Would This Be Defined As

How would you define being cool?

One who sees her qualities rather than her dress is definitely cool.One who sees his behaviour rather than his abs is definitely cool.One who says “I love you, mummy and papa” more often than “I love xyz(crush/bf/gf)” is definitely cool.One who prefers books on pdf’s is definitely cool.One who hears his insults with the same laughter with which he did insult some one is definitely cool.One who can help a lady like Jaya Bacchan with same interest and joy as he would do to a lady like Aishwarya Ray Bacchan is definitely cool.One who follows Sarvesh with the same speed as he would do Sarvi is definitely cool.And this is the bestOne who upvotes this answer is definitely cool ;)Thanks for scrolling,#sst

If a man is only into large women, would that be defined as a set of principles or a sick sexual fetish?

This is a false dilemma. An example would be if I said “If you don’t like pancakes, is it because you have never tasted them or you have horrible taste?” You pretend that there are only two options and you must choose between them. Street canvasers use this a lot by stopping people and asking them “Do you care about X?” They’ve created a false dilemma because if you say no, you’re awful and no one wants to do that. If you say yes, you’ve opened the door for them to talk to you.If a man is only into large woman he is a normal man with a preference. There’s no such thing as a sick, sexual fetish. All sexual fetishes are normal, healthy, and fine. Someone can do something sick with a fetish or practice it in an unhealthy manner or without consent, but no sexual fetish is “sick”.

Would a Cube be defined as Plane Symmetry or Axis Symmetry?

Both. It has plane symmetry about a plane slicing it through the middle, and axis symmetry about an axis going through the middle.

How can the meter be defined as the distance light travels in 1/299 792 458 of a second, if the speed of light itself is defined as meter per second?

The speed of light is defined as being a specific quantity (299792458 m/s).  The cesium standard fixes the definition of a second.   Transitions between the two hyperfine ground states of cesium-133 have a frequency which is defined to be 9,192,631,770 Hz (1/s).  Both the speed of light and the hyperfine splitting in cesium-133 have absolute values that we can assign any number to (we just chose to assign previously measured values).  Thus, the definition of a meter is fully determined with respect to those two absolute quantities.

If Joshua wasn’t in the Bible, would that be defined as textbook genocide?


If you could pick one phrase to define yourself, what would it be?

“If I am not for myself who is…but if I am only for myself, who am I?!If I Am Not For Me, Who Is For Me? | Laitman.comI Am The Only One Who Is Ill | Laitman.comHow To Stop Thinking About Myself, Part 1 |

By what criteria would someone be defined as an individual capitalist, not just someone who supports capitalism as an economic system?

The capitalist according to Marx is a man so besotted with the earnings on his capital, that NOTHING else matters to him. He has a one track mind. Invent such people, (they cannot be found in nature, so you must do some serious Frankensteinianism) and capitaism will flower and flourish. In a non marxist world, where such people do not exist, you cannot find capitalism. But you can talk about them, and blame them for everything, and imagine they are out there, thwarting you, and thus explain the continued failure of your socialist utopian dreams. But you are in error - all the way.Gregory Norton, below, neatly sidesteps this issue in his opening phrase, “Ignoring the Marxist designation, …” - but all the “anti-Capitalists” are Marxists, so I do not see where he is going …And ALSO, following on from this, there is no economic system called* capitalism. The label is frequently plastered onto any tolerably successful non socialist economy, but avoidng the faults of socialism does not constitute capitalism - just plain vanilla sanity.Excepting*, of course, all those “callings” by leftists: but they are following Marxist theological doctrine - thus exempliofying religious fervou, not scientific scepticism.