Would This Offend You

Young girls would this offend you?

Ok i meet this really nice girl on yahoo answers well not meet becucase we havent meet in person but we chated and had a lot in commen and i do like her. Im on yahoo answers all day and i answerd this question. The person asked if its normal to be horny all the time at work and i commented as so did a lot of other guys did as a joke i said well contact me and ill take care of you. But i was joking and then after that i actually answerd the quesiton that maybe she should just pleasure her self or get some medical help. so that was that then like 20 min later the girl i had chated with im me pissed off ohh why did you tell this girl that you would take care of her sexually. and im like umm ok why are you gettng mad iv never meet you and your not even my gf yet. Shes 18 well thats what she told me but my quesiton is if this happen to you would you get mad too or is she over reacting. iv have not meet her and weve only chated once today.

Women, would this offend u?

i have strong feelings for this girl who is in a relationship with this guy who doesn't allow her to talk about her emotions, so when something is wrong, she can't go to him. they can only talk about "reasonable" things. she comes to me with her emotional problems. am i right to feel that this makes him a jerk, who doesn't love her? i know she has feelings for me too but we live far apart, since i graduated school and moved home. is it okay to say this to her "I used to think you and I had a lot in common. But now, I think we are really different. You are far too capable of inspiring of unbridled emotion to be with someone who is not obviously insanely in love with you. But that is coming from the perspective that the best relationships are when two people are passionately in love and that reason and passion are opposites."

Does it offend you?

Ha! Great subject! I totally support the fact that we are just an animal. Yes, we are a very complex species, but we are still animals. We still need the same necessary elements as other animals, we procreate like animals, we die like animals. We just happen to be a more sohpisticated and organized animal. Well, it didn't just "happen", it took a lot of work to get where we are, but there was surely a time when we were more "animal-like" than we are now. But, it doesn't change the fact that we are animals :)

Why don’t I have the right to offend you?

Who said that? You have the right to be offensive if that's what you wish to be.But you can't make anyone but yourself take offense if they've no wish too. The facts are evident unless you have an abnormality that’s not been known before.There are few things in life that you actually have control over when others are concerned, you may be able to make someone laugh, or yawn or angry, but only if they are willing to do so. You can also make someone die, it's against the law and will destroy your own life but it's possible.You can't make someone live that isn't predisposed to do so. also can't make someone happy, unless they want to let you. You do have every right to try.Just as you have the right to try and offend others that don't mean you'll be successful. Each and every individual has the right to decide what offends them and you have no business knowing what someone else chooses unless they want you to know.I personally don't want anyone to have that type of power over me and choose not to be offended, so I have effectively neutralized anyone ability to offend me regardless of their actions or ignorance.If I choose to be offended it's my actions and nobody else's that cause me to feel that way. Likewise, it's my responsibility to care for my own state of being, I'll not allow anyone that control over my life.If you believe differently then you have already decided to blame your feelings on someone else and that is your reality not anyone who does not wish to accept it.People have more power over themselves than most care to realize, the sign of a strong personality is one who takes charge of themselves first and foremost and carries with them willingly the responsibility of that choice.You won't see them attempting to blame others for their weaknesses, or their bad decisions. They don't expect unrealistic compensation or unearned rewards and never try to take credit for anything they haven't accomplished or deserved.Those adverse behaviors are signs of a weak personality and you will see posers attempt them frequently, which they have the right to attempt anytime someone is willing to let them get away with it.You may even see them act surprised and offended when you call them out on their bull shit, make no mistake they're not either, they're just acting.

Does the word "whore" offend you?

If someone called you a whore would you be like *gasp* WHAT!?

lol I wouldn't
only if its your best friend or something you know?
sometimes it could be for humor reasons

I think whores are pretty
But stupid
I rather look like one but not BE one

Is it "I am sorry to offend you." or "I am sorry to have offended you"?

If you are apologising for an offence that’s already occurred, I’d prefer the latter. Its tense makes it unambiguous. With the former, it’s not necessarily clear whether you are referring to a past or present act of causing offence. But this is nitpicking. Either would do.

How do you tell someone they offended you?

Thanks for A2AIt would be the best to clear out that what offended you to her. Else, you will be the one who stopped talking without any reason and will become a person with "bad attitude". Once, cleared you might be able to be friends as you were before as she might apologize for what she did. Be sure that you're asking her nicely and be patient.After clearing out what offended you and you still don't feel like being around you can state that you were offended and don't want to talk much from then on, and slowly you will lose contact.I hope it helps

Does my question offend you?

No, especially if I get ten million dollars for answering it first ;).

Do blonde jokes offend blonde people?

It depends. Some dumb blonde jokes are harmless and funny. However when they start turning crude and sexual, it's not a laughing matter.