could die from 1,600 to 1,760 stings in a short period of time. (Of course, if you are allergic to bee stings, even a single sting could cause death.)Young children or the elderly can die from many fewer stings than that, due to lower body weight or ill health. For example, in 2013 a little four-year-old Mennonite boy in northern Belize died after being stung more than 500 times by Africanized bees. That same year, in separate incidents, Africanized stings in one village killed five dogs and sent seven villagers to the hospital. The sting of Africanized bees is no more potent than that of European honeybees, but they are more defensive, more bees from the colony are likely to attack an intruder and the bees will pursue up to 10 times farther than other bees. In areas where all the bees have been Africanized, many domestic animals such as horses, cattle and goats are killed by the bees, and people are occasionally stung to death.The stings of some wasps and hornets are more potent than that of honeybees, so the number of stings that could lead to death is lower.Personally, I can’t imagine being stung a couple of thousand times. The pain and swelling would be incredible, and the impact on all the systems of the body would be terrible. I don’t think I’ve ever been stung more than about 15 times at once.

Have you ever experienced a sore throat from choke drills and if so, how long did it last before you considered other causes?

I have experienced this. I made the mistake of spending an hour having my team mate putting me in an almost fully locked in RNC (rear naked choke) and trying to escape over and over again. I got better at escaping but I had a sore throat for about a week.

Stung by a wasp, throat feels tight?

I got stung by a wasp maybe an hour ago. My throat feels a bit tight and I'm having some trouble swallowing, like I have to swallow 3 or 4 times to get anything down. I'm also rather itchy and slightly dizzy. Don't have any hives or swelling around the sting. Also having some small twinges of pain in my chest. I'm not sure whether to suck it up or go to the ER. Thoughts?

Are wasps poisonous ?

Wasp stings are usually venomous, so yes they are poisonous, and being stung results in your being poisoned. However, wasp stings are not evolved to kill humans, but they are effective deterrents- they merely wish to defend their nest. Wasps are therefore not usually a threat.

An allergic response to wasp venom can be fatal, and enough stings, if say, the nest were to swarm and converge on you, could theoretically deal enough venom to cause serious problems.

Wasp venom is alkali-based, so application of acidic liquids such as vinegar or orange juice will neutralise the sting and provide relief.

Most wasps are not social at all, but parasitic loners that hunt large insects and other small animals to lay their eggs in, providing their larvae with food upon hatching. Their venom is fatal to their small prey, but they will not sting humans or other large animals. You will probably never even encounter one.

Some tiny wasps spend their lives within the leaves of trees, causing warts and other disfigurements. These you will never even see.

What percentage of insects found in the United States are known to bite humans?

Few. The ones that will cause trouble are flies such as mosquitoes, blackflies, gnats, sand flies, horse flies, snipe flies, deer flies, and stable flies, plus lice (head, body, and pubic), kissing bugs, and bedbugs. Whether you get a reaction or not depends on your own genetics and whether or not you have allergies. Ants can also bite and sting, and certain bees and wasps can sting, but only if you bother them. Stings involve injecting venom, and are different from bites where you are poked by sharp mouthparts, but again the severity depends on your sensitivity to the venom. Most insects you see are harmless. Beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, cicadas, stink bugs, butterflies, moths… harmless. And even in the groups I mentioned before, not all members are harmful. The Elephant Mosquito for example is huge and scary looking… but won't bite, because they don't feed on blood. In fact, they feed on other mosquitoes, so they are good to have around!Obviously a bite from a mosquito carrying a disease like malaria or West Nile will be a bigger problem than, say, a bite from a bedbug, since bedbugs don't vector human diseases. Human Skin Parasites

What causes an inflamed red and painful area, like a large pimple on my lower lip? I've had this over a week and I'm concerned my doctor might give me an antibiotic shot for it. Is this a possibility? What may the shot be and is it painful?

This sounds like a cold sore. It often caused by the Herpes Simplex 0ne virus. There are medicines for cold soars that you can get at the corner drug store but they work best if applied at the first sign, not after a week.Cold sores are so called because they usually appear after a cold or other illness, often after a fever that weakens the immune system. But they are caused by an entirely different virus than the one that causes the common cold.The Herpes virus is contagious while the blister is out and definitely you should not kiss or touch others with the hand that has touched the blister until it has scabbed over.There is no shot a doctor can give you that would be helpful for this.When treating a blister, only medication for the pain would be helpful at this stage. Lip balms with camphor are generally preferred.Don't touch the blister and wash your hands thoroughly if you do.Definitely DO NOT engage in sexual activity because the blister on your lip can be transmitted to the genitals of others if it is in the active and passable virus stage.Herpes Blister (cold sore)